I know this has been beaten into the ground...

Humble;2722529 said:
Thank you Punit.

yeah but look at it this way humble, if the arena football league is still playing, if you can play for the arena league in dallas, where jerry jones owns that team, then you can get a look from jerry jones. That might open the door if jerry jones saw you at a tryout for Dallas Desperados. The tryout for desperados was dec 13th best i remember, not sure what or if they have a tryout for public this year, might check it out though.



Desperados To Hold Open Tryouts For 2009 Team
October 28, 2008 - Arena Football League (AFL) Dallas Desperados

In a continuing effort to upgrade their talent level, the Dallas Desperados Arena Football team will hold open tryouts on Saturday, November 1st at Texas Stadium. Attending the Open Tryout will also be representatives from other Arena Football Organizations interested in adding talent to their football teams.
Registration for the November 1st open tryouts is broken down by position. Quarterbacks, wide receivers and defensive backs will begin registering at 7:00 a.m. with workouts starting at 8:00 a.m. Offensive and defensive linemen, fullbacks and linebackers will register at 9:00 a.m. and test at 12:00 p.m., while kickers register at 2:00 p.m. All players will be evaluated in the 40-yard dash, 20-yard shuttle and standing broad jump. Selected players who exceed the Desperados testing standards will be invited to participate in an elite workout later in the day, where players will be evaluated in drills specific to the game of Arena Football.

The Desperados have signed several players through the open tryout forum in the past. Last year two players were invited to training camp, Brett Rayl and Andre Burns. After impressing coaches during the 2006 tryouts, Anthony Armstrong played for the Desperados for the past two seasons. Armstrong is currently playing for the Miami Dolphins on their practice squad. In 2004, defensive specialist Michael Hawkins played in five games for the Desperados after working out for the team in a similar fashion. Hawkins was later drafted in the fifth round of the 2005 NFL Draft by the Green Bay Packers.

For more information on the Dallas Desperados, visit the team's official website www.dallasdesperados.com.


Participants may register on site the morning of open tryout for a registration fee of $85. All registered participants will receive two platinum level seats to the Desperados home opener ($37 value per ticket) and an official Desperados Tryout t-shirt.


All participants will need to provide their own attire for the non-padded workouts. Participants will be given a numbered shirt to wear during testing, but must provide their own shoes (grass cleats or turf shoes - no track spikes allowed), shorts or tights and accessories. Workouts will take place on Texas Stadium's Realgrass™ Synthetic Playing Surface. Desperados are not responsible for travel or lodging expenses.


Texas Stadium - On the Field

2401 E. Airport Freeway, Irving, Texas 75062


SATURDAY, November 1st (Tryout times are broken down by position)

Positions Registration Time Workout Time

QB, WR, DB 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

OL, DL, FB, LB 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

K 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. (approx.)

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Stick with Rugby and live in the now.

You are too old and have no experience. If the "Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar cant make a team you certainly dont have shot.

Sorry guy, just being honest.
big dog cowboy;2722082 said:
Don't laugh I'm being serious. Call Vince McMahon. At your size you probably have a better shot at "professional" wrestling with the WWE.

Professional wrestlers have the shortest expected life span of any relatively major "sports" in America. That's right-- it's lower than for boxers and MMA fighters. It's also a grueling schedule that doesn't pay nearly as well for the "every-day" man as it does for the stars.

Overall, unless you can be one of the 3-5 top stars in Wrestling, it's not a career path I would recommend to anyone.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but the UFL and USFL (yes, that USFL) are both coming back next year. However you'll be a year older, so any shot at the NFL would be a fading thought if you went that route.

All things said, with your size and (stated) strength/weight, you'd be a fringe player in the NFL-- that is if you had the experience to go with it.

Personally, with the educational background you have, I wouldn't deal with the stresses and abuses of professional sports for a fringe spot, but then I'm not you :p
Humble;2721878 said:
I would like the advice from the members here;

I am actively considering trying out for the Cowboys. Did I play college ball; No, Did I play highschool ball; No.

I played basketbal for highschool, ran into a few character differences with the coach and stopped playing. Had a scout from Mississippi contact me but I had already received a acedemic scholarship to a college in my town. I eventually attained my degree in firefighting, degree in EMS, degree in nursing, and then my bacheolors in nursing.

