I hate that we are playing for something


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I hate that we are playing for something

...Actually, I hate that you hate that we are playing for something...;).
Man it's always better to be playing in the playoffs. Win or not!


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I really think playcalling is hurting us. Dak plays pretty well but does the same things. Holds the ball to long. Makes a few good passes and then makes a few bad ones.

Pocket awareness, stepping up in the pocket, and running when necessary can go a long way.


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I'd say it's pretty clear then that you watch for one reason and one reason only: to see this team win a championship.

Right now you are probably thinking: "well yeah, isn't that why everyone watches?"

I think initially everyone starts with that collective reason in mind, however, as time goes by you eventually learn to accept that the odds are against that ever happening and so if that is the only reason you watch, all you are really doing is setting yourself up for massive disappointment every year. And if you have family (wife, kids, etc) you are also setting them up to hate you every year.

About 5 years ago, I was that fan. My wife couldn't stand to be around me when the Cowboys lost and eventually I figured out that I was wrong on alot of different levels for being that way. One, it clearly wasn't her fault the Cowboys lost so she was not deserving of who I turned into. Two, it clearly wasn't my fault the Cowboys were losing, so I realized if I was going to continue to be a fan, as well as, a good husband and father, I had to recalibrate why I watched and learn to enjoy football for the experience and not so much for a desired destination.

The thing we fans tend to lose sight of is that they pay the other guys to...the other guys want to win as well...and with the salary cap, teams are alot closer in overall talent then what they were 25 + years ago. So while I understand what your saying, that the Cowboys are most likely an early out in this upcoming playoffs, take heart in one thing: These Cowboys have proven they can lose to any body...but they also have proven they can beat anyone. And with that defense, they have a chance in every game.

If they don't make it this year, they still have one hell of nucleus to build on. In the meantime, we fans can reflect on what a great overall year it has been. Byron Jones might not be a great Safety, but his first Pro Bowl says we've got ourselves a great corner to build around. Antwaun Woods was 4th on the depth chart in training camp and now we have that big ole run-stuffing 1-tech we were all clamoring for in the offseason leading up to this season. LVE is a beast and along side Jaylon Smith, this might be the best linebacking duo in the business over the next several years. Zeke is Zeke. Amari was obviously a pleasant surprise following what many of us thought was an overpay.

So, with or without a championship this year, we Cowboys fans have alot to be thankful for. If you choose to focus on what potentially could go wrong in the upcoming playoffs, that's your prerogative, but it comes down to a life choice: You can either be sad and focus on what goes wrong or you can be happy and be thankful for what has gone right and be hopeful for what could right down the stretch.

Your choice.

thank you well said.


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Pocket awareness, stepping up in the pocket, and running when necessary can go a long way.
A long way? It’s the last piece to his ceiling. If he never learns it then we are screwed. I keep yelling at the TV. “Take off with it”. But he won’t.


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Loool touché. No I love that they turned it around mid season to get in,I just don’t like the way they are playing football right now. It’s been really bad for 2 games now,to where they’ll lose in the wild card game doing that if it’s not tightened up a bit.
They play well enough to be in any contest in front of them. They seem to play to the level of the competition as we saw in the Saints game. I view the game against the Colts as an outlier. They don't normally put that poor of a product on the field. Next week against the Giants we get a chance to rest key players while giving others a chance to step up and gain experience without having to be concerned about the outcome. I have no doubt we will be prepared to give our best effort in defeating whoever we host in the Wildcard round of the playoffs. Most likely that opponent will be Seattle.


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A long way? It’s the last piece to his ceiling. If he never learns it then we are screwed. I keep yelling at the TV. “Take off with it”. But he won’t.

He is only doing that because the coaches are grilling him to be a pocket passer. He wants to please them instead of playing his game.

Imo dak needs to block out the non sense of Garrett and Moore and play up to his strengths.

What the hell are they gonna do.....fire him/cut him!

The hell with that. Do you dak.


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If you can’t be happy about a division title and home playoff game, maybe sports isn’t for you. A good majority on here expected a losing season. Now we take the division and have a home playoff game. Sounds like some people are just pissed they were wrong. For those that say the NFCE suck. If we hadn’t beaten the Eagles twice they would likely be fighting for a first round bye!