That's because this thread is all about love.... Love of beer, love of liquor (in my case), love of the Cowboys, and love of family (which many of us have become)..... Who needs stinking likes when we got all we need in our tavern? Maxdogg is the DJ, Trouty is the bartender (though we have many more), Putty is the pied piper of rats or cats depending on who you ask, regardless we do agree he is the zen master when not hating on Zeke.... lol
Melon is the (Jim Morrison) poet that you will grow to understand, Daboyz seems to be the eye candy many are trying to impress. She also moonlights as a Commissioner so watch out, the power sometimes goes to her head....

Then Ranching is our couch and quite frankly hates Garrett.... He also seems to be good at picking upsets on a weekly basis.... Tobascocat seems to be our cook with those great dishes we hear of but there are actually a few that can cook here.... CouchCoach seems to be the resident smartbutt like myself (though everyone fits that bill here in some way or another).... While there are still many, many more that have contributed long before me and more recently while I pulled a disappearing act for quite a few months, please know they are not forgotten... I blame the bourbon for my poor memory and lack of great stuff to add.
Hope that helps... lol