I hate Sci-Fi


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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Then your premise about hating sci fi is wrong. So many things predicted in Science Fiction have come to pass or are coming to pass. So some of them could happen in real life, as long as they adhere to the laws of physics.

In fact, Science Fiction has been instrumental in visualizing and shaping modern technology. It gives people ideas to push toward and invent new things.


I don't know if anyone is watching the Foundation Series but Isaac Asimov started the books in 1951. The future civilization he creates is incredible for a person living in the 1950s. Cloning, nanobots etc.. etc.. the list is ridiculous. Truly visionary stuff.

I've been slightly disappointed in Apples representation, but it's a really really tough ask to do this series correctly and try to appeal to a wide audience. They are taking some dramatic liberties that require, at least for me, some grit your teeth the stories a good one you'll get through it thoughts, but i keep reminding myself that i want to support these types of endeavors in future television so i hang ten.

Dune was excellent. They absolutely did the right thing by not trying to tell the whole story in one movie. It was a big mistake that the 1980s version suffered from. Dunes' story has too much drama to skip over or compress.

Visually it was stunning. Huge kudos to Denis Villeneuve and his crew in putting this together. Another very difficult story to tell properly.


Landry Hat
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Then your premise about hating sci fi is wrong. So many things predicted in Science Fiction have come to pass or are coming to pass. So some of them could happen in real life, as long as they adhere to the laws of physics.

In fact, Science Fiction has been instrumental in visualizing and shaping modern technology. It gives people ideas to push toward and invent new things.
Yep like Lasers and force fields use to be sci-fi they are real now.

Reverend Conehead

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I am about to say something so sacrilegious to some of you, that you may come to hate and despise me the likes of Roger Goodell. I warned you...so here goes....I hate sci-fi....I just don't get it....it is weird to me....people who dress up and camp out overnight to see a sci-fi movie are weird to me....being beat over the head by the media every time a new Star Wars movie is about to release makes me want to vomit. I am 58....I have never watched one second of any Star Wars movie....I have never watched one second of any Star Trek TV episode.....I have never watched one second of any Super Heroes cartoon.....never read a Super Heroes cartoon magazine or owned an action figure. I have seen two sci-fi movies in my life.....#1 Logans Run....only because I was in small town North Dakota visiting my grandparents and was forced to take my young cousins....and #2 Close Encounters....which may not even be all that sci-fi to some of you. I will add that I also like the killers in my slasher movies to be real people....nothing make believe or a killer coming back to life....sorry, not realistic. Ok...am I alone here? Anyone else? Know anybody like me? I can take it!

That's fine. You're not obligated to like it. However, you've got the genre a little bit mixed up. Star Wars is not science fiction. It's adventure/fantasy.