I Like Beer A Lot

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It's as easy as you describe.
And the way they run this thing, you don't really benefit from finding the hidden gems because they grade you on where the player you took was actually taken.
It's flawed that way, but easier.
The grading part is secondary anyway. It's more just the fun a being in the thick of it as the Cowboy Zone draft unfolds. Plus, it's really way before the real draft...like in February sometime. So a ton changes between then and the real deal.
You do come away knowing more about one other team besides Dallas. And, it does make you more familiar wit the players in general.

It's up to you all. I'm not doing it this year unless we get a couple of guys from Trouty's Pub in there. lol

I'm fine either way, brother.
I'll chec it out when i get back in town tomorrow. Sounds interesting.
She is awesome!! I like Linda Ronstadt more, but Anne Murray is still awesome :)
Linda Ronstadt was alway one of my favourite country singers...Ann Murray was local so l love her too. Crystal Gayle sang song nice tunes also..."Don't it make my brown eyes blue"
Best female backed (vocalist) band ever. And Lindsey on guitar. Just wow

Sooooo, I was searching the site looking for my people (all the degenerates, low lifes, alcoholics, smokers, and otherwise dregs of society).

Found em!

Good day gentlemen (and I use therm loosely)!
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