I Don't Trust Guys Who Don't Like Football

lewpac;2760796 said:
First of all, I don't recall anyone using the word "gay" with regard to folks who don't know football.............so document this for us please.

Secondly, I'm "the guy" who's telling you that, for all the "soccer is the most popular sport in the world" folks out there, I ask you "why"? So far, the other guy who called me "idiotic" and assaulted my character hasn't come up with an answer.

So, I'll ask you, he of the "name calling" cult. Why IS soccer "the most popular sport in the world?" if not for the fact that 4/5ths of the planets people are third-world destitute and poor, and all you need is a foot and a coconut to play the game? Because it certainly can't be because of the excitement and quality of athleticism.

You just called my opinion "idiotic". So tell us, why is soccer so wonderful in Crapistan and San Dirtville, but can't get a prime-time slot in America?

I'm waiting..............................

First someone doesn't have to actually say the word gay for people to read something and get what's implied. It isn't rocket science. It was pretty clear.

I honestly don't know the answer to why so many people love it. I'm not them. But you making some ignorant claim that it's cause they're poor as your only reason to back up your statement is silly.

You don't need a bunch of money to play football either. Like i said I'm sure you, and pretty much anyone else who loves football, can remember playing football in a vacant lot with nothing but a ball and a bunch of people willing to knock the heck out of one another.

I can't speak as to why other countries of people like other things that I don't care for. I'm not those people. But I don't come around attempting to claim they only like it cause they're poor. So what you're saying is people in those countries who aren't poor don't like soccer? If they've got money they like something else?

Please, while you're just throwing out that theory, provide this forum with some facts to back up the idea that they only like it cause they're poor. I'm interested to see where you've got this idea from other than simply not liking soccer so you make an ignorant statement.

I don't know why people love soccer, and I really don't care, that's their business. At least I'm man enough to admit I don't know instead of coming around and making some silly statement that it's cause they're poor. Then shouldn't all the American kids in the ghetto, with no money, like soccer more than football? I mean after all they're poor so apparently they can't afford that football that costs the same price as t hat soccer ball they could be kicking around.
lewpac;2760802 said:
Can somebody cue the "Jeopardy" song right about now?

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock..............................

LOL. Nice. I like that. Made me smile.
BraveHeartFan;2760810 said:
First someone doesn't have to actually say the word gay for people to read something and get what's implied. It isn't rocket science. It was pretty clear.

I honestly don't know the answer to why so many people love it. I'm not them. But you making some ignorant claim that it's cause they're poor as your only reason to back up your statement is silly.

You don't need a bunch of money to play football either. Like i said I'm sure you, and pretty much anyone else who loves football, can remember playing football in a vacant lot with nothing but a ball and a bunch of people willing to knock the heck out of one another.

I can't speak as to why other countries of people like other things that I don't care for. I'm not those people. But I don't come around attempting to claim they only like it cause they're poor. So what you're saying is people in those countries who aren't poor don't like soccer? If they've got money they like something else?

Please, while you're just throwing out that theory, provide this forum with some facts to back up the idea that they only like it cause they're poor. I'm interested to see where you've got this idea from other than simply not liking soccer so you make an ignorant statement.

I don't know why people love soccer, and I really don't care, that's their business. At least I'm man enough to admit I don't know instead of coming around and making some silly statement that it's cause they're poor. Then shouldn't all the American kids in the ghetto, with no money, like soccer more than football? I mean after all they're poor so apparently they can't afford that football that costs the same price as t hat soccer ball they could be kicking around.

"I don't know" this and "I don't know" that, and you're "man enough to admit" it. You're also "man enough" to call me an idiot and ignorant without backing anything up.

I'll tell you what's "man enough". "Man enough" is to express an opinion, stand by it, and watch while lilly-livered "sensitive" folks call you names but cannot support the alternative. "Man enough" is not calling someones argument "silly", and then hiding under your desk when I ask you to tell me why I'm wrong.

SO..............last chance..............don't just sit there and play AL Gore and Elton John, and declare how everyone else is WRONG! Tell us what you believe. WHY...........and AGAIN I ask WHY.............is Soccer "the most popular sport in the world" outside of my truthful opinion? Tell us. Inquiring minds want to know.

