I disagree with those knocking Romo


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Romo stated in HBO's Hard Knocks that he was really focused this offseason on being more patient in the pocket 'a la' Tom Brady. He said when he watched film of himself last year, he saw himself constantly moving forward in the pocket with each read he checked. He felt this was a flaw and was determined to change that this year so he wouldn't be closing in on his line or the oncoming pressure with each read.

I wondered at the time if this was a good idea. I've always touted Romo as one of the most slippery, elusive QBs in the league who throws best when he is moving around amongst the pressure. Now I'm convinced he should get back to the way he did things in the past.

He should do Romo and let Brady do Brady. He is a gifted scrambler and good things always happen when he ducking and dodging and rolling around.


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Aikmaniac;2331101 said:
Yeah, c'mon Hos...

Don't you know QB's are supposed to run around the pocket with both hands on the ball, use their spidey sense, and throw a tight spiral EVERY TIME.

I used to respect you as a poster, Hos.
I blame it on the Nyquil.


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A QB cant play when he is being driven into the turf every freaking time he drops back to throw the ball, that is just a fact.

Our O-line sucks, that is what the problem is.


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gbrittain;2331046 said:
I still believe in Romo although he has to protect the ball better. Certainly, Dallas is not going to find someone on the street or in the draft that is capable of delivering three TDs a game plus 300 yards.

However, Tony Romo looks like a guy who is not enjoying himself. He looks like a man that is under a lot of stress.

In this case, stress wore a cardinal uniform and weighed about 600 lbs.


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Spectre;2331105 said:
Romo stated in HBO's Hard Knocks that he was really focused this offseason on being more patient in the pocket 'a la' Tom Brady. He said when he watched film of himself last year, he saw himself constantly moving forward in the pocket with each read he checked. He felt this was a flaw and was determined to change that this year so he wouldn't be closing in on his line or the oncoming pressure with each read.

I wondered at the time if this was a good idea. I've always touted Romo as one of the most slippery, elusive QBs in the league who throws best when he is moving around amongst the pressure. Now I'm convinced he should get back to the way he did things in the past.

He should do Romo and let Brady do Brady. He is a gifted scrambler and good things always happen when he ducking and dodging and rolling around.

Brady actually has an O-line, kinda makes a difference.

Da Hammer

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InmanRoshi;2331019 said:
When Eli faces the pressure Romo did today, he's lucky to crack a 50 QB rating.
i wasnt saying that Romo isnt in Eli's league or anything so no one accuses me of saying that. because its Eli who isnt in Romo's league! what i was trying to say is that Eli at the end of the year was able to improve his decision making and it was a huge part of why they were able to win the SB! So im saying if Eli can do it obviously Romo can do it but if he doesnt we arent gonna win a SB. and i think anyone would agree with me that if Romo continues to be near the top of the league in turnovers at playoff time that we arent going to win a SB or a playoff game for that matter...


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Aikmaniac;2331123 said:
In this case, stress wore a cardinal uniform and weighed about 600 lbs.

No doubt, but he has looked the same way to me for a while now.


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Romo played a good game... I've only seen him play 2 bad games; one was against the Bills last year and last week against the Bengals... The guy is not at fault. I would first look at the OL play and also the special teams, we sucked in both of those areas.

The defense played better, but still is not performing up to par. The scheme is setting them back... we need to be more aggressive in the secondary...


Star Power
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Da Hammer;2331072 said:
When did i say he is THE problem????? im saying he is a small part of the problem cause of his decision making and turnovers. To say turnovers arent a problem is well i dont even know how to respond to that one... turnovers will always be a problem worth attention for any team! Those turnovers lead to missed scoring chances and putting other teams in situation to score more. how is that not a problem?

Umm...this thread was in response to posters who keep pointing him out to be a problem, and he isn't. If you think he is a small part of the problem, then fine. I have no disagreement with that, except for possibly the size of the smallness. I believe the small problem is caused by the bigger problems on the team, and if those don't get fixed, then it doesn't matter what Romo does.


When Jerry, when?
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yesfan;2330600 said:
What happened to the scrambling Romo?or when the pocket breaks down.
I just wonder if the coaches changed his approach or plain out want him flat footed.He doesn't seem to have that elusive mobility or the confidence he
showed last year.

Don't you remember the big story about Romo studying Brady all summer, and trying to model his game to Brady's? They took Romo's moxie away, and tried to turn him into a robot. The only problem is, Dallas' receivers can't get off the line, and the linemen can't hold their blocks.

While the game was close, Barber's TD was a fluke, and the game wasn't really that close.

Romo has to be Romo. He won 13 games last year. Garrett was the hero coach. Neither have done well this year. Romo still hasn't had a "great" game, although, to his credit, he didn't get an int today. But two fumbles are about the same, actually they are worse. He gave up field position on both.

The Cowboys are what they are, a talented team without direction and purpose. Hard to believe.

Stewart has to go, as does the ST coach. Garrett needs to turn Romo loose.

Every team has injuries. Bennett didn't step up for Witten, but where was Curtis? Jones got dinged up, where was Choice?

I thought the defense was pretty good. STs gave up 14 points.


