I can’t root for Cowboys over Rams

Exactly, but I've been saying that for years and got labeled as a 'bad fan' by some. Most of whom are now in lock-step with that same mindset a few years too late, not that they would ever admit it.

I can see where they're coming from, as the minimum requirement for being a fan is liking your team and wanting them to win. But with 3 games to go in a lost season, I don't care about that as much right now.
Exactly, but I've been saying that for years and got labeled as a 'bad fan' by some. Most of whom are now in lock-step with that same mindset a few years too late, not that they would ever admit it.

It's just good to see you're still enthused and absorbing everything you can about this team and with both its wins and also its struggles. It's obvious that you've managed to keep abreast of everything that you can that has anything to do with their experiences. You're a passionate fan and that's a good thing, in my book. I enjoy your input and keep up the good work, ok?
I can see where they're coming from, as the minimum requirement for being a fan is liking your team and wanting them to win. But with 3 games to go in a lost season, I don't care about that as much right now.

I love my team. But that doesn't mean I have to blindly accept bad coaching or every dumb decision they make, and knowing that getting away from sub par coaching is in their best interests long term.
It's good to see you're still enthused and absorbing everything you can about this team and with both its wins and also its struggles. It's obvious that you've managed to keep abreast of everything that you can that has anything to do with their experiences. You're a passionate fan and that's a good thing, in my book. I enjoy your input and keep up the good work, ok?

Thanks for the kind words.
Guess that story will be revealed if and when JG is shown the door, I respect your opinion, but I doubt JG has the type of character that you are endorsing.

Well unless he makes some sort of statement to that effect, or cries at the news conference or such, we won't know. From watching his post game conferences, after losses, in which he grips the side of the podium with both hands and never moves them, it would seem he keeps a tight rein on his emotions....
It's that "losing to ultimately win" idea, like tanking.

And of course, the OP's fanhood must be called into question.

I have one question for those questioning the OP's fanhood. Have you ever seen a franchise like this one in the NFL? The owner plans a set up question on the radio to go on a 3.5 minute explanation of why he is the best choice for the GM. Not even Crazy Al at his craziest does that.

So, if you've never seen anything like this, might non traditional thinking enter into fanhood? What's the first thing you have to consider when considering the Cowboys? The HC? The QB? Or damage control on the GM?

I am hoping the Rams beat them soundly, the Eagles even more soundly and they lose to the Skins to top it off. This season needs to be topped off for this egomaniacal incompetent to realize his team has bottomed out. He must be despondent, embarrassed and willing to at least acquiesce control to the HC on what he should control, the coaches and players.

But here's what's wrong with my thinking, it's deadass wrong. It is not in this person to admit they are the problem, to the contrary, he will think he is the only solution as he "so eloquently" described on the radio interview. And who in the hell do you think controls the questions in those interviews?

So, attack my fanhood, because I two upped the OP with two additional losses because while it is probably wrong, it is my only hope that this team gets fixed. Some like to use the term "locker room cancer" to describe some players but that is reserved for only person on that team and it is terminal. The only way this can get fixed is for him to be gone. And not gone like off on the boat, gone like really gone.

20 million likes.

You nailed it.

Only hitting rock bottom causes the addict to seek help.
Guys who are calling my fan hood into question.

Don’t you want to get back to that feeling of elation at every victory and pain at every loss?

Instead of this emotional numbness to the result we have to enter each game with in order to protect ourselves?

And do you honestly think when the ball is snapped I will root for the Rams. Which I never said.

I am saying I am entering the game with an emotional numbness and indifference. Torn between what is short term gratification vs long term benefit. As I have the last few games.
Jerry will never give up being the general manager as well as the owner. Never. To do so would admit failure, which is to me silly because regardless of whether or not Jimmy Johnson really built and ran the team, as I and many others believe, the simple fact of the matter is that Jerry WAS the general manager in name during the 3 SB wins. Nobody can say he wasn't, he's always been listed as the general manager, at least on paper.

But the fact is that, again like myself, many others believe Jimmy was by far the reason for the team's early success, and Jerry simply cannot let go of the general manager's title until the Cowboys have won at least one more Super Bowl. To do so would, in his mind, validate my and others' opinion. Being the owner alone and being the one who hired Jimmy just isn't enough. I guess if it was he'd never have bought the Cowboys, which, whether we fans like it or not, was a poor imitation of its former glory, even though we had faith Landry and Schramm would turn things back around, if he was afraid to fail or would be content with just being a very rich man. He had and has an intense desire for more and more success, like most of humanity...
I do not get why this thread was moved out of the Fan Forum. This is about the Cowboys, it is not about the Rams.
This season needs to end and we need a head start on a serious head coach search.

There are other teams already interviewing top candidates. (Eg. Carolina) and others ready to pounce (eg. Jets, Giants).

Let’s just move forward. Why the useless delay. The team cannot succeed under the current atmosphere. Once you decide to divorce, you don’t hang around. Move on.
Then move along.
Rooting makes no difference whatsoever. It used to be nice to be emotionally invested, but even that's in the crapper. Jerry and his boy toy are just a joke at this point.
I also want to lose in case the Eagles beat us then I’m hoping for 6-10 and the highest draft pick possible.
I also want to lose in case the Eagles beat us then I’m hoping for 6-10 and the highest draft pick possible.

With teams like the giants, bengals, etc. probably ending up with about 2-4 wins, even at 6-10 Dallas won't get a top 10 draft pick, which gives them a shot at the really top players, after that having the 10th vs say the 16th pick isn't much of a difference, if that's the only reason for wanting Dallas to lose at least 2 more games, you're not gaining much...
Prime example of a bandwagoner.. Loves the highs but isn't around for the lows. I simply put these types on ignore. It makes it easy when they declare what they are like this.. Come on root for your team to lose?!?!?!

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