I disagree with those knocking Romo

Da Hammer

The Natural
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SultanOfSix;2330751 said:
Nope to both questions. Maybe you want Carter or Hutchinson back there again instead of a guy who throws for 3 TDs or over 300 yards in the majority of games he's played.
LOL wow then im sorry but u are blind! Im not saying Romo cost us the game or that he just plain sucks because he doesnt he still a very good QB. im saying that his decision making has a long way to improve and that it hurts the team at times. to say otherwise is plain ignorant! Like the first fumble he had plenty of time to get rid of the ball but he just held it thinking he had forever and he got hit n fumbled. or another play that he had plenty of time i think in the 2nd quarter and then throws a horrible pass that luckily was dropped by the CB. Seriously those oh would u rather have Carter or Hutchinson comments are stupid because they have no point. Look i understand that EVERY QB makes mistakes but Romo is right up there at the top of the list in turnovers and thats always gonna be a problem! He has a long way to improve in decision making before he can be successful in playoff game situation where turnovers kill u! Obviously the O-line needs to improve as well they were awful! But to not put any blame on Romo is just WOW... he's not the reason we lost i have not made one post putting the loss on him ive been putting it on the coaching staff but Romo certainly deserves a little blame for the early troubles!


The Duke
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Rampage;2330890 said:
:laugh2: @ this thread. you fans are like Wade. the players are never responsible. Romo fumbling 3 or 4 times is not on the o-line. maybe 1 but after that Tony has to be careful with the ball.
It is on the O-line when they are allowing guys to come at him from behind.

Honestly, learn the game.


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Hostile;2330936 said:
It is on the O-line when they are allowing guys to come at him from behind.

Honestly, learn the game.
:laugh2: 3 or 4 fumbles. learn the game? qbs are taught how to protect the ball and Romo doesn't. take it easy, Wade


The Duke
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Rampage;2330946 said:
:laugh2: 3 or 4 fumbles. learn the game? qbs are taught how to protect the ball and Romo doesn't. take it easy, Wade
Yes, learn the game. Better yet, don't, but follow the advice of Confucius.


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Rampage;2330890 said:
:laugh2: @ this thread. you fans are like Wade. the players are never responsible. Romo fumbling 3 or 4 times is not on the o-line. maybe 1 but after that Tony has to be careful with the ball.

:laugh2: And you're like the drunken fans in your average sports bar, unable to pick up on the nuances of the game beyond the head coach and the quarterback.

Here's a lesson for you ... when Flozell let's his man blow right past him from the blindside and he swipes the ball out of Romo's arm as he's winding up to throw three step drop ... that's not on Romo.


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Rampage;2330946 said:
:laugh2: 3 or 4 fumbles. learn the game? qbs are taught how to protect the ball and Romo doesn't. take it easy, Wade

People outside of the Zone Bubble see it that way. Dont worry.


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Spectre;2330537 said:
I don't agree that he played poorly or "sucks" or any of that.
He actually played quite well considering. He had an incredible stat line as usual and was able to spread the ball around when the opportunities were there.

But no one... NO ONE can play well, let alone protect the ball with that kind of pressure bearing down on him. He was under fire constantly, most of which cam from wide behind when he had no idea. He was hit over and over again and still got up and stayed in the game.

I just have to disagree with the Romo blaming. He never had time to make anything happen. The O-Line really dropped the ball in this one and they need to accept responsibility for it.

Romo got blasted all game more than he has all year or in his career. The oline needs to pick it up and give him some time. But he needs to secure the ball better.


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All I kept saying throughout the game is "why isn't Romo stepping up in the pocket". I think the line played horrible today but most of the time Romo held it way to long and did not have that timer in his head. He never stepped up in the pocket. The tackles did their job most of the time by rounding out the ends giving Romo a pocket but Romo just stood right in that path. The biggest flaw Romo and the offense has is there is no timing routes. Romo has to wait until a receiver is open and staring right at him with his hands up. Thats why the corners are always there to almost intercept the ball.


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Da Hammer;2330920 said:
LOL wow then im sorry but u are blind! Im not saying Romo cost us the game or that he just plain sucks because he doesnt he still a very good QB. im saying that his decision making has a long way to improve and that it hurts the team at times. to say otherwise is plain ignorant! Like the first fumble he had plenty of time to get rid of the ball but he just held it thinking he had forever and he got hit n fumbled. or another play that he had plenty of time i think in the 2nd quarter and then throws a horrible pass that luckily was dropped by the CB. Seriously those oh would u rather have Carter or Hutchinson comments are stupid because they have no point. Look i understand that EVERY QB makes mistakes but Romo is right up there at the top of the list in turnovers and thats always gonna be a problem! He has a long way to improve in decision making before he can be successful in playoff game situation where turnovers kill u! Obviously the O-line needs to improve as well they were awful! But to not put any blame on Romo is just WOW... he's not the reason we lost i have not made one post putting the loss on him ive been putting it on the coaching staff but Romo certainly deserves a little blame for the early troubles!

Romo is not the problem. Can he do things better? Sure. But, to complain that he's not doing/doing this or that has little bearing on the fact that there are greater, more significant problems on this team.

