I don't think I'll ever understand "sport fans"


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I don't think I'm more of a fan because of proximity but aren't most sport fans are fan of said team due to proximity? Majority of Rams fans are from St. Louis or LA. Majority of Dallas fans are from Dallas or Texas. Majority of Patriots fans are from the state of Massachusetts.

Not true at all. Not even close to reality....


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Well they did mentioned California and LA as a transplant city, but I don't know what it quite mean?

Transplants are people from other areas of the country migrating to or retiring in that community. florida, California, and Arizona are transplant areas. People from New York move to Florida, people from the mid west move to Florida or Arizona. I dont know why anyone would transpant to California but they do.


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How is that stupid? Explain this to me.

Your logic is outdated because sports are global and international now.

This was a hot take to make, criticizing LA fans for rooting for their favorite team after LA was left for dead in 95. Everyone isn't a front runner. To be a Cowboys fan after our past 25 years and not jump on the hot flavor with Chargers and Rams both in the SB hunt actually showed me something this weekend. These people stuck it out and look to be here for the long ride win or lose. Rams in the SB or not.

By your definition of fan, Americans shouldn't watch English Premier League, La Liga, or Bundesliga for example. Those are top leagues in sport and nobody here is within 5 time zones of the action. By your definition it would frustrate you that there are fans of Man U instead of the Galaxy. Whereas the Galaxy does not have the history of Man U, the popularity or the quality.

Point #2: I would think it's more front running to be a fan of a team that just arrived to the city and people just erased the last 20 years like it didn't happen. The fans of teams from far away or usually your strongest supporters because they have to work harder to watch the games, and get information despite the local media trying to push the local teams as the news source.


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You have to understand Los Angeles from the millennial point of view. They grew up without a football team and then at that time, a lot of Cowboy games will be on tv a lot because they will play at 10am or they will see the 1pm game if the local west coast team had a east coast game (this was during the 90s-00s when the Cowboys were still must see tv).

Add to the fact that a lot of fans don't like the Rams because they were associated with Orange County, there are still Raider fans when the Raiders were in L.A. but it is probably more because of the colors and the history, and many don't like the Chargers because of the fact that they play the Raiders and they are more associated with San Diego.


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fair point

I think there is something going on. Training camp isn't similar to the Cowboys playing in LA. 2 cities is nothing compare to how big LA county is and not to mention Anaheim and Orange County is still consider part of LA because fans of those two county are still fans of teams like the Lakers and the Rams.

LA being a transplant city is not a good thing. Obviously Philly, Pittsburgh, New England, Green Bay are not transplant city because no one wants to live there.