I see you Jalen Tolbert!

I wonder if some of those calls were made if the game could have turned out differently.
The non holding call for the 70 yard TD to Olave would have been called back. The non DPI not called against our WR's to keep drives going, and we possibly could get a TD.
The non face mask call for the same reason.

Those cheap calls, from the paid off refs changed that game in the 1st quarter. It was so obvious they screwed us, again.
@MarcusRock , handle these guys for me, mayne
LOL. I love how when we get blown out 1 or 2 calls could have been the difference to make up those 25 points when the defense put up zero resistance. Did anyone find some calls for the Green Bay game? I can't remember.
It wasn’t 1 or 2 calls….far more than that it was more holding calls then that on Micah alone.
I'm way more amped he's becoming a legitimate threat now than I'm bemoaning yesterday's loss. Which is probably like the Cardinals last year. Probably won't matter much in the grand scheme.
I wonder if some of those calls were made if the game could have turned out differently.
The non holding call for the 70 yard TD to Olave would have been called back. The non DPI not called against our WR's to keep drives going, and we possibly could get a TD.
The non face mask call for the same reason.

Those cheap calls, from the paid off refs changed that game in the 1st quarter. It was so obvious they screwed us, again.
That stuff matters man one bad call can change the course of a whole game.
I'm way more amped he's becoming a legitimate threat now than I was bemoaning yesterday's loss. Which is probably like the Cardinals last year. Probably won't matter much in the grand scheme.
I just need consistency. They don’t seem to be bringing in anyone so just gotta develop the young guys in season and hope by years end they are ready.
you can't do your own bidding I mean you need a guy to help you that you have to put his name in here and say please help me? He can't 'cause I'll look for his post and I'll go ahead and do my thing..
It's annoying dealing with blaming the refs, the refs had nothing to do with the run D
LOL. I love how when we get blown out 1 or 2 calls could have been the difference to make up those 25 points when the defense put up zero resistance. Did anyone find some calls for the Green Bay game? I can't remember.
I don't think anybody's saying that one or two calls could have helped there were more like 4 but as staying in the game longer give us a more of a chance I'm not gonna allow the referees to be bad and not point it out so you can come in here and help stick up for your buddy we're just discussing the game one of them is the officials are part of it the momentum in the game at the time they don't call these plays and give us another first down on about four plays the missed hold on Michael Parsons and that's getting old on a weekly basis but they called our tackle for a ticky tackle on guyton that they got a touchdown on should've been called back are you saying that that stuff at the moment it's happening in the game could help keep the game within reach and you never know after that that's what we're saying we're not saying it would have affected the outcome but it could have stayed a game a lot longer and gave us a better chance..

She wanna come in here and be the bully voice of reason like it's gonna stop us from talking you don't know us very well and for sure you don't know me very well I don't put up with that nonsense we're having a general discussion about things that happened in the flow of the game... So yeah you just look at it for post game of course none of that would have mattered but in the game at those moments that they were called things could have changed I mean that that would've been a cold back touchdown if they had called the hold like they did on our guy that stopped our momentum you call that on Parsons that calls back a touchdown who knows nobody knows 'cause you gotta talk about this in the general flow of the game...

And again I agree with you when you're just looking at it as a handful of missed calls it doesn't mean anything we're just talking about how the game went and how it could have been a little bit different had some small things changed you know like a guy not slipping down and causing an interception that cost us probably a 10 to 14 point swing at that moment that was big but we're talking about the penalties being somewhat the same in the time if they would have been called they could have helped us... We're talking about possibilities we're just talking here no one's saying the game outcome would have been different..
That stuff matters man one bad call can change the course of a whole game.
Exactly. And in this case there were 4 or 5. Everyone knows it but some will not admit it.They think they have to protect the refs in order to not seem bias.