I told you (being a man and all) my opinion, based upon fact. Those facts have ruffled your politically correct feathers. So convince us. Tell us about all of the outstanding and wonderful attributes of Soccer that makes it "the worlds most popular sport", outside of my opinion...................which you STILL haven't done.
It just ain't football, it's life.

Hos, my hand trembles as it pecks out the words.
A post for the ages. And coming from me, I am sure it trumps all others' compliments because them parolees can be just blowin' smoke.

Again, a post for the ages.
lewpac;2760829 said:
"I don't know" this and "I don't know" that, and you're "man enough to admit" it. You're also "man enough" to call me an idiot and ignorant without backing anything up.

I'll tell you what's "man enough". "Man enough" is to express an opinion, stand by it, and watch while lilly-livered "sensitive" folks call you names but cannot support the alternative. "Man enough" is not calling someones argument "silly", and then hiding under your desk when I ask you to tell me why I'm wrong.

SO..............last chance..............don't just sit there and play AL Gore and Elton John, and declare how everyone else is WRONG! Tell us what you believe. WHY...........and AGAIN I ask WHY.............is Soccer "the most popular sport in the world" outside of my truthful opinion? Tell us. Inquiring minds want to know.

I told you (being a man and all) my opinion, based upon fact. Those facts have ruffled your politically correct feathers. So convince us. Tell us about all of the outstanding and wonderful attributes of Soccer that makes it "the worlds most popular sport", outside of my opinion...................which you STILL haven't done.

What facts? Where have you provided facts to support your opinion that they like soccer cause they're poor and have no other choice? You're one of the worst kinds of posters. You have no facts to back up your opinion, you just spout off ignorance, and then try to defend it by telling people they have to prove your 'facts' wrong. I don't have to prove any facts wrong because you've provided none.

I never said, that I recall, that soccer is the most popular sport. I don't even know if it is, nor do I care. You have done nothing but say they play only because they're from 3rd world countries and have no other optoins. So provide people with these facts you say you've got that support that opinion. You've not done that.

England, Germany, France, Itatly are all countries where soccer is pretty popular and I hardly think they rate as third world. Maybe you think they are, I don't know.

Beyond that I'm not hiding under any desk, especially for an internet tough guy who I am 100% certain wouldn't try and be nearly as 'cool' to anyones face. You're a typical internet tough guy, spouting off opinions as if they're fact, while providing no facts to back up said opinion, and then telling others they have to provide facts to prove your opinion wrong. That's just my opinion of you. Can you prove that wrong?

1312 West Elm
Duncan, Oklahoma

Prove to me that my opinion of you, and your internet tough guy act, is wrong.

That's about as silly a statement from me as it was for you to ask people to go out and prove your opinion for you with facts that you yourself don't have.


There is a site with a lot of soccer history, and such on it and you're more than welcome to look through out it and see there is anything there that says people only play it cause they're poor with no other choices. I didn't see any, while glancing over it, but I didn't take a lot of time to do so because I am pretty certain that I won't find any facts, anywhere, to support the idea that people only like soccer cause they're poor and have no other choices.

But whatever. It doesn't matter. You don't like soccer and that's fine. I don't like soccer either. I've never even watched a professional game of it. But you making a statement that millions of people only like soccer cause they're poor is just off base, to me. You have nothing to support such a theory it's just you not liking soccer so you're saying whatever you think sounds cool.
BraveHeartFan;2760849 said:
What facts? Where have you provided facts to support your opinion that they like soccer cause they're poor and have no other choice? You're one of the worst kinds of posters. You have no facts to back up your opinion, you just spout off ignorance, and then try to defend it by telling people they have to prove your 'facts' wrong. I don't have to prove any facts wrong because you've provided none.

I never said, that I recall, that soccer is the most popular sport. I don't even know if it is, nor do I care. You have done nothing but say they play only because they're from 3rd world countries and have no other optoins. So provide people with these facts you say you've got that support that opinion. You've not done that.

