I feel like everyone here is trying to shut up realists

That's been present for quite some time. Just like Romo.

Hell, we would have had a real party with Aikman and Walsh and this board would have looked like the opening scene of "The Gladiator".

CF, I don't know if other team boards are like this but we seem to take a player, any player but Gallup so far and Parsons, and divide camps over them. Diggs went 2 games without a pick, time to tie him to the stake.
I loved Aikman
So your opinion of him will sway based on how he played in a given week?
I am still skeptical of his contract and want him to earn it. Dak has played well this season but I want us to win a playoff game. I am just cautious to be optimistic based on past teams and past failures.
Some fans invest too heavily into ESPN.
The argument is that the haters never give him credit, but rip into him when he has a bad game. That's my argument.....he has a great game and they keep their mouth shut of give credit to the OL and Moore....he plays bad....it's all his fault. Open your eyes, if you are truly impartial. I call out ignorance and idiocy when I see it.
But is it not OK for posters not to like him? Many act like others have to have a reason for not liking him and they really don't.

I don't care if anyone likes him or not but I am appreciative of what they've had at QB and could have had Lynch or Cook. Some want better for their team like they do for their daughters. Oh, he's OK but not who I would have picked for her to marry.
You forgot this excuse....:muttley:

show me my excuse. I clearly said Dak played bad yesterday.

but show me one post from you ever that says Dak played a good game and dak was great.
I am still skeptical of his contract and want him to earn it. Dak has played well this season but I want us to win a playoff game. I am just cautious to be optimistic based on past teams and past failures.

The reality of the contract is it's right in line with other QB's who have not yet "earned" it like Josh Allen/DeShaun Watson.
All I know is if they don't play better going forward, Dak won't be MVP, Moore won't be a head coach next season, and we can stop talking about home field advantage and start worrying about the division. No way we can be as bad as what we saw yesterday.
But is it not OK for posters not to like him? Many act like others have to have a reason for not liking him and they really don't.

I don't care if anyone likes him or not but I am appreciative of what they've had at QB and could have had Lynch or Cook. Some want better for their team liker they do for their daughters. Oh, he's OK but not who I would have picked for her to marry.
Like? I don't care about liking someone.....respect is what I care about. If fans don't respect his game, even though he's earned it.....that's an issue for me. Constantly badgering his negatives and never giving him credit for his positives is what pisses me off.
QB and team legacies are created in the playoffs. If you want to be fair, he has a 1-2 record in the playoffs so if you wanna judge him for that, then fine. But these regular season games I don't put too much stock into. I can't recall the last time the best regular season quarterback actually won the Superbowl that same season.
Nobody here hates Dak.

Nobody here wants him to fail. If he fails we fail. Some of us just want to see winning football. However anytime we call Dak out, people come out of the woodwork to call us stupid or whatever. We are realists. I am going to judge my QB after a win AND after a loss. He got payed and part of the job is having fans saying what they think even if the team doesn't care.

If we win next week? I'll be all for dak. However yesterday? He **** the bed. I don't get why this is an argument

There are people that clearly hate Dak. So your realist position started off a little sketchy to begin with.

Then you went on to say nobody wants him to fail. But that, too, is incorrect. There are people on this board that stake their - claim, football knowledge, reputations - on the failure of Dak Prescott.

This is not about calling Dak out for some. This is about investing several seasons lambasting Dak. And when this season arrived and he had a string of good games, and this team played well, they - those who have made a living despising Dak - were pinned to the mat for a three count on their assaults on Prescott.

And....his pay has nothing to do with it. That seems to stick in the craw of so many here. Dak did not set the pay structure of QB's in this league. Every player is over paid.

Further, fans have no stake in this team other than bragging rights. We do not have a hand in the success nor failure of this franchise. But you wouldn't know that as many people say "We," when speaking about the team like they have a jersey with their name on it hanging in the locker room.

And even then fandom does not lend itself to insults by people with agendas to make themselves look good.

I dare say not many of us, if any of us, have a relationship with any player or coach. The vitriol is mere spite for hurt feelings when the team, coach, or player does not live up to expectation placed on them by fans.

He had a bad game yesterday. Does that now diminish the good games he's had this season? Does one game justify the malevolence hurled at a guy none of us know personally?

To some here it is celebration time because they have married themselves with the spite hurled at Dak.

I have been a fan since 1960. I have seen good, bad, great, and terrible. One thing I know is the team will forever fall short sometimes and exceed expectations other times. And in the bad times, the other team, more than not, outplayed the Cowboys.

On That Day!

So your realist treatise on this team and how fans are viewed missed the mark.

The team lost a game. Here is late breaking news. They will lose others before you go teats up.

Realist or not.

He literally said, "The entire team did..." as in the entire team played badly.

You are proving the point of the OP. Jumping all over him because he was critical of Dak.
You stink at English.

Here is what he said:

"I just meant I see people mocking people calling out Dak. Almost like they are dak fans first. He played badly. The entire team did and he deserves the criticism at least this week."

Notice in bold: He said, "Dak deserves THE criticism at least this week." "THE" means he's placing criticism solely on Dak. If he meant the whole team deserves criticism, he should have said "some criticism" instead.
That's not the argument......all true fans want him to succeed...my issue is with fans that relish the moments that he fails.
I bet you can't name 3 Zoners who "relish the moments that he fails."

I can only think of one person who you would label a "hater" that hasn't given Dak props for his play so far this season.

The truth is, you guys love to have someone to hate and that love blinds you to reality.
show me my excuse. I clearly said Dak played bad yesterday.

but show me one post from you ever that says Dak played a good game and dak was great.
This was not his first GARBAGE game and trust me it won't be his last.
Year 6 how many more till some of you finally stop insulting the game and referring to Dak as Elite????
Either way HF.....
Life is like a box of chocolates. People are the same way. You got to leave the ones you don't like on the sidelines.
Like? I don't care about liking someone.....respect is what I care about. If fans don't respect his game, even though he's earned it.....that's an issue for me. Constantly badgering his negatives and never giving him credit for his positives is what pisses me off.
Quite a few people let like and respect intersect.

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