Don't see any reason why Ellis won't stick around since he's got about 3-4 more years left on his contract & Cowboys weren't willing part with him this year. Also his backup this year is Al Singleton whose in last year of his 4 year contract with us. The guy behind Singleton was Carpenter who was moved inside--but don't know if inside move was just an effort to get Carpenter some playing time this year/increase his versatility or make him a legit ILB. Anyway, assuming Singleton won't be back in 07, seems to me that means Burnett & Carpenter(?) would be competiting for #2 OLB behind Ellis (Burnett already Ware's backup). On the other hand, maybe Carpenter's destiny is to supplant Ayodale next year. That would tick me off only because I thought we used our first pick to pick up legit OLB. Oh well, it's too early to worry about that.