England, Germany, France, Itatly are all countries where soccer is pretty popular and I hardly think they rate as third world. Maybe you think they are, I don't know.

Beyond that I'm not hiding under any desk, especially for an internet tough guy who I am 100% certain wouldn't try and be nearly as 'cool' to anyones face. You're a typical internet tough guy, spouting off opinions as if they're fact, while providing no facts to back up said opinion, and then telling others they have to provide facts to prove your opinion wrong. That's just my opinion of you. Can you prove that wrong?

1312 West Elm
Duncan, Oklahoma

Prove to me that my opinion of you, and your internet tough guy act, is wrong.

That's about as silly a statement from me as it was for you to ask people to go out and prove your opinion for you with facts that you yourself don't have.


There is a site with a lot of soccer history, and such on it and you're more than welcome to look through out it and see there is anything there that says people only play it cause they're poor with no other choices. I didn't see any, while glancing over it, but I didn't take a lot of time to do so because I am pretty certain that I won't find any facts, anywhere, to support the idea that people only like soccer cause they're poor and have no other choices.

But whatever. It doesn't matter. You don't like soccer and that's fine. I don't like soccer either. I've never even watched a professional game of it. But you making a statement that millions of people only like soccer cause they're poor is just off base, to me. You have nothing to support such a theory it's just you not liking soccer so you're saying whatever you think sounds cool.[/quo

OK. Well............ahhhh............

No, I'm a "regular tough guy" for the record.............

Secondly, I EXPRESSED AN OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not "internet tough guy" bloviating, your physical address not withstanding.

I literally PUT OUT what I think. All you did was call me names, besmirch my character, and pulled the "metro-sexual" "I disagree, and you're an idiot" thing.

So, Mr. "internet tough guy", ALL I'm asking is for you to come up with something, ANYTHING better to dismiss my assertation. And not just a dismissive "you're wrong and you're an idiot".

Back it up. Give us something to chew on. Anything at all to consider as to WHY my truthful take is wrong.

FOR THE RECORD, and FOR ALL THE MEN OUT THERE, I hereby express an opinion:

The only reason that soccer is the worlds "most popular sport" is because 4/5ths of the worlds population is Turd-World, dirt-bag poor, and the only game in Rio Del Garbageville or Ubaa-luba-Dim is soccer. Since billions of people live in destitute, dirt eating conditions, these people don't need anything but a foot and a coconut to entertain themselves. THAT'S why soccer is "the worlds most popular sport".

I'm open to, and would be glad to hear any alternative opinion.

(you may call me a name at this point.................)
Nope. You win. You're right. They only play cause they're poor. I'm wrong.

You don't have to provide facts, apparently, to back up such a statement but you want others to provide you with facts that there are other reasons. That's cool. Awesome.

Great. Thank you for letting me know that people in other countries who love soccer only love it because they're poor. Despite the fact that I provided with you a few countries there were it's apparently super popular and are not 3rd world countries, thus, in fact, debunking your opinion that it's only because they're poor, but yeah, clearly, the 'they play cause they're poor' idea that you pulled out of thin air is clearly more likely.

Just like all those kids in America who are dirt poor and prefer soccer over football cause they're poor.

Now I'll sit around here and wait for you to prove my opinion of you wrong even though we both know you can't and won't.
BraveHeartFan;2760876 said:
Nope. You win. You're right. They only play cause they're poor. I'm wrong.

You don't have to provide facts, apparently, to back up such a statement but you want others to provide you with facts that there are other reasons. That's cool. Awesome.

Great. Thank you for letting me know that people in other countries who love soccer only love it because they're poor. Despite the fact that I provided with you a few countries there were it's apparently super popular and are not 3rd world countries, thus, in fact, debunking your opinion that it's only because they're poor, but yeah, clearly, the 'they play cause they're poor' idea that you pulled out of thin air is clearly more likely.

Just like all those kids in America who are dirt poor and prefer soccer over football cause they're poor.

Now I'll sit around here and wait for you to prove my opinion of you wrong even though we both know you can't and won't.

Alright, here you go.............