It's like complaining about a broken finger nail, while your leg is bleeding profusely.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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PBJTime;2330771 said:
The decision making and turnovers were a direct result of the o-line not protecting him. No QB will be perfect after being knocked down almost 20 times. You can only keep your calm so long after being knocked around like that. It's bound to get into your head.
O-line played awful no doubt like i just said in another post. they deserve a lot of blame but im just saying Romo cannot go without blame. Some of his mistakes early in the game came against pressure that were his fault by holding on to the ball too long or forcing horrible throws. again i repeat not every post criticizing a player means that the person thinks the player sucks because obviously Romo does not suck. i love him to death and i think he will lead us to a SB win one day maybe even this year but to say he deserves no blame is being a blind homer. He makes way too many bad decisions! However there's no reason to think he cant improve i think he will i mean Eli was able to do it! and Eli was one of the most heavily criticized players for his decision making and other aspects maybe ever in NFL history!


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Romo needs to either throw it away to avoid the sack or protect the ball.


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Da Hammer;2330998 said:
O-line played awful no doubt like i just said in another post. they deserve a lot of blame but im just saying Romo cannot go without blame. Some of his mistakes early in the game came against pressure that were his fault by holding on to the ball too long or forcing horrible throws. again i repeat not every post criticizing a player means that the person thinks the player sucks because obviously Romo does not suck. i love him to death and i think he will lead us to a SB win one day maybe even this year but to say he deserves no blame is being a blind homer. He makes way too many bad decisions! However there's no reason to think he cant improve i think he will i mean Eli was able to do it! and Eli was one of the most heavily criticized players for his decision making and other aspects maybe ever in NFL history!

When Eli faces the pressure Romo did today, he's lucky to crack a 50 QB rating.


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If you're facing that kind of pressure, then you're leaving guys in man situations all game long, and quite frankly we have too much offensive talent with Witten, Barber, Jones, T.O., and Crayton to not connect on any hot routes.


The Duke
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InmanRoshi;2330974 said:
:laugh2: And you're like the drunken fans in your average sports bar, unable to pick up on the nuances of the game beyond the head coach and the quarterback.

Here's a lesson for you ... when Flozell let's his man blow right past him from the blindside and he swipes the ball out of Romo's arm as he's winding up to throw three step drop ... that's not on Romo.
Wasting your time IR. Trust me. He will never get it.


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I still believe in Romo although he has to protect the ball better. Certainly, Dallas is not going to find someone on the street or in the draft that is capable of delivering three TDs a game plus 300 yards.

However, Tony Romo looks like a guy who is not enjoying himself. He looks like a man that is under a lot of stress. He used to have this happy go lucky attitude when things were bad he was on the sideline smiling with that cat ate the canary grin. Now he appears to go on the sideline and just sit alone. He needs to relax and be himself. I think the team responded to that.

Of course, I may be seeing things.


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InmanRoshi;2330679 said:
Where exactly is he supposed to scramble to? It's not like there was just one guy breaking free into the pocket to sidestep. There was a JAILBREAK on almost every snap. It's not like one Cardinal defender was having a great day and winning his match that he could anticipate ... one snap it was Dockett in his grill by the time he got out of his drop, the next snap LeBoy (when did freakin Travis Leboy turn into Lawrence Taylor?), the next snap Berry, the next snap Haggans, the next snap Okafor.

Hudson Houck may have secretly retired and just not told anyone.

I don't know why we don't roll Romo out in situations like this. He throws very well on the move, and it would help keep the defense from pinning their ears back and coming after him so much.

I also think Romo needs to take off and run occasionally when the opportunity presents itself. Not saying that he had much room to do that tonight, but this season he has tried too hard to stay in the pocket IMO.


The Duke
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proline;2331050 said:
I don't know why we don't roll Romo out in situations like this. He throws very well on the move, and it would help keep the defense from pinning their ears back and coming after him so much.

I also think Romo needs to take off and run occasionally when the opportunity presents itself. Not saying that he had much room to do that tonight, but this season he has tried too hard to stay in the pocket IMO.
You don't roll a QB out when the blitzes from the outside corner areas are getting to him. Not only does it give them more time to get him, but it limits protection in front of him too.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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SultanOfSix;2330992 said:
Romo is not the problem. Can he do things better? Sure. But, to complain that he's not doing/doing this or that has little bearing on the fact that there are greater, more significant problems on this team.

It's like complaining about a broken finger nail, while your leg is bleeding profusely.
When did i say he is THE problem????? im saying he is a small part of the problem cause of his decision making and turnovers. To say turnovers arent a problem is well i dont even know how to respond to that one... turnovers will always be a problem worth attention for any team! Those turnovers lead to missed scoring chances and putting other teams in situation to score more. how is that not a problem?


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Rampage;2330946 said:
:laugh2: 3 or 4 fumbles. learn the game? qbs are taught how to protect the ball and Romo doesn't. take it easy, Wade

Yeah, c'mon Hos...

Don't you know QB's are supposed to run around the pocket with both hands on the ball, use their spidey sense, and throw a tight spiral EVERY TIME.

I used to respect you as a poster, Hos.