I Don't Trust Guys Who Don't Like Football

parchy;2760615 said:
Pot? Meet kettle.

A baseball fan calling any sport boring is pretty funny.
I like baseball cause it was the hardest sport i've ever tried. also their's a lot more action in a Redsox- yankees game than england vs brazil or whatever is a big rivalry in that sissy sport.
Rampage;2760624 said:
I like baseball cause it was the hardest sport i've ever tried. also their's a lot more action in a Redsox- yankees game than england vs brazil or whatever is a big rivalry in that sissy sport.
juckie;2760617 said:
Wait dont u like to watch men roll around together in MMA?:eek:

Maybe Marion Barber loves soccer.
MMA is not a bunch of stupid people hitting helpless people from behind and hitting people with weapons because of a freaking game.
Rampage;2760631 said:
MMA is not a bunch of stupid people hitting helpless people from behind and hitting people with weapons because of a freaking game.
No its a glorified WWE mocking a GREAT sport that is boxing.

On that Note:pacquiao and Hatton tonight.
juckie;2760637 said:
MMA will be gone as quick as it came.
it's not going anywhere. Boxing is dying. there are no more fighters that people care to see.
Rampage;2760642 said:
it's not going anywhere. Boxing is dying. there are no more fighters that people care to see.

Take off ur Affliction cap pal.Cheesy sport.
juckie;2760648 said:
Take off ur Affliction cap pal.Cheesy sport.
it's funny seeing less and less celebs at boxing fights and more and more celebs at UFC events. their's 1 top fighter right now in boxing and that's Mayweather jr.
Rampage;2760653 said:
it's funny seeing less and less celebs at boxing fights and more and more celebs at UFC events. their's 1 top fighter right now in boxing and that's Mayweather jr.

Its funny how Mayweather will get paid a trillion dollars in his comeback fight and some meathead like that ****** who has a bayonet tattooed on his gut will make 150 bucks.BTW wasnt that douch in the WWE?lol.
juckie;2760663 said:
Its funny how Mayweather will get paid a trillion dollars in his comeback fight and some meathead like that ****** who has a bayonet tattooed on his gut will make 150 bucks.BTW wasnt that douch in the WWE?lol.
it's also funny how mayweather was involved with wwe last year at wrestlemania.

even Mike Tyson said he wants none of Fedor.
juckie, I find it hard to take seriously anyone who keeps using "u" in his posts.
And you have the nerve to call someone ELSE ignorant?
Most of the world is uneducated and ignorant. So they like soccer= who cares?
Its telling in this country that only the young play soccer and once they GROW UP they no longer care about it.

SOccer is a boring game and as someone who watched our women win 2 world cups I can say quite confidently I would rather have nails driven into my eyes then be forced to watch more of it.

And by the way soccer fans are much worse then filthy fans. I lived in England for 3 years and saw a lot of their antics way too close.
Can someone please explain how the blue hell did the topic of soccer worm its way into a football thread to begin with?
DallasEast;2760683 said:
Can someone please explain how the blue hell did the topic of soccer worm its way into a football thread to begin with?
some soccer sissy said it's more physically demanding than football is.
lewpac;2760210 said:
Here we go again...............mentioning Soccer and real Football in the same breath.

The reason why Soccer is the worlds "most popular sport" is because 3/4 of the world is third-world destitute, and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play "Soccer". It's popularity in the U.S. resides in the AYSO youth stuff, extends to high school a little, and then fizzles. It's boring as hell. That's why they scream "GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLL" whenever there's an actual goal. Because it only happens once every fifth game!

Every 3-4 years, in the U.S., we get assaulted AGAIN with how "Soccer is finally NOW going to catch on with STUPID Americans who don't get what the rest of the world gets". Pele, The U.S. Womens Soccer team, the World Cup, Beckett, etc, etc...............all these things were supposed to finally get us "on board", but it never does.

Hos, I believe, was talking about Football in THIS country and guys in THIS country. And I concur with EVERYTHING he said................

I enjoyed your first post ............but it never fails, you can't say anything without making some outlandish, narrow minded, idiotic statements like the part that is bolded above.
DallasEast;2760683 said:
Can someone please explain how the blue hell did the topic of soccer worm its way into a football thread to begin with?

r u paying attention or r u not reading y someone chooses to crap on a wonderful thread with how much soccer r better than football and is more demanding than ur average sport?


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