Not saying we would have won the game. But it Could have been a more competitive game.
It's annoying dealing with blaming the refs, the refs had nothing to do with the run D
no one's blaming the rest we're having a discussion about the game flow and what happened during times of the game that may have changed the flow of the game no one saying it would change the outcome but we're allowed to point out real things that happen in a real game less than 24 hours ago... Not blaming the referees we're talking about missed calls that change the flow of the game are you telling to tell me that Michael Parsons non call on that whole would have called back a touchdown wouldn't have helped the flow of the game? A couple field goals were taken because calls weren't made like the face mask that's a first down on rico , you don't know how they would have affected the game in the flow of the game of course when you talk about it after the game it had no effect on the outcome but it would have had an effect on how much longer we could have remained in the game it possibly had a chance to come back you don't know that that's what we're talking about just the possibilities we're allowed to talk about real things though those were real missed calls...
I'll be honest, I hope he can, but I don't think Tolbert can be a legit full time #2. He hasn't really shown me anything to suggest that he can do it consistently. Brooks seems like a better fit with Dak but after that slip up turned INT, I don't know if that will happen. And Dallas need a guy, any guy to step up into that role asap! For what ever reason Cooks isn't doing it, just like last year. IDK if it's Dak not seeing him or him just not being open, but it's simply not happening, at least enough to warrant any real attention from opposing defenses. They can focus and CD and shut us down way too easily.
We need to find another weapon pronto or Dak, CD, this offense and the season is toast.

This is text book holding.

Yeah but we're not allowed to talk about it it would've brought back a touchdown right like Guyton got called for a ticky tack and somehow we didn't get a call that could have at least kept us in the game longer kept the flow of the game longer I don't think these knuckleheads understand what we're trying to say we're not trying to say it affected the outcome of the game but it changed the flow of the game we were within eight points most of that first half and had brooks not slipped down and caused an interception if we got some of these calls this could have been a different type of game like the Seattle game last year we won that game and that was like a score for score type of game but you can't get that when the refs are not being fair it has to be even...
You got video? Or point out what allegedly happened when and I'll pull the video later.
Oh he put the video up but why do you need a video if you actually watched the game I remember it in real time I remember it like it just happened it's gonna remain even brother we're just talking about the flow of the game it affected the game it may not affect the outcome we may still have lost but you can't call one on Guyton and then not call one on Parsons when it would've come back a touchdown.. And here we are talking about Parsons on a separate thread like he didn't do enough well maybe he got tired of trying whenever he's not getting calls...
LOL. I love how when we get blown out 1 or 2 calls could have been the difference to make up those 25 points when the defense put up zero resistance. Did anyone find some calls for the Green Bay game? I can't remember.
You cannot ignore the reality of how deflating it is as a player to be playing an opponent who is kicking your butt AND notice you're getting screwed by the refs. I am in no way excusing the guys for laying down but I am saying I do not find it all that hard to understand when it happens. You cannot get pressure on the QB if the opponent can blatantly hold you and if you cannot get pressure on a QB like Carr he will eat you alive. We knew that going in.. But that's what I talk about when I talk about this team's lack of mental toughness. When you feel like you're getting screwed you don't throw up your hands and complain to the refs.. you find a way.. Not saying it's easy because it absolutely isn't but that's what it takes. Take out your frustrations on the guy in front of you. If it draws a flag so be it but if I was a receiver and a DB was basically playing 1960's bump and run against me because the ref won't call it he would find himself getting snatched down Michael Irvin style a few times. Let's find out how serious they are about "lettin 'em play." Same with Parsons.. if guys are going to hold him he has GOT to learn some karate chop moves and break a few wrists.. Or take advantage of them wanting to pull him in close with a nice head butt or an occasional punch up under the chin strap. It may not stop it but it will damn sure slow it down.
"Your thing" is to abuse computer screen pixels.
Since when this isn't Twitter alright come on dude you don't wanna have a real discussion because you don't realize what we're trying to say we wanna make a point you just wanna be right there's a whole different thing when you're having a debate go look at it again... If this bothers you delete your account and just go use Twitter Twitter affects the way I can respond for sure

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