I know this has been beaten into the ground...

Surgical ICU? Never heard of this title for a department. Either he or she is a surgical nurse, which wont pay much or he/she is a ICU nurse which depending on level of experience and pay grade can do well.

kmd24;2722924 said:
At 28yo you made $140K doing what exactly? I have a good friend who is surgical ICU nurse making nowhere near that. Would love to offer him a suggestion to increase his income as he is somewhat strapped for cash.
I have been thinking through this, and you have sumed it up, I need to have a few vids made before even contemplating speaking to an agent or coach.

JerryAdvocate;2722941 said:
to add, I'd drum up some TV interest

contact someone who knows how to run drills, pick a position, run the drills, and have someone tape them, I don't think anyone is actually going to give you the time to workout in front of them, so it would be easier for them to take you seriously if they had you on tape
I work with one nurse who made 230k last year as an ICU nurse. Anything over 40 hours a week is overtime, he works about 6 days a week.

kmd24;2722924 said:
At 28yo you made $140K doing what exactly? I have a good friend who is surgical ICU nurse making nowhere near that. Would love to offer him a suggestion to increase his income as he is somewhat strapped for cash.
Humble;2721906 said:
Just for size reference, here was a few pics of this last season, a few ways not to handle a rugby ruck gone bad.


I am going to attend Texas Tech for my masters, I completed my BSN through them. Masters starts this fall.

How come nobody has mentioned how much of an "outside the box" thinker that Mike Leach is? If you can get in touch with Leach or really any of his coaching staff, I'm sure you can get a try out.

I've been to Texas Tech. While it is a big time football program, it's not one that is stocked full of talent. They pulled a place kicker out of the stands last year for goodness sake.

If you can talk to Leach or their coaches and manage to get a tryout, you've got a good shot to at least play DI college ball. not sure about the pros though.
On a side note, I'm thinking of trying out for American Idol...I can't really stay in tune but I can dance really well :D
FCBarca;2723221 said:
On a side note, I'm thinking of trying out for American Idol...I can't really stay in tune but I can dance really well :D

you could be the next Bikini girl
Humble;2722686 said:
After I was tackled, the tackler cleated my face. I should have kept my cool, but I choose the wrong action and tripped him up. At the time, three of his ruggers began to attack me, the first two are on the ground after throwing them, the third became biligerent and once again like a little schoolboy with his feeling hurt, I didn't refrain from confronting him. I was redcarded from the tourney.

And still another liability: You are a troublemaker. Well, listen here, Mister, keep that up and you will be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and probably be suspened by Goodell. Darn. i am glad we are heading you off at the pass.
Well put, maybe you are correct.

GimmeTheBall!;2723278 said:
And still another liability: You are a troublemaker. Well, listen here, Mister, keep that up and you will be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars and probably be suspened by Goodell. Darn. i am glad we are heading you off at the pass.
Humble;2722679 said:
Sometime being blunt is the only way to get through a thick skull, such as mine. I am contacting the Irvin show today, if that falls through, I will be walking on to Tech campus to possible stir up a conversation with their assist coach, who knows.

Thank you for your honesty.
I wish you the best of luck.

Humble;2722682 said:
One more note, concerning reading the line and making a critical judgement according to what is seen at the present time; I agree, I dont have that exact mindset, though rugby and football differ, when it comes to reading the opposing team I have come to a kin skill of doing so, but like you said, with no experience in football, the task may be impossible.
Here's the reality, we all go through periods where we think we are invincible. In High School I was kind of a big deal in my hometown in sports. My Junior year I took the ASVAB test and scored in the top 1% of the country. Navy recruited me hard. Roger Staubach is my hero. I was offered something that looking back on now I was stupid to pass up. I was convinced I was going to make it to the NFL and giving 5 years after college to the Navy was good enough for Roger, but not for me.

Bad mistake. I may have been a big deal in my little school, but when you get to an NCAA program reality has a way of interupting your fantasies. Guys who never get shots at the NFL can flat out maul you in college football.

In HS and Jr. High I played RB, LB, and even some QB. I even made the USA Today High School section one time for a game I had on Defense. Important positions that fed my ego like you cannot even imagine. I got to college and it was obvious I needed to bulk up and play FB. I couldn't run over anyone like I had in HS.

It was a reality check. I went from being a big fish in a little pond to a little fish in a big pond. I was a smart football player and I was fast, but I will be dead honest with you, I seriously considered doing steroids. I felt it was the only way I could get back the edge I had once had. A serious knee injury ended my football days and is probably the only reason I never did the roids.

Football is not easy by any wild stretch of the imagination. Some guys get by on sheer brute size and strength, or other wordly speed, but they also have an advantage of playing for many years to try and get to the levels where their skills carry them. You've skipped those opportunities.

I would never tell you to give up, but don't get your hopes up too high either.
I will say this, if you legitimately have a shot at playing rugby with the USA Eagles, you are an outstanding athlete. Having played a bit of rugby myself, I've played with some incredible players...one in particular that now plays with a bunch of SEALS from Virginia Beach...that wouldn't stand a chance against those guys. I couldn't even imagine playing against them.

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