BTW, I appreciate that you concede because you have no forward arguments. All you got is "at least Europe likes it.........and the kiddies."
Still, no pro-active reason as to soccers popularity.

Europe.........First of all, Europe is more "third-world" than modern. Any place where drinking the wine is more advisable than drinking the water.........They still haven't figured out running water.
Secondly, anything "America", and Europe, out of pure jealousy, is going to counter. Been going on for generations. So your "well , Europe get's it" thing don't work. Europe, for any lover of America, is NOT an example or "beacon" of light. You can smell Europe from New York and know that you're a little too close. Europe is a "bend over backward" and "retreat" shop that cowers in the face of anything threatening or modern. And it's people would rather "fit in' with "the world" than grow up. Thus, Soccer is popular there, so they feel all "goody-goody" and "inclusive" with the rest of the turd-world. It's a "European thing".

Secondly, yeah, the kiddies like Soccer. My three kids play soccer.It's good exercise and they make friends. But, a strange thing happens to people at a certain age. "If you want to participate, play soccer. If you want to COMPETE, play football or baseball or basketball". THAT'S what happens to a kid at 14 or 15 or 16. They begin to want to actually "compete" and "win", and not play some politically correct game where "everyones a winner" by simply showing up and putzing around.

Again, I have an answer, and the nuggets to put it out there. And again, you have nothing except "you're wrong, you're an idiot, and I don't like you". Which falls into the category of "whatever".............
lewpac;2760889 said:
Alright, here you go.............

BTW, I appreciate that you concede because you have no forward arguments. All you got is "at least Europe likes it.........and the kiddies."
Still, no pro-active reason as to soccers popularity.

Europe.........First of all, Europe is more "third-world" than modern. Any place where drinking the wine is more advisable than drinking the water.........They still haven't figured out running water.
Secondly, anything "America", and Europe, out of pure jealousy, is going to counter. Been going on for generations. So your "well , Europe get's it" thing don't work. Europe, for any lover of America, is NOT an example or "beacon" of light. You can smell Europe from New York and know that you're a little too close. Europe is a "bend over backward" and "retreat" shop that cowers in the face of anything threatening or modern. And it's people would rather "fit in' with "the world" than grow up. Thus, Soccer is popular there, so they feel all "goody-goody" and "inclusive" with the rest of the turd-world. It's a "European thing".

Secondly, yeah, the kiddies like Soccer. My three kids play soccer.It's good exercise and they make friends. But, a strange thing happens to people at a certain age. "If you want to participate, play soccer. If you want to COMPETE, play football or baseball or basketball". THAT'S what happens to a kid at 14 or 15 or 16. They begin to want to actually "compete" and "win", and not play some politically correct game where "everyones a winner" by simply showing up and putzing around.

Again, I have an answer, and the nuggets to put it out there. And again, you have nothing except "you're wrong, you're an idiot, and I don't like you". Which falls into the category of "whatever".............

Huh...interesting...I don't recall ever saying I don't like you. Go figure.Secondly I'm sorry you live somewhere that your kids don't keep score or compete in soccer. My son plays to, has played for 5seasons (3 spring and 2 fall), and they keep score, tally wins, and compete. He's only 7, btw, so this idea that they don't compete must be a concept where you live, but not where I am.They didn't keep score when he was like 4, much like they didn't in T-Ball and such at 4 and 5 years old but after they're 6 and older they keep score and compete in everything. And my opinion is that yours is completely wrong. I don't need to back that up with fact, as you seem to believe I have to, because you provided people with zero facts to back up your claim that they choose soccer because they're poor and have no other options. Basically if you can just give that as an opinion and not back it up then I am well within my rights to say that in my opinion your wrong and I don't need to do anymore than that. Beyond that I'll leave this convo alone because we don't agree, won't ever agree, and that's fine.
What "facts" can I offer than the obvious?

Who are the countries and the biggest hay-makers, trouble-makes, stadium-packers, hulligans, and "mob-mentallity" folks in the sporting world?

Soccer fans, that's who. And where do they come from? Europe for sure. Also, every other third-world poor-ville they don't want to talk about on ESPN.

