I wonder if we could copy the images off our screens with Silly Putty? I always wanted to send a ransom note with Silly Putty.
I had to give up comic books. The cost of the comic book was ok but $28 in Silly Putty put a hurtin' on the budget of a 10 year old.
You were a billionaire,,, I remember being 10 years old & max drieman ( my school bus driver) knocked on the front door& told My mom he wanted me to help weed his soybean fields,& he'd feed me lunch& pay me an whole $1 dollar per hour,,,but ,,, $28 bucks in existing on hand silly puttyness? ,,,You'd of been elavated to master mind of dollar bill collecting in my 10 year old mind's oribit,,,( wow, how does that bigger kid do it,,,? Did his uncle
( who, I'd heard, had been in the Navy his whole life) teach that older kid some form of strange magical incantation ,that just made them appear? ,,,, I was trying to yank outta' the ground itchy horseweed plants twice as tall as me, repeatedly, all day for a very limited number of those $1 dollar bills,,, ya, I always kinda' resented those lucky rich kids who had a seafaring uncle that taught them magic money making incantations when I was 10 y.o. and still trying to figure it all out,,,,back then,COACH

* I think those dark green rubber "super balls" was selling for something like .99 cents,,,they sure we're hard to find after having laid a full swing from the ol' Louisville slugger ball bat though,, durn ner'out of sight ,way out in the middle of a plowed field,( treacherous terrain to traverse for toad stomping terrorist tykes of 10 at times,,, especially after pulling a couple of swigs from the 5 gal. Batch of grape wine my Dad& me made that summer,,, when I was ten