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SultanOfSix;2331221 said:
Umm...this thread was in response to posters who keep pointing him out to be a problem, and he isn't. If you think he is a small part of the problem, then fine. I have no disagreement with that, except for possibly the size of the smallness. I believe the small problem is caused by the bigger problems on the team, and if those don't get fixed, then it doesn't matter what Romo does.

Sure, thats a good point. But some are saying he didn’t do ANYTHING wrong. What about letting a 3rd down snap go threw your hands, holding the ball too long, throwing inaccurate passes and fumbling time and time again. Romo is the captain of the offense, he will always get credit and blame. If Romo knows he has less time, then throw the dump offs. I mean half of his stats are Barbers great play and hitting a wide wide open Crayton.

Da Hammer

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SultanOfSix;2331221 said:
Umm...this thread was in response to posters who keep pointing him out to be a problem, and he isn't. If you think he is a small part of the problem, then fine. I have no disagreement with that, except for possibly the size of the smallness. I believe the small problem is caused by the bigger problems on the team, and if those don't get fixed, then it doesn't matter what Romo does.
okay no i wasnt just trying to clarify my position so its not misunderstood u know? because obviously he's not the problem, anyone who thinks he is THE problem or thinks he sucks n watever is just a plain idiot and their opinions should not be taken seriously! because yea there is much bigger problems on this team that really need to be fixed! i just dont want people to also say he deserves no blame because he does. the fact is his turnovers and bad decision making isnt getting better and its something that needs to improve or it will become a bigger problem down the line! that does concern me n i think it should concern everyone! if they arent then you know fine but im just sharing my opinion which anyone can say what they want whether they think im right or they think im an idiot! it wouldnt be the first time i was called either name lol either way its not gonna hurt my feelings!


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InmanRoshi;2330641 said:
You mean people are criticising Romo after he goes 320 yards, 3 TDs in a game where he's sacked 3 times and gets knocked down NINETEEN TIMES and leads the team to an improbable game tying drive at the end of the game with less than a minute to go and no timeouts?

Wow, lots of people going full ****** tonight. Never go full ******.


Ultra Warrior

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Spectre;2330537 said:
I don't agree that he played poorly or "sucks" or any of that.
He actually played quite well considering. He had an incredible stat line as usual and was able to spread the ball around when the opportunities were there.

But no one... NO ONE can play well, let alone protect the ball with that kind of pressure bearing down on him. He was under fire constantly, most of which cam from wide behind when he had no idea. He was hit over and over again and still got up and stayed in the game.

I just have to disagree with the Romo blaming. He never had time to make anything happen. The O-Line really dropped the ball in this one and they need to accept responsibility for it.

As many times as Romo dropped the ball yesterday, I'd say Romo played poorly. Granted he did end up throwing over 300yds & 3TDs, he at many points yesterday could have caused the Cowboys to lose by a higher margin. Now Romo doesn't take ALL of the blame, for sure as there were MANY issues that made this loss possible. Piss poor blocking, garbage Special teams, Defense half asleep & who could forget Folks FG attempt hitting the goalpost? Oh & the STUPID penalties. Barber gets a huge TD & Davis HAS to go up & SPIKE THE BALL? :bang2:
To quote Owens " We lost as a TEAM."


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yesfan;2330600 said:
What happened to the scrambling Romo?or when the pocket breaks down.
I just wonder if the coaches changed his approach or plain out want him flat footed.He doesn't seem to have that elusive mobility or the confidence he
showed last year.

What happen is that they are trying to change his game, remember thoughout the first couple of games the guys calling the game would talk about him looking at tape of Tom Brady? He needs to go back to what he was or really what he is and thats more of Bret Farve.... Hes able to create plays in the open field. what do you think?:bang2: :bang2:

Word Mofo

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Like I posted in another thread:

Romo was holding on to the ball so long he looked like Bledsoe out there. Any time you wait that long your o-line is going to struggle.

The reason he's holding on to the ball for so long could either be because:
A) No one is getting open
B) He is in la-la land

I tend to go with A since T.O. is getting bracketed and Crayton is slow. Bite the bullet Jerry and trade for a #2 WR. You have ignored this glaring need for too long!


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I remember people saying our line was terrible with Bledsoe, they just needed to pass protect better. Then Romo came in and all of a sudden our line looked like pro bowlers, they still missed blocks, but Romo just avoided the rush and made plays. He isn't doing that anymore. Aikman even said so on national TV.
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utrunner07;2330549 said:
Even when he had time he through bad passes, made bad decisions, and dropped the ball. No excuses. He looked like Carter out there today.

Agreed... quit making excuses for his bad play..

Everyone complained when Bledsoe patted the ball 5 times before throwing and Romo was the savior because his style was different..

Now that style is played out.. He is too careless and is a clown.


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morasp;2332981 said:
I remember people saying our line was terrible with Bledsoe, they just needed to pass protect better. Then Romo came in and all of a sudden our line looked like pro bowlers, they still missed blocks, but Romo just avoided the rush and made plays. He isn't doing that anymore. Aikman even said so on national TV.

That's because he sits back there in the pocket standing tall holding the ball looking at all his reads. Basically, he's trying to be like Tom Brady. He needs to discontinue that and go back to being Romo.