I got punched!

ScipioCowboy;3998791 said:
Actually, he's making a fart noise while sticking his rear end in the face of an elderly disabled woman. If that's what passes for humor, I'm sure we can find some Down Syndrome children for his prank as well. Imagine the chuckle you'd get then.

Or imagine if it were a real fart. Better yet, projectile sharts......then what?

We could make up situations all day for the fun of it.

And quite the stretch comparing a mental disability to old age.

Riddle me this. How did the patten of events go?

1) Fake fart in the face of an elderly disabled woman then punch.

2) Punch then fake fart in the face of an elderly disabled woman.

No one is questioning whether or not he has the right to post the video. That's a strawman. He certainly has that right -- much like I have the right to call him a ******.

You're missing the point. Either too worked up or just didn't care to read it. I didn't say he had the "right" to post it. I said he is the moderator of his material and he gets to pick and choose what we see. Seeing just the old two means nothing in the way of your "convenience" claim because we don't know or not if he fake farted on a hudred people before or after them. It's not convenient if these two are just a drop in the fart bucket.

It's not a matter of being offended. I can find fault in someone's behavior without being offended by it.

If you find it funny to make artificial flatulence sounds in the face of elderly disabled people, that's certainly your right. I see no humor in it whatsoever.

"I don't think it's funny to (insert hyperbole) but if you want to admit to being a horrible human being by thinking it's funny, have at it".

Yeah, you tried a similar route in your last post. Both equally ridiculous.
zrinkill;3998802 said:
I find it equally humorous how offended people trying to defend this sad sack are.

Guy pretended to fart in an old disabled woman's face and got punched by her husband.

Punk got exactly what he deserved.

Since when did farting become free speech ..... :laugh2: you boys are really reaching now.

Who's offended?
hairic;3998792 said:
This is essentially violence over speech. I hope y'all aren't supporting that to its logical conclusion, or even beginning. You will end up with the opposite of a civil society.

I'd also advise you to avoid appealing to a majority standard of respect as well. It'd be too easy to point to historical examples of "respect" fails supported by the majority, like it being disrespectful for women to show their ankles (still is in some places). They probably were beaten for it too, and deserved it using logic shown here.

Respect is too arbitrarily determined and relative to individuals to use it as a justification to initiate violence. There are people who find it disrespectful for people to wear Dallas Cowboys apparel in public, is it alright for them to respond with violence? They are being disrespected...

BTW, if that was me getting farted on, as long as the farter didn't touch me, I'd either not care or outdo their fart. If it started to stink, I'd just move. A fart/offended ego is not worth the potential arrest record, fine, conviction, jail time, lawyer fees, and a lost civil suit for causing actual harm to another person, especially over something that caused no harm to me. That's just the obvious loss, not the loss of respect I'd have for myself for breaking principle. It literally pays to be civil.

It's not a free speech issue. Actually farting on someone can be considered harassment, and even assault. And I don't buy your argument that there's no point trying to determine what 'disrespect' is. This was disrespectful.

As for the earlier point in the thread that the elderly handicapped couple weren't being targeted in this case because other people who aren't necessarily as helpless are targeted in other videos--that's irrelevant. In this case, this buffoon targeted this couple, period. Then he got jacked, as he probably should have, and posted the video of himself cowering during the confrontation. He's a lowlife. What's eye-opening is how many people can't or won't see that.
zrinkill;3998802 said:
Since when did farting become free speech ..... :laugh2: you boys are really reaching now.

It always has been. If I were to offer my opinion of someone as a fart, how would it not be speech?

"What's your opinion of politician A? *fart*" is protected speech.
Hoofbite;3998805 said:
Or imagine if it were a real fart. Better yet, projectile sharts......then what?

We could make up situations all day for the fun of it.

And quite the stretch comparing a mental disability to old age.

Ah, I see. So if the targets of his prank had suffered from some mental disability, the situation would be different. Is that what you're saying? Are you intimating that pranking elderly people with physical disabilities is more acceptable than pranking young people with mental disabilities?

Furthermore, how do we know this woman doesn't have some mental disability? If you're going to assume that Jack fake farted on the entire store before turning to these people, why not grant his victims the same benefit of assumptions?