Out of highschool I began playing rugby for a state team and have ever since. I am 6'6 and weigh 280 lbs, concerning my rugby coach, he offered to open a couple doors through contacts he knows with the International Eagles (USA rugby team), but in the end, I would still be making around 120k/year and would be out of the country often. Something I don't see being beneficial or comprable.

I know you all have suggested going the college route to other members here, but, I am 28, completed 6 years of college, and attaining my masters presently.

Is there any form of tryouts? is there a camp I can attend?

I sound like a troll, and I apologize for that. Any help would be most appreciated.

It won't happen my friend. You seem like you have a good career going already, stick with that. Their are thousands of 6'6 280 pds guys out there trying to make it into the football world, and most of them are early 20s.

Some things just aren't meant to be.
You need to make a tape and send it to the scouting department.

I will be honest, I doubt they give you a shot. Sorry to be so blunt. Size, strength and even speed are a big part of football, but knowledge of the game at this level is such a much bigger key. Every guy is big. Every guy is strong. Every guy is fast for their size. Not every guy is cut out to make it though. Guys who have been doing this for years and have football instincts will have a huge advantage over you.

Say you were trying out for O-line...Can you read a blitz? Do you know which man you would need to pick up? If the QB audibles will you know who to block? Those are not automatic answers. You have to know specifics of every play.

Switch to D-line...Can you read a screen? Can you read a draw at full speed? Can you read a pull or a sweep? If your man pulls are they trying to draw you away from your gap so they can hit that hole? You have to know these things.

Brock Lesnar was a huge man and a fantastic athlete. His name got him a shot. It wasn't good enough for him to make it.

You have 2 chances, slim and none. Again sorry to be so blunt. Your best options would have been NFL Europe or the Arena Leagues, not the NFL.
Humble;2722521 said:
I am going to attend Texas Tech for my masters, I completed my BSN through them. Masters starts this fall.
See if you have eligibility there since you have not played and ask for a walk on tryout.

I don't want to discourage you, but even that is a huge longshot.

Good luck.
Thank you for your honesty, it seems reality is hitting hard.

McCordsville Cowboy;2722562 said:
Stick with Rugby and live in the now.

You are too old and have no experience. If the "Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar cant make a team you certainly dont have shot.

Sorry guy, just being honest.
I hear you, solid post, thank you.

Temo;2722575 said:
I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but the UFL and USFL (yes, that USFL) are both coming back next year. However you'll be a year older, so any shot at the NFL would be a fading thought if you went that route.

All things said, with your size and (stated) strength/weight, you'd be a fringe player in the NFL-- that is if you had the experience to go with it.

Personally, with the educational background you have, I wouldn't deal with the stresses and abuses of professional sports for a fringe spot, but then I'm not you :p
:) I feel like some of these comments came from the movie "Invincible" with Mark Wahlberg. I understand. You are right, there are probably dozens if not hundreds of guys my size and strength that never make it.

Judas;2722588 said:
It won't happen my friend. You seem like you have a good career going already, stick with that. Their are thousands of 6'6 280 pds guys out there trying to make it into the football world, and most of them are early 20s.

Some things just aren't meant to be.
Sometime being blunt is the only way to get through a thick skull, such as mine. I am contacting the Irvin show today, if that falls through, I will be walking on to Tech campus to possible stir up a conversation with their assist coach, who knows.

Thank you for your honesty.

Hostile;2722612 said:
You need to make a tape and send it to the scouting department.

I will be honest, I doubt they give you a shot. Sorry to be so blunt. Size, strength and even speed are a big part of football, but knowledge of the game at this level is such a much bigger key. Every guy is big. Every guy is strong. Every guy is fast for their size. Not every guy is cut out to make it though. Guys who have been doing this for years and have football instincts will have a huge advantage over you.

Say you were trying out for O-line...Can you read a blitz? Do you know which man you would need to pick up? If the QB audibles will you know who to block? Those are not automatic answers. You have to know specifics of every play.

Switch to D-line...Can you read a screen? Can you read a draw at full speed? Can you read a pull or a sweep? If your man pulls are they trying to draw you away from your gap so they can hit that hole? You have to know these things.

Brock Lesnar was a huge man and a fantastic athlete. His name got him a shot. It wasn't good enough for him to make it.