C'man man? Do we seriously need to debate the obvious? Do you REALLY want to contend with WHAT sport has the most BACKWARD and ANIMAL fans in the world? REALLY? You want to embarass yourself along these lines?
DO you watch any sports television?

Everyone and their brother knows that soccer is like God in Uba-Guba Land, on the border between such forward countries as Peru and Venezuela, and is a real "show stopper" in "Mugabi-town". Please. Give me a break and just dry up and go away.

Soccer sucks, nobody who works for a living and speaks American gives a rats ***. Any sports that girls can play, I'm not interested in. That leaves Football. Girls shouldn't be allowed to play baseball, basketball, hockey, and shouldn't be allowed to box either. So those sports, by extension, I put up with. Girls also don't drive NASCAR rides, and I love NASCAR.

You may call me a name now. The goofiest think I ever saw in my life was a girl in a football uniform. Just take it out back and buy it. Let the girls play soccer, we'll play football. Leave me alone....................
lewpac;2760912 said:
What "facts" can I offer than the obvious?

Who are the countries and the biggest hay-makers, trouble-makes, stadium-packers, hulligans, and "mob-mentallity" folks in the sporting world?

Soccer fans, that's who. And where do they come from? Europe for sure. Also, every other third-world poor-ville they don't want to talk about on ESPN.

C'man man? Do we seriously need to debate the obvious? Do you REALLY want to contend with WHAT sport has the most BACKWARD and ANIMAL fans in the world? REALLY? You want to embarass yourself along these lines?
DO you watch any sports television?

Everyone and their brother knows that soccer is like God in Uba-Guba Land, on the border between such forward countries as Peru and Venezuela, and is a real "show stopper" in "Mugabi-town". Please. Give me a break and just dry up and go away.

Soccer sucks, nobody who works for a living and speaks American gives a rats ***. Any sports that girls can play, I'm not interested in. That leaves Football. Girls shouldn't be allowed to play baseball, basketball, hockey, and shouldn't be allowed to box either. So those sports, by extension, I put up with. Girls also don't drive NASCAR rides, and I love NASCAR.

You may call me a name now. The goofiest think I ever saw in my life was a girl in a football uniform. Just take it out back and buy it. Let the girls play soccer, we'll play football. Leave me alone....................

Ummm...ok....feel better now?
BraveHeartFan;2760921 said:
Ummm...ok....feel better now?

Almost there..................

Besides "A League of their Own" and "Million Dollar Baby", name for me any "chick" movie having to do with sports.............?

You can't, because IT'S OUR DOMAIN! Especially football.

Don't even get me started on the list of "guy/sport" flicks. No women, no children, no "soccer" stuff, none of that crap.

Every great "guy/sports" movie (Rocky, Feild of Dreams, Hoosiers, Rudy, etc, etc, etc............) is nothing but "GUY, GUY, GUY, MAN, MAN, MAN", but nobody wants to admit it. It ain't "PC".

Every great Mob movie or Cop movie or "Batman" type movie..........same thing. No "soccer" dudes, no sissy crap. At least I admit it and say it out loud, at the expense of the name-callers. It is what it is. It's what sells.

Go see "Saving Private Ryan", "The Godfather", "Hoosiers" or "Rocky" and tell me where in the movie is the soccer guy? He ain't there, because it doesn't sell in this country.

In fact, I would ask anyone on this board to admit that he went to the movies, uncoerced by the wife, and paid to see "Milk" or "Brokeback Mountain"! Step up and tell us..................

I'm waiting.........................

The total is ZERO. Because that's what Hos was talking about in the OP. Football in America. Men. Manhood. Life for men in America. And Soccer and "Milk" wasn't on his mind when he started this thread.......................
lewpac;2760912 said:
What "facts" can I offer than the obvious?

Who are the countries and the biggest hay-makers, trouble-makes, stadium-packers, hulligans, and "mob-mentallity" folks in the sporting world?

Soccer fans, that's who. And where do they come from? Europe for sure. Also, every other third-world poor-ville they don't want to talk about on ESPN.

C'man man? Do we seriously need to debate the obvious? Do you REALLY want to contend with WHAT sport has the most BACKWARD and ANIMAL fans in the world? REALLY? You want to embarass yourself along these lines?
DO you watch any sports television?