You're missing the point. Either too worked up or just didn't care to read it. I didn't say he had the "right" to post it. I said he is the moderator of his material and he gets to pick and choose what we see. Seeing just the old two means nothing in the way of your "convenience" because we don't know or not if he fake farted on a hudred people before or after them. It's not convenient of these two are just a drop in the fart bucket.
I certainly understood your point. It was just inconsequential.

"I don't think it's funny to (insert hyperbole) but if you want to admit to being a horrible human being by thinking it's funny, have at it".

Yeah, you tried a similar route in your last post. Both equally ridiculous.
Hyperbole? What exactly was hyperbolic about my comment?

My exact statement was, "If you find it funny to make artificial flatulence sounds in the face of elderly disabled people, that's certainly your right. I see no humor in it whatsoever."

Is that not an accurate description of these events? Did "Jack" not make artificial flatulence noises in the face of an elderly disabled woman?

Furthermore, I said nothing about you being a horrible human being. If you feel that way, it's not my fault.
hairic;3998792 said:
This is essentially violence over speech. I hope y'all aren't supporting that to its logical conclusion, or even beginning. You will end up with the opposite of a civil society.

Not taking sides here, but it is not about speech. In many places, what that guy did is outright illegal and he could receive a citation for it...
hairic;3998820 said:
It always has been. If I were to offer my opinion of someone as a fart, how would it not be speech?

"What's your opinion of politician A? *fart*" is protected speech.

We've officially left the realm of realistic discussion.
hairic;3998792 said:
You will end up with the opposite of a civil society.


If by civil you mean farting in someone's face and pretending that respect is some ambiguous concept, I'll gladly say bye-bye.
vta;3998837 said:

If by civil you mean farting in someone's face and pretending that respect is some ambiguous concept, I'll gladly say bye-bye.

Silly me.

And here I thought a civil society was one in which people showed respect to one another.
ScipioCowboy;3998844 said:
Silly me.

And here I thought a civil society was one in which people showed respect to one another.

Well in all fairness, I was going to shart in your lunch and hide behind my right to free expression. I mean I think what you eat is really just gross and that's just my way of expressing myself. Can't you respect that?
ScipioCowboy;3998828 said:
Ah, I see. So if the targets of his prank had suffered from some mental disability, the situation would be different. Is that what you're saying? Are you intimating that pranking elderly people with physical disabilities is more acceptable than pranking young people with mental disabilities?

Pranking someone who may not be able to understand that it is a prank, even if told, versus pranking someone who can comprehend everything going on.

Assuming she had a physical disability, yes there would be a difference.

Furthermore, how do we know this woman doesn't have some mental disability? If you're going to assume that Jack fake farted on the entire store before encountering these people, why not grant his victims the same benefit of assumptions?

I guess we just admit to there being assumptions all around then. You assume she does have disabilities, I assume he probably pulled this prank on more than just these two.

I certainly understood your point. It was just inconsequential.

No it's not. You can't claim some sort of "convenience" with these two people because he probably did it to a number of people. You're trying to pin him for "targeting" people when it's been shown he does it to everyone.

Hyperbole? What exactly was hyperbolic about my comment?

My exact statement was, "If you find it funny to make artificial flatulence sounds in the face of elderly disabled people, that's certainly your right. I see no humor in it whatsoever."

Is that not an accurate description of these events? Did "Jack" not make artificial flatulence noises in the face of an elderly disabled woman?

I guess this goes back to the assumption part where it's assumed she's disabled.

Furthermore, I said nothing about you being a horrible human being. If you feel that way, it's not my fault.

No, but that's what you intimated. Same as when you dropped the line about being intellectually stimulating. You didn't specifically call people who think it's funny unintelligent but you'd have to really believe people are idiots not to know what you are getting at.
To be honest it is not that bothersome to me that he got punched. Being able to walk around making a living off such a silly toy which marketing is fueled with these kinds of videos SHOULD have risks. I DO think he goes too far sometimes and in this case he got tagged for it. What does bother me though are the ideas that resorting to violence over something like this is okay and that there are apparently a whole host of different respect levels from the disabled to the elderly. Which is kind of a non issue in my mind since this is more of a gag than disrespect. Either it is disrespectful to all or to none.

