I got punched!

Rynie;3998279 said:
He didn't deserve to be punched. Are you kidding me? Maybe if he was really farting. He clearly told the old white trash guy It wasn't real. If that dude punched me like that....


...and before anybody tries to call me out for "beating on an old man" ...well, he punched first, so he would have deserved it.


Would like a word with you...
tupperware;3998569 said:


He has dozens and dozens of these videos. He doesn't "target" anyone in particular, btw.

I mean it's fine if you don't condone what he's doing and saying it's disrespectful.

But please don't try to condone violence in the same breath where you talk about how stupid it is to pull a prank and in the next sentence talking about what a bad whooping you'd put on someone who did that. I've watched both edbassmaster and jack vale for a while. I don't feel sorry for him because he's probably earning plenty of fame and sales of his device for this. I just think the hypocrisy of it all is a little irritating.

I have not heard of the guy before. Does he just go around and fart on folks?
I have never understood fart humor, why is that sort of thing funny?

It's not even like I'm some kind of highbrow, intellectual comedy fanatic. I'll still chuckle like a child when the football inevitably hits dad in the nuts on America's Funniest Home Videos, but fart jokes... I just don't get it.
ScipioCowboy;3998350 said:

They targeted that couple because they fit a stereotype, and there was nothing funny about their "joke".

I have little sympathy for people who act like ******* in public.

So what happens when he targets people who don't fit the stereotype?
Hoofbite;3998610 said:
So what happens when he targets people who don't fit the stereotype?

You mean like the old people, women, and kids he targeted in that newest video?
zrinkill;3998668 said:
You mean like the old people, women, and kids he targeted in that newest video?

Exactly what I mean, he targets everybody.

What do you have left after taking out old people, women and children?

He's supposed to target only men?

What population is safe? Single males, aged 18 - 40? Seriously, what population need we not protect from fictitious flatulence?
Hoofbite;3998685 said:
Exactly what I mean, he targets everybody.

What do you have left after taking out old people, women and children?

He's supposed to target only men?

What population is safe? Single males, aged 18 - 40? Seriously, what population need we not protect from fictitious flatulence?

You're the only one talking about needing to protect a certain segment of the population. Not I.

I simply find it rather convenient that, in a store full of people, he targets two elderly, disabled persons for his prank.

If you find him humorous and intellectually stimulating, you're free to do so. I just find him to be a ******.
ScipioCowboy;3998699 said:
You're the only one talking about needing to protect a certain segment of the population. Not I.

I simply find it rather convenient that, in a store full of people, he targets two elderly, disabled persons for his prank.

If you find him humorous and intellectually stimulating, you're free to do so. I just find him to be a ******.

I was responding to zrin because he said elderly, women and children like they are off limits from a joke. He's not mugging people and taking their money or picking fights with small children. He's making a fart noise.

As far as the two old folks in Target, he picks and chooses which video to put out there. This one is about him being punched so obviously it doesn't matter who the target was, he was punched and that is the video. He could have falsely farted on dozens of people before getting to these two but we don't know because he owns the tape and has the power to show us what he thinks are the best reactions.

Considering he isn't actually farting on anyone and is getting a multitude of reactions from people, the videos are mildly entertaining. I'm not subscribed to his channel and have only seen a couple of the videos but they are worth a little chuckle.

Are you really that offended by a joke done to someone else? Lighten up a bit.
Hoofbite;3998752 said:
Are you really that offended by a joke done to someone else? Lighten up a bit.

No I am not ...... I am also not offended when someone knocks his teeth out of his head ...... applaud it in fact.

Same with Tom Green and those ******* guys.

Its just funny to me how surprised he was that he got jacked up. He is a typical ****.
I love it when young immature idiots get their ***** handed to them by "old" men. It's the reason why the Nolan Ryan/Robin Ventura incident is one of the greatest in the history of sports. :laugh2:
zrinkill;3998762 said:
No I am not ...... I am also not offended when someone knocks his teeth out of his head ...... applaud it in fact.

Same with Tom Green and those ******* guys.

Its just funny to me how surprised he was that he got jacked up. He is a typical ****.

You applaud fist fighting over a joke? You really applaud someone failing to reason or listen for a single second and then just start throwing punches?

Put the parental controls on Comedy Central before you end up killing someone.
TheCount;3998603 said:
I have never understood fart humor, why is that sort of thing funny?

