I Like Beer A Lot

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Man alive my footballing friends,,, it was outta' bounds HILARIOUS, as my 'ki-ki' pet cat had been whining at me damn near all day to pop her a top of friskies shreds in that flavorful
( of which I can only liken it to being laced with some sorta' kitty-cat cocaine substance, cuz' if I allow her to b****& moan long enough at me, I'd used to end up feeding her 3 cans a day, till I'd noticed that she was just glutton feeding& purging up under the kitchen table( ,,,er,,, and her hurling up a rather comfortably warm quarter casing-liners worth on my chest about a month ago really kinda tuned me into this
" beauty queens self doubting cats psychology " ,,,so,,, she'd meowed loudly till past noon today & I'm like " no way,shut-up& wait till dark, tonight " ( and the really weird part is she caught the SAVVY on that, so then the , fluffy furball hacking upchucker wanted to be let out side,,,&I'm like
" nope, you ain't going outside right now" ,,,and if I'm lying? I'm dying THAT CAT GAVE ME A VERY DISTINCT TWO TONED DRAWN OUT SQUALLING REPLY IN DAMN NEAR HUMAN VOICED FASHION OF "
well,why not?" ,,,well, me being bout 3/4 in the afternoon bag already& wholly unfazed ,answered back "cuz' I said so",,, well, about an hour ago, I was fixing to roll over to my port side on the couch & nod off,,,and let me tell what, THAT CAT ,WHO WAS PATIENTLY HUNKERED DOWN& WAITING ON ME to pop a top of that kitty cocaine gravey tons of shreds Thru an outright tizzy fit bordering akin to a pissed off ol' lady (when I'd come home drunk after midnight on Wednesdays),,, It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUSLY "sobering" to having been forcefully pressed into responding to her demands,,,SHEESE!,,, she's a good kitty-Cat

* And the "bubbles/coke bottle lens glasses character from the "Trailer Park Boys", immediately came to my mind at that moment,,,,
Man alive my footballing friends,,, it was outta' bounds HILARIOUS, as my 'ki-ki' pet cat had been whining at me damn near all day to pop her a top of friskies shreds in that flavorful
( of which I can only liken it to being laced with some sorta' kitty-cat cocaine substance, cuz' if I allow her to b****& moan long enough at me, I'd used to end up feeding her 3 cans a day, till I'd noticed that she was just glutton feeding& purging up under the kitchen table( ,,,er,,, and her hurling up a rather comfortably warm quarter casing-liners worth on my chest about a month ago really kinda tuned me into this
" beauty queens self doubting cats psychology " ,,,so,,, she'd meowed loudly till past noon today & I'm like " no way,shut-up& wait till dark, tonight " ( and the really weird part is she caught the SAVVY on that, so then the , fluffy furball hacking upchucker wanted to be let out side,,,&I'm like
" nope, you ain't going outside right now" ,,,and if I'm lying? I'm dying THAT CAT GAVE ME A VERY DISTINCT TWO TONED DRAWN OUT SQUALLING REPLY IN DAMN NEAR HUMAN VOICED FASHION OF "
well,why not?" ,,,well, me being bout 3/4 in the afternoon bag already& wholly unfazed ,answered back "cuz' I said so",,, well, about an hour ago, I was fixing to roll over to my port side on the couch & nod off,,,and let me tell what, THAT CAT ,WHO WAS PATIENTLY HUNKERED DOWN& WAITING ON ME to pop a top of that kitty cocaine gravey tons of shreds Thru an outright tizzy fit bordering akin to a pissed off ol' lady (when I'd come home drunk after midnight on Wednesdays),,, It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUSLY "sobering" to having been forcefully pressed into responding to her demands,,,SHEESE!,,, she's a good kitty-Cat

* And the "bubbles/coke bottle lens glasses character from the "Trailer Park Boys", immediately came to my mind at that moment,,,,

my catnip thread must have had special meaning for u
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