Im confused on whether this is disrespectful due to disability, age or both. Or if it is just viewed as disrespectful period. Which one is it?
tupperware;3998858 said:
To be honest it is not that bothersome to me that he got punched. Being able to walk around making a living off such a silly toy which marketing is fueled with these kinds of videos SHOULD have risks. I DO think he goes too far sometimes and in this case he got tagged for it. What does bother me though are the ideas that resorting to violence over something like this is okay and that there are apparently a whole host of different respect levels from the disabled to the elderly. Which is kind of a non issue in my mind since this is more of a gag than disrespect. Either it is disrespectful to all or to none.

Im confused on whether this is disrespectful due to disability, age or both. Or if it is just viewed as disrespectful period. Which one is it?

It's disrespectful, period. If that's all you can come up with to try and make a living then something is wrong with you, IMO.
I can't help but take a step back and appreciate that there is a serious philisophical debate going on about farting etiquette.

Ben Franklin would be proud. :laugh2:
Idgit;3998811 said:
It's not a free speech issue. Actually farting on someone can be considered harassment, and even assault. And I don't buy your argument that there's no point trying to determine what 'disrespect' is. This was disrespectful.
You'd have a point if it was a real fart. The sound is not offensive or assaultive, it's the smell. The guy just as easily could have drug the soles of his shoes across the ground making a weird sound or his stomach growling making an odd sound. Those aren't offensive. What if he had belched in their general direction?

If there's no smell, cause it's fake, what's offensive about it to make it an assault?
I also seem to remember a certain head coach who was older not getting much respect around these parts. Some even rejoicing at his firing (me being one) I also seem to remember ms paint pictures and lots of fat jokes. I also see a thread similar to the ms paint one right now with the same kind of humor. So are real people on the internet not worthy of respect?
Hoofbite;3998857 said:
Pranking someone who may not be able to understand that it is a prank, even if told, versus pranking someone who can comprehend everything going on.

Assuming she had a physical disability, yes there would be a difference.

I guess we just admit to there being assumptions all around then. You assume she does have disabilities, I assume he probably pulled this prank on more than just these two.

I guess this goes back to the assumption part where it's assumed she's disabled.

Why do we need to assume she's disabled? She's using a motorized scooter.

I must admit that I'm deeply intrigued by your reasoning here. You'll grant Jake all the assumptions (i.e. he fake farted on the entire store before getting to these people) in the world despite a lack of visual evidence. Yet, at the same, you're suspicious of this elderly woman's true motivations for using a motorized cart. That's very interesting.

Furthermore, regarding your assertion that pranking the physically disabled is more acceptable than pranking the mentally disabled, I would point out that people who are forced to use motorized scooters are often embarrassed by it. When I worked at a grocery store, I encountered a woman who was literally reduced to her tears by the fact that her mobility impairment prevented her from walking around the store normally.

Often times, these people want to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Jack was deliberately bringing unwanted attention to this woman, and her impairment prevented her from escaping an awkward and embarrassing situation as easily as you can.

So you'll excuse me if I don't see much difference between pranking mentally disabled people and physically disabled people.

No it's not. You can't claim some sort of "convenience" with these two people because he probably did it to a number of people. You're trying to pin him for "targeting" people when it's been shown he does it to everyone.
Did it ever occur to you that he may target different people for different reasons? The fact that he pulls this prank on different people does not mean that he's not targeting them. He could simply be targeting them for different reasons.

No, but that's what you intimated. Same as when you dropped the line about being intellectually stimulating. You didn't specifically call people who think it's funny unintelligent but you'd have to really believe people are idiots not to know what you are getting at.
How do comments about what I personally find intellectually stimulating and/or funny equate to me inferring that you're a terrible human being?
Often times, these people want to draw as little attention to themselves as possible. Jack was deliberately bringing unwanted attention to this woman, and her impairment prevented her from escaping an awkward and embarrassing situation as easily as you can.

I can sort of see the point here. Let me just say though that he doesnt walk in to a store picking single targets out. Ive watched em for a while and thats not how he does things. He takes hours of footage and compiles clips.
Hoofbite;3998775 said:
You applaud fist fighting over a joke? You really applaud someone failing to reason or listen for a single second and then just start throwing punches?

Put the parental controls on Comedy Central before you end up killing someone.

It's not about fighting over a joke. It's about common decency and respect. I don't blame the old guy for stepping up like that. Doesn't even matter what the D-bags lame explanation/excuse was.

If he tried that stunt in a local grocery store around here he would get the same treatment. I have no doubt about that. Probably by someone who simply witnessed it.

You don't try and exploit other people in that way just to get your 15 minutes.

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