I think Dak supporters on this board need to be less volatile


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The name calling is a problem on both sides FWIW. I mean just look at this thread. I think the OP had good intentions and then it’s immediately followed by some posters questioning the intelligence of “Dak fans”.

Anyway. I’m not innocent. I’ve lost my cool here and there. But let’s not pretend it’s just Dak fans that engage in the name calling.
Dak haters pounce on everything good said about him these days so they're way more uncivilized keyboard jocks.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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You must live in a alternate reality.


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I don't attack people. Dak is good enough to win a Super Bowl. He got close a bunch of times but Cowboys are always cursed. That's why JJ and SJ still has faith in him.
Can you define close? GB was close? the 49ers debacle was considered close? Close it making the NFC Championship, and that was in 1995 with no Dak in sight. This is the issue on this board, it's the blind love of our QB that makes no logical sense


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@SixShooter said it all with Dak-stans. They always confuse his individual success with success of the team. A lot of anti-Dak guys don't have issues with Dak the person, they just know Dak is not the guy to lead our Cowboys to the promised land. Too much factual evidence to the contrary unfortunately. That's why so many of us wanted to let him play out this year. Didn't happen, now we are stuck with a cement shoed QB that requires everything to be perfect around him. Going to be a LONG haul!..


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First of all , Marx was an alcoholic . :facepalm:
And? What does that have to do the facts of that quote? :rolleyes: The truth of the matter is that we ALL need to chill. But that's not going to happen long as trolls here are allowed to throw Molotov cocktails into every Dak thread. Most of us know he hasn't lived up to his contracts. The whole team is soft from the top on down. There are a few reasons why he gets the hate he does. I already listed one.


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Look. I know this thread seems like me calling somebody out but it’s not. I admittedly have gotten angry and insulted Dak, but I have very rarely or ever personally insulted members here. I login to post with fellow Cowboys fans and talk about the team! Also everyday I have to deal with Dak fans attacking my integrity and saying volatile things to me and other members on this board. This thread’s intention isn’t argument. It’s peace. If you don’t like our Dak threads then don’t look at them. Don’t read them. Don’t post in them. Some of us are trying to have discussion here and all we get is personal insult after personal insult. There are a lot of great members on this board who agree with me that Dak ain’t the answer. If you don’t agree fine but enough of the personal insults! If you don’t agree with our threads then stop attacking us in them!!
They come to the fight with rainbows and unicorns and we come with facts and the number 1 fact is that dak is an overrated overpriced bum.