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I just think he is a litle too rough around the edges for TV. Not Radio.
Avaj;2991411 said:Is it being blunt or being honest???
tyke1doe;2993301 said:Really? Guys in the hood call folks "clowns" and say stop wearing "dresses"?
What type of ghetto do you frequent where you hear that type language?
And why would you make that exclusive to the ghetto? I hear words like that often. Be careful because someone could interpret your comments to have racial implications.
The Panch;2999968 said:Ghetto??
I hate to pull the race card, cause Im not even black, but I doubt you would say that if he was white.
He's a former football player, not a Professor at Harvard.
rkell87;3004703 said:so let them. if they interpret them that way then thats the way they see things anyway cause there is no way to tell if the comment was racial or not.
how can you tell what some one would or wouldnt do or say without even meeting them? i for one would say that about any race that acts in a way that i percieve to be 'ghetto' but you wouldnt know that without me telling you that would you?
tyke1doe;3010984 said:Excuse me? Is your name CowboysFanSince88?
Besides, I didn't say it was a racial comment. I said it could be interpreted as a racial comment. And my warning to CFS88 is for future reference. If his misinterpretation is transmitted in public, he could find himself in a situation where someone interprets his comment as racial. Ghetto has a racial stigma. Rodney Harrison is black. CFS88 assumes he knows how people in the ghetto speak, yet I don't believe anything Harrison said was ghetto. The assumption is he's trying to apply a term associated with blacks - in a negative way, I might add - to what Harrison said, simply because Harrison - a black man - said it.
Would he have said the same had Cris Collinsworth said it?
It's called exposure to the real world. Try it some time.
rkell87;3012401 said:i didn't say YOU said it it was racial i said if someone wants to interpret it that way let them because that is the way they would interpret it no matter how it was said or who said it.
ghetto may have a racial stigma but that doesn't mean that whenever the word is used that that it is meant racially.
you know what they say happens when you assume things.
once again i cant speak for him but yes i would use the term on Cris if i thought something was 'ghetto'. and again how would you know if he would or wouldn't? you are assuming again, why? most likely because you see the term as racial or think CBF88 meant it racially but you cant know that without 1st knowing him 2nd hearing how he would say it unless he had made a racist comment in the past that couldn't be construed any other way but racist.
real world? cause this the cowboyzone online forum is the real world right?
Tyke1doe said:If his misinterpretation is transmitted in public, he could find himself in a situation where someone interprets his comment as racial.
who made you forum mommy that you need to 'warn' people about what they say and how they say them could be misconstrued and he could be in a bad situation?
say what you mean and mean what you say and it wont matter what anybody else thinks you meant
tyke1doe;3012875 said:Not true. Context means everything. As I'll explain next.
Right. So you look at the situation.
A.) CFS88 says that Harrison's phrase is "ghetto."
B.) Posters rebuked him by saying that the term Harrison used was not "ghetto" and has been used in other environments other than the ghetto.
C.) Ghetto has a racial connotation.
D.) Harrison is black.
So what other logical conclusion could be reached beyond racial implications given the context?
I do. Just as I know how to put two and two together and arrive at the most reasonable conclusion.
Now who's doing the assuming? I merely asked him he may need to be careful because someone may interpret his comment as racial. I didn't say it was racial.
Please reread what I wrote.
Second, racial doesn't mean racist. Again, who's doing the assuming now? You are. And this conversation had nothing to do with you, anyway. You just got your ARSE on your shoulders and thought you would come to the defense of someone who - obviously - isn't bothered by my response because he didn't acknowledge it one way or the other. That was okay with me. It was just an admonition to be either accepted or rejected.
I guess you missed this comment of mine.
And who made you forum big brother that you had to jump into a conversation that wasn't directed at you?
What the heck are you talking about?
rkell87;3013085 said:first B) has nothing to do with A,C,and D what you are really saying is CBF88 says ghetto about what harrison said, ghetto is racial(or racial connotation),and Harrison is black. so then what are you getting at? since we are already assuming here let me take a shot and take what you are saying a step farther.
