I fully expect Dak and the other 2 top players to receive extensions!


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Nobody cared about the Cowboys when they were a losing team.
Maybe not back in the 80s, but since Jerry has been the owner it doesn't matter what the Cowboys record is they will be cared about and talked about.

They are a staple now just like the Lakers and Yankees.

Cowboys, Lakers, and Yankees can be laughing stocks and will still get more coverage than the Jaguars, Hornets, and Twins.


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Maybe not back in the 80s, but since Jerry has been the owner it doesn't matter what the Cowboys record is they will be cared about and talked about.

They are a staple now just like the Lakers and Yankees.

Cowboys, Lakers, and Yankees can be laughing stocks and will still get more coverage than the Jaguars, Hornets, and Twins.
They didn’t care about the cowboys lost Aikman until Parcells arrived and found a franchise qb.


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Well if they’re going to pay him top of the market money then they might as well do it now
Question is what are they asking? All these agents look at that fully guaranteed contract Watson received from the Browns


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Well if they’re going to pay him top of the market money then they might as well do it now
Right like what's the hold up is it just to see how lance is going to do after pre season or something? Then will come out and say we had plans all along to sign dak we want him he's our guy


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Shouldn't it read 'The top two players, oh and Dak'


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It's going to be tough on the Cowboys total talent pool.

This will really continue to put the pressure on the scouting department to continue to find productive rookies, both drafted and free agents. I don't see how they can afford to pay their 2nd tier players after their rookie contracts expire.

The Cowboys may regret losing some of their young players in a few seasons.

Halfway through the contracts of Prescott, Parsons, and Lamb. they will have to deal with the contracts of Tyler Smith, Bland and Ferguson. One might say, well, that's true of all teams.

However, I doubt there is another team out there that must deal with three players asking for the largest contract for their positions in history around the same point in time.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak struggles in big games.

Can’t win.

He should go somewhere else and lose there.
We can only hope it happens ASAP.
There is no way he survives this coming season..........R.I.P. Dak Raine(Pick 6's) Prescott from the Dallas Cowboys!!!


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Question is what are they asking? All these agents look at that fully guaranteed contract Watson received from the Browns
But France knows that Jerry's MO is to give large Signing Bonus and then prorate. This reduces the chances that Dak'll get cut as there will be an astronomical hit, as we're seeing in '24 and especially '25 and therefore makes the need for guaranteed money redundant.
Eg - Jerry was all but forced to pay Dak's 2024 non-guaranteed salary and roster bonus as he couldn't afford to count the Dead Money.


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If the Cowboys truly wanted to move on from Dak Prescott as their franchise QB, a move already would of been made. If they communicated that he is no longer in their future plans, Dak would of easily waived his no trade clause. Most may disagree, but the reality is that the Cowboys would have received a big package if they decided to trade him prior to the draft. In my opinion, there is very little chance they allow him to walk and just receive 3rd rd comp for his departure. The only thing that could change their thinking is if Trey Lance explodes in camp and forces their hand, but that remains extremely unlikely.

Cee Dee Lamb extension is just a matter of time. Under the Jones family, they always covet that #1 receiver, Lamb has proven to be just that and they are going to pay him what he is worth, probably market setting, if not top 3 at the position. Last time they decided to go receiver by committee, it was a total disaster.

Parsons just like Lamb plays at a premium position that the Cowboys Front Office has always paid in the past. The only one who walked away was Randy Gregory cause of a contract clause, hindsight, Cowboys really dodged a bullet as he is set to play with his 3rd team next year since his departure. Parsons/Diggs are their two defensive stars and they will keep them together for the forseeable future. Bland will join them down the line.

How do they manage the cap with such high salaries? Pretty much what they have been doing, don't spend fa dollars and replacing the aging players with controllable, low cost players through the draft.
They want him to win the bling for them or he gets his walking papers.


Well-Known Member
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It's going to be tough on the Cowboys total talent pool.

This will really continue to put the pressure on the scouting department to continue to find productive rookies, both drafted and free agents. I don't see how they can afford to pay their 2nd tier players after their rookie contracts expire.

The Cowboys may regret losing some of their young players in a few seasons.

Halfway through the contracts of Prescott, Parsons, and Lamb. they will have to deal with the contracts of Tyler Smith, Bland and Ferguson. One might say, well, that's true of all teams.

However, I doubt there is another team out there that must deal with three players asking for the largest contract for their positions in history around the same point in time.
When the Eagles signed Hurts to his current deal he was the highest paid at his position in the NFL. When the Eagles signed Brown to his current deal he was the highest paid at his position in the NFL. When the Eagles signed Dickerson to his current deal he was, and still is, the highest paid at his position in the NFL. A reminder, all 32 NFL teams operate under the same rules in deference to player compensation. The Cowboys may be the team that likes their guys. The Eagles apparently like their guys even more. When you sign a player for top of market pay it doesn’t take long for some other team to sign their guy for more. Hurts won’t even be top ten in 18 months. Brown won’t be top five in 18 weeks, maybe 18 days. If you have a top talent it’s going to take money to simultaneously retain him and make him happy.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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He will if he gets permission and thinks he'll be riding the pine this year.
He won’t get permission and he won’t be riding the pine this year no matter how much you and the rest of the fan base are hoping for it. It simply won’t happen. The only way he ends up on the sidelines is if he’s injured.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He won’t get permission and he won’t be riding the pine this year no matter how much you and the rest of the fan base are hoping for it. It simply won’t happen. The only way he ends up on the sidelines is if he’s injured.
Thanks for clearing that up Jerry.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Thanks for clearing that up Jerry.
No player under contract gets permission to talk to other teams especially during the season. You would think you would know that.