I disagree with those knocking Romo

This is Our Year

Ohama, Kill, 52 is the Mike
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The last problem we have is Romo that's for sure. HOWEVER--

1. Special Teams Blow and will cost us a season

2. This defense is missing something, don't no what it is, but it's missing something. IMO if I had to guess it's pass rush yes Ware is great (although a little overratted IMO) Ellis normally puts up the number, Spencer hasn't reached his potential. We can't come up with a consistent rush that gets to the QB.

3. #2 WR (Terry Glenn) Why did this guy get hurt:banghead: ? We miss him A LOT


Zone Scribe
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Where exactly is he supposed to scramble to? It's not like there was just one guy breaking free into the pocket to sidestep. There was a JAILBREAK on almost every snap. It's not like one Cardinal defender was having a great day and winning his match that he could anticipate ... one snap it was Dockett in his grill by the time he got out of his drop, the next snap LeBoy (when did freakin Travis Leboy turn into Lawrence Taylor?), the next snap Berry, the next snap Haggans, the next snap Okafor.

Hudson Houck may have secretly retired and just not told anyone.


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Everlastingxxx;2330637 said:
Sorry, i think Romo is playing poorly this season. I think he has regressed. The guy cant learn how to put two hands on the football. Honestly, i wonder what game some of you watch. Do you not see the fumbles? Holding onto the ball too long? He is the Tony Romo i guess i have to learn to live with. Make some great plays and make some plays that cost your team wins. Sorry, he was not the only reason, but he is a big reason.

Fumbles and erractic play was the result of the lack of protection that Romo got in the game. As soon as he snapped the ball, they were in his face. I don't see how you can just place blame on our struggles on Romo.


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You can't put the loss on any one player. However, Romo of course deserves his share of the blame. Last year, when things would break down we saw Romo dancing his way out of trouble. In this game, it was as if he was completely oblivious to the pressure around him. Add that to the fact that he rarely tucks the ball away safely in the first place and you've got trouble. Not to let the O-line off the hook. Just wondering where all that awesome pocket presence went.


NFL Historian
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Romo's not the problem

The OLine was atrocious. ST was atrocious.

That's why we lost.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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InmanRoshi;2330641 said:
You mean people are criticising Romo after he goes 320 yards, 3 TDs in a game where he's sacked 3 times and gets knocked down NINETEEN TIMES and leads the team to an improbable game tying drive at the end of the game?

Wow, lots of people going full ****** tonight. Never go full ******.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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SultanOfSix;2330665 said:
Romo has never been a problem. People who complain about him are on crack.
LOL so his turnovers and decision making arent a part of the problem???? Is this some sort of joke u trying to make???


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InmanRoshi;2330641 said:
You mean people are criticising Romo after he goes 320 yards, 3 TDs in a game where he's sacked 3 times and gets knocked down NINETEEN TIMES and leads the team to an improbable game tying drive at the end of the game?

Wow, lots of people going full ****** tonight. Never go full ******.

Lmao,good one.But lets be honest here,the entire coaching staff was lifted
by Parcells and we're left with these misfits that should all be sent packing.


All Star
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StylisticS;2330684 said:
Fumbles and erractic play was the result of the lack of protection that Romo got in the game. As soon as he snapped the ball, they were in his face. I don't see how you can just place blame on our struggles on Romo.

I didnt say the entire blame was on him. Ok, its called the NFL, you have to get rid of the freakin ball, you dont have all day sometimes. Keep the man crush if you choose. I see it as it is, he is not playing well. He is just too careless with the ball.


Star Power
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Da Hammer;2330715 said:
LOL so his turnovers and decision making arent a part of the problem???? Is this some sort of joke u trying to make???

Nope to both questions. Maybe you want Carter or Hutchinson back there again instead of a guy who throws for 3 TDs or over 300 yards in the majority of games he's played.


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skinsngibbs4life;2330585 said:
He had people in his face all day. No QB can play under those type of circumstances.

What was the final stat... knocked down like 20 times? thats just horrendus.

Ya, when Romo stayed on his feet he was still throwing poor passes...


The Duke
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D41lasCowboys31;2330647 said:
I dont know whats going on Hos. Nobody seems to be blaming the special teams which is weird to me.
Lots of alcohol consumed man. Drunken ramblings.


Semper Fidelis
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Da Hammer;2330715 said:
LOL so his turnovers and decision making arent a part of the problem???? Is this some sort of joke u trying to make???

The decision making and turnovers were a direct result of the o-line not protecting him. No QB will be perfect after being knocked down almost 20 times. You can only keep your calm so long after being knocked around like that. It's bound to get into your head.


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The OL flat out stunk today. I don't think you can blame this loss on Romo. However...

1) Romo was holding the ball about .5s too long. One of the things that Romo used to do the best was to get rid of the ball quickly. Remember all those old training camp reports of how Romo would always get the ball out by the time the 3s horn sounded?

Was it plainly the fact that none of the WRs was getting open? I have no way of knowing the, but I do know that every other team gouges us with their 2nd and 3rd WR.

2) Every week, we are now seeing the same defense. Press cover TO and then play a safety over the top. The other team then sells out to stop the run. Our OC needs to find a way to combat this.


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Everlastingxxx;2330637 said:
Sorry, i think Romo is playing poorly this season. I think he has regressed. The guy cant learn how to put two hands on the football. Honestly, i wonder what game some of you watch. Do you not see the fumbles? Holding onto the ball too long? He is the Tony Romo i guess i have to learn to live with. Make some great plays and make some plays that cost your team wins. Sorry, he was not the only reason, but he is a big reason.

Don't agree at all. The first three games of the season,the o-line kept him clean. From the fourth game on,it's been katie bar the door! Is Kosier that missed? This o-line has been absolutely horrible the last three weeks.

This is Our Year

Ohama, Kill, 52 is the Mike
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PBJTime;2330771 said:
The decision making and turnovers were a direct result of the o-line not protecting him. No QB will be perfect after being knocked down almost 20 times. You can only keep your calm so long after being knocked around like that. It's bound to get into your head.

Bingo, once you start to get hit like that it throws off your timing for the rest of the game when your constintaly being abused.


Zone Scribe
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yesfan;2330719 said:
Lmao,good one.But lets be honest here,the entire coaching staff was lifted
by Parcells and we're left with these misfits that should all be sent packing.

Well, the two worst units on this team (apart from the special teams) are the OL and the secondary ... where Jerry brought in two of his good buddies from the "glory days" to coach some high dollar talent.



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Everlastingxxx;2330746 said:
I didnt say the entire blame was on him. Ok, its called the NFL, you have to get rid of the freakin ball, you dont have all day sometimes. Keep the man crush if you choose. I see it as it is, he is not playing well. He is just too careless with the ball.

Romo was not the big reason why we lost today though. The oline was. But the fact of the matter is that on a couple of his "fumbles", Romo was knocked down as soon as he snapped the ball.

I do agree with you though that if the pocket is collapsing or if there is nothing there, just throw it away. I think what Romo needs is somebody to stay on his behind instead of him going to the bench and sulking. But he put up solid numbers today including several drops from our WR's and TE's.


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:laugh2: @ this thread. you fans are like Wade. the players are never responsible. Romo fumbling 3 or 4 times is not on the o-line. maybe 1 but after that Tony has to be careful with the ball.