Everyone and their brother knows that soccer is like God in Uba-Guba Land, on the border between such forward countries as Peru and Venezuela, and is a real "show stopper" in "Mugabi-town". Please. Give me a break and just dry up and go away.

Soccer sucks, nobody who works for a living and speaks American gives a rats ***. Any sports that girls can play, I'm not interested in. That leaves Football. Girls shouldn't be allowed to play baseball, basketball, hockey, and shouldn't be allowed to box either. So those sports, by extension, I put up with. Girls also don't drive NASCAR rides, and I love NASCAR.

You may call me a name now. The goofiest think I ever saw in my life was a girl in a football uniform. Just take it out back and buy it. Let the girls play soccer, we'll play football. Leave me alone....................

This, in a nutshell, is why educated people of the world hate America.
lewpac;2760944 said:
Almost there..................

Besides "A League of their Own" and "Million Dollar Baby", name for me any "chick" movie having to do with sports.............?

You can't, because IT'S OUR DOMAIN! Especially football.

Don't even get me started on the list of "guy/sport" flicks. No women, no children, no "soccer" stuff, none of that crap.

Every great "guy/sports" movie (Rocky, Feild of Dreams, Hoosiers, Rudy, etc, etc, etc............) is nothing but "GUY, GUY, GUY, MAN, MAN, MAN", but nobody wants to admit it. It ain't "PC".

Every great Mob movie or Cop movie or "Batman" type movie..........same thing. No "soccer" dudes, no sissy crap. At least I admit it and say it out loud, at the expense of the name-callers. It is what it is. It's what sells.

Go see "Saving Private Ryan", "The Godfather", "Hoosiers" or "Rocky" and tell me where in the movie is the soccer guy? He ain't there, because it doesn't sell in this country.

In fact, I would ask anyone on this board to admit that he went to the movies, uncoerced by the wife, and paid to see "Milk" or "Brokeback Mountain"! Step up and tell us..................

I'm waiting.........................

The total is ZERO. Because that's what Hos was talking about in the OP. Football in America. Men. Manhood. Life for men in America. And Soccer and "Milk" wasn't on his mind when he started this thread.......................


This post is awesome.

It's pretty clear to me now. You're hen pecked. Your wife wears the pants and this forum, and the internet in general most l ikely, is your way to fight back and feel more manly.
You know what I hate? People who hijack threads so that they can foist their own agenda on everyone else even though it has nothing to do with the subject of the thread, or even of the forum itself.

Juckie, you have ruined an otherwise great thread by your agenda regarding soccer. Thanks for nothing pal. We all know how you feel now so how about giving it a rest for the next 20 years and sticking to discussing the Dallas Cowboys and NFL football on this board.

This thread has gone 14 pages so far and most of it was discussing soccer! That's your fault Juckie.

I couldn't care less about soccer, golf, baseball, curling, WNBA, or a host of other boring games. So if anyone wants to talk about those things they should go to a forum FOR those activities. If you want to talk about how great soccer is then go find a Manchester United forum and type to your heart's content. On this board we talk about football!

:bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2: :bang2:

Oh, by the way, Juckie, you're now on my ignore list so no need to reply to this post.
My wife's entire family doesn't watch football.
dmq;2761025 said:
My wife's entire family doesn't watch football.

Doesn't matter if my wife's family watch's football. It's that they understand that I DO!

If Dallas isn't on, then I may or may not attend the family function. But, if Dallas is on the TV (and my wife knows this), then don't even ask. I ain't going. No TeeVo, no recording, no "wait for SportsCenter" either. I ain't going.

I've missed more than a few "important" family get-togethers over the years due to a Cowboy game or a NASCAR race that I like a lot too. It's to the point where my wife just says "I'm taking the kids to uncle Bill's on Sunday for his birthday party. Enjoy the game, we'll be back by 6:00.

That's a good place to be at. She loves me enough to not make me feel lousy over watching the game. Her mother tried to say something about it about 16 years ago. That lasted all but one time. Not a peep since........

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