Here we go again...............mentioning Soccer and real Football in the same breath.
The reason why Soccer is the worlds "most popular sport" is because 3/4 of the world is third-world destitute, and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "Soccer". It's popularity in the U.S. resides in the AYSO youth stuff, extends to high school a little, and then fizzles. It's boring as hell. That's why they scream "GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLL" whenever there's an actual goal. Because it only happens once every fifth game!
Every 3-4 years, in the U.S., we get assaulted AGAIN with how "Soccer is finally NOW going to catch on with STUPID Americans who don't get what the rest of the world gets". Pele, The U.S. Womens Soccer team, the World Cup, Beckett, etc, etc...............all these things were supposed to finally get us "on board", but it never does.
Hos, I believe, was talking about Football in THIS country and guys in THIS country. And I concur with EVERYTHING he said................