It's not even like I'm some kind of highbrow, intellectual comedy fanatic. I'll still chuckle like a child when the football inevitably hits dad in the nuts on America's Funniest Home Videos, but fart jokes... I just don't get it.
It's in the reactions.
The30YardSlant;3998774 said:
I love it when young immature idiots get their ***** handed to them by "old" men. It's the reason why the Nolan Ryan/Robin Ventura incident is one of the greatest in the history of sports. :laugh2:

I'm sure the guy doesn't care. He probably loves it because he gets to take a few minutes of footage and rack up views (and a paycheck) on YouTube.

He probably knows full well that being attacked is a real possibility and knows that he can't use footage of him fighting an old man, win or lose.

Had he fought, it wouldn't have taken much to come out on top.

ScipioCowboy;3998699 said:
You're the only one talking about needing to protect a certain segment of the population. Not I.

I simply find it rather convenient that, in a store full of people, he targets two elderly, disabled persons for his prank.

If you find him humorous and intellectually stimulating, you're free to do so. I just find him to be a ******.
Or he was recording many victims (And I use the word victims lightly) for his next video and it just so happened that the elderly man was the one who punched him.

I think he would of uploaded this video if the store manager who is 25 and physically fit would have punched him.
Hoofbite;3998752 said:
I was responding to zrin because he said elderly, women and children like they are off limits from a joke. He's not mugging people and taking their money or picking fights with small children. He's making a fart noise.

Actually, he's making a fart noise while sticking his rear end in the face of an elderly disabled woman. If that's what passes for humor, I'm sure we can find some Down Syndrome children for his prank as well. Imagine the chuckle you'd get then.

As far as the two old folks in Target, he picks and chooses which video to put out there. This one is about him being punched so obviously it doesn't matter who the target was, he was punched and that is the video. He could have falsely farted on dozens of people before getting to these two but we don't know because he owns the tape and has the power to show us what he thinks are the best reactions.

Considering he isn't actually farting on anyone and is getting a multitude of reactions from people, the videos are mildly entertaining. I'm not subscribed to his channel and have only seen a couple of the videos but they are worth a little chuckle.
Riddle me this. How did the pattern of events go?

1) Fake fart in the face of an elderly disabled woman then punch.

2) Punch then fake fart in the face of an elderly disabled woman.

No one is questioning whether or not he has the right to post the video. That's a strawman. He certainly has that right -- much like I have the right to call him a ******, and Zrin has the right to laugh at him getting punched in the face and then running away.

Are you really that offended by a joke done to someone else? Lighten up a bit.
It's not a matter of being offended. I can find fault in someone's behavior without being offended by it.

If you find it funny to make artificial flatulence sounds in the face of elderly disabled people, that's certainly your right. I see no humor in it whatsoever.
This is essentially violence over speech. I hope y'all aren't supporting that to its logical conclusion, or even beginning. You will end up with the opposite of a civil society.

I'd also advise you to avoid appealing to a majority standard of respect as well. It'd be too easy to point to historical examples of "respect" fails supported by the majority, like it being disrespectful for women to show their ankles (still is in some places). They probably were beaten for it too, and deserved it using logic shown here.

Respect is too arbitrarily determined and relative to individuals to use it as a justification to initiate violence. There are people who find it disrespectful for people to wear Dallas Cowboys apparel in public, is it alright for them to respond with violence? They are being disrespected...

BTW, if that was me getting farted on, as long as the farter didn't touch me, I'd either not care or outdo their fart. If it started to stink, I'd just move. A fart/offended ego is not worth the potential arrest record, fine, conviction, jail time, lawyer fees, and a lost civil suit for causing actual harm to another person, especially over something that caused no harm to me. That's just the obvious loss, not the loss of respect I'd have for myself for breaking principle. It literally pays to be civil.
Hoofbite;3998785 said:
I'm sure the guy doesn't care. He probably loves it because he gets to take a few minutes of footage and rack up views (and a paycheck) on YouTube.

He probably knows full well that being attacked is a real possibility and knows that he can't use footage of him fighting an old man, win or lose.

Had he fought, it wouldn't have taken much to come out on top.


You fight back and you can't really put this out there for huge advertisements for your device. Besides, if he had of fought back and whipped the old guy (which I'm not sure would of happened if he had of tried) he'd been even more of a wimp for beating on the handicapped elderly man. Certainly couldn't have put that video out there with that. So whether he was too chicken to swing back or too intelligent to screw up the perfect advertisement for his device, he would of lost in the eyes of those being critical of the video.

To me, it's genius. Probably sold thousands of the things because of this video.
I find it equally humorous how offended people trying to defend this sad sack are.

Guy pretended to fart in an old disabled woman's face and got punched by her husband.

Punk got exactly what he deserved.

Since when did farting become free speech ..... :laugh2: you boys are really reaching now.

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