You have 2 chances, slim and none. Again sorry to be so blunt. Your best options would have been NFL Europe or the Arena Leagues, not the NFL.
One more note, concerning reading the line and making a critical judgement according to what is seen at the present time; I agree, I dont have that exact mindset, though rugby and football differ, when it comes to reading the opposing team I have come to a kin skill of doing so, but like you said, with no experience in football, the task may be impossible.

Hostile;2722612 said:
You need to make a tape and send it to the scouting department.

I will be honest, I doubt they give you a shot. Sorry to be so blunt. Size, strength and even speed are a big part of football, but knowledge of the game at this level is such a much bigger key. Every guy is big. Every guy is strong. Every guy is fast for their size. Not every guy is cut out to make it though. Guys who have been doing this for years and have football instincts will have a huge advantage over you.

Say you were trying out for O-line...Can you read a blitz? Do you know which man you would need to pick up? If the QB audibles will you know who to block? Those are not automatic answers. You have to know specifics of every play.

Switch to D-line...Can you read a screen? Can you read a draw at full speed? Can you read a pull or a sweep? If your man pulls are they trying to draw you away from your gap so they can hit that hole? You have to know these things.

Brock Lesnar was a huge man and a fantastic athlete. His name got him a shot. It wasn't good enough for him to make it.

You have 2 chances, slim and none. Again sorry to be so blunt. Your best options would have been NFL Europe or the Arena Leagues, not the NFL.
After I was tackled, the tackler cleated my face. I should have kept my cool, but I choose the wrong action and tripped him up. At the time, three of his ruggers began to attack me, the first two are on the ground after throwing them, the third became biligerent and once again like a little schoolboy with his feeling hurt, I didn't refrain from confronting him. I was redcarded from the tourney.

tyke1doe;2722677 said:
Humble, did you like palm that poor guy's head?

Humble;2722686 said:
After I was tackled, the tackler cleated my face. I should have kept my cool, but I choose the wrong action and tripped him up. At the time, three of his ruggers began to attack me, the first two are on the ground after throwing them, the third became biligerent and once again like a little schoolboy with his feeling hurt, I didn't refrain from confronting him. I was redcarded from the tourney.

Humble, Hostile said it to the point, now another thing you might try to do, say the college you see if you can join, ask the college football coaches and trainers. Then they make a video game computer program built to help football players adapt to the game, etc. The Saints used to use it with their football players. You might try to locate that video program and sit down and practice with it alittle.

thats about all that i can tell you, good luck.
Thank you for your guidance and direction Joe.

cowboyjoe;2722792 said:
Humble, Hostile said it to the point, now another thing you might try to do, say the college you see if you can join, ask the college football coaches and trainers. Then they make a video game computer program built to help football players adapt to the game, etc. The Saints used to use it with their football players. You might try to locate that video program and sit down and practice with it alittle.

thats about all that i can tell you, good luck.
Humble;2722044 said:
Well, last year I made 140k.

At 28yo you made $140K doing what exactly? I have a good friend who is surgical ICU nurse making nowhere near that. Would love to offer him a suggestion to increase his income as he is somewhat strapped for cash.
to add, I'd drum up some TV interest

contact someone who knows how to run drills, pick a position, run the drills, and have someone tape them, I don't think anyone is actually going to give you the time to workout in front of them, so it would be easier for them to take you seriously if they had you on tape
Humble;2722673 said:
Thank you for your honesty, it seems reality is hitting hard.

If you need a 'fix' for your football passion... try a local Semi-Pro team. I played 3 years for a team in CT where I was stationed and it was blast. Probably the time of my life. So many "has beens" and "never was's" on the field but it was still fun.

You can have a blast on games on Saturday and play in all star games if you are good enough. That would be my suggestion.

If I wasnt busy with school and family, I would do it again.
ICU nursing contract I make 50 an hour. 5 twelve hour shifts a week. Tell him to steer away from full time nursing and take contract and purchase his own medical insurance, saves alot of money and makes him even more.

kmd24;2722924 said:
At 28yo you made $140K doing what exactly? I have a good friend who is surgical ICU nurse making nowhere near that. Would love to offer him a suggestion to increase his income as he is somewhat strapped for cash.

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