A,C,D therefore CBF88 comment was racial which means....drumroll...CBF88 is racist! i mean thats the only 'logical' way to interpret it right?
i did read what you wrote but you replied to a post i made to another poster in the same post i replied to you and that is what i was responding to not specifically what you wrote.
you told him to be careful and i for the most part said he doesn't have to cause over the Internet you can not tell if he meant it racially or not like you said A,C,D but you still don't know cause he didn't say it, he typed it and you have to go off of what he said not what he could have meant by it.
i agree racial doesn't mean racist but its a fine line when implying that someone meant something racially.
your telling me that this, how can you tell what some one would or wouldn't do or say without even meeting them? i for one would say that about any race that acts in a way that i perceive to be 'ghetto' but you wouldn't know that without me telling you that would you?
and your reply of, It's called exposure to the real world. Try it some time.
goes back to this->If his misinterpretation is transmitted in public, he could find himself in a situation where someone interprets his comment as racial.?
he shouldn't have to defend his comment to you or anyone on the grounds of whether or not it was racial which had i made the comment is why i wouldn't have acknowledged your comment or some others, though i responded to your post i was more telling the OP to disregard your warning and why.
its an open forum there for the convo is open to anybody
I'm talking about being clear on what you say and and standing behind itand not apologizing for what you say because you are allowed your opinion and feelings and as long as you know what you think,feel, and mean then it doesn't matter what other people think you mean.
say what you mean and mean what you say.
Cowchick;3013542 said:I wonder if the thread starter would've used the term "ghetto" if Rodney Harrison wasn't black. I don't think so.
tyke1doe;3018542 said:Wrong. Again, I said "racial" doesn't mean "racist."
I can't help if your employment of words is limited, but mine is not.
I did so because I don't think you understand the issue here. We're merely using common sense and asking CFS88 to consider what inferences can be drawn from his comments. You tried to come to his defense. No one was really talking to you, though.
Yeah, you don't get it.
I also said he may want to be careful if he communicates that way in public.
Second, what does this conversation have to do with you? Who cares whether you think my admonition is valid or not? I was talking to CFS88 not you.
He may very well have taken heed to my comments. Some people actually believe what they communicate here on the Internet. You don't know whether he was ignorant in his views or not.
Furthermore, communication is a two-way street. If he doesn't want people to think he's trying to evoke race or racial overtones in a conversation, he may want to take heed to my admonition.
First, you're contradicting yourself. See above.
Second, I don't even understand the second part of your sentence. What the freak are you talking about?
You're all over the place now. I can't even make sense of what you're talking about.
Exactly. Hence my comment. It's interesting that you clearly see that this is an open (public) forum yet you don't like the fact I gave him a warning.
Pst. That's a part of open conversation too.
I find it funny that you're talking about being clear, and yet you just offered one muddled post.
Say what you mean and mean what you say, indeed.
tyke1doe;3018552 said:Isn't it interesting how many posters in this thread understand the apparent racial overtones of the post and how the "minority" opinion can't. Really what it boils down to his life exposure.
Whether CFS88 meant it as racial or not, those who have an understand of the term "ghetto," how it has been applied in American society and, in this case, whom the term was applied to can draw reasonable inferences from its usage here.
It's like using the term lynching when referring to blacks or using concentration camp when referring to a Jew then trying to say that the term doesn't evoke any racial connotations based on how one "innocently" used it?
Words and terms are connected to history (hence the concept called etymology) and create certain images. And if one doesn't understand this, one is either stubborn (insisting on a different meaning despite historical context and connotation) or is ignorant.
rkell87;3018657 said:if you think i dont understand i do, all i'm saying is can't tell if he ment it racially or not based on the post, like you say you can draw 'reasonible' inferences, but that is subjective and what you are really doing is assuming something about a person you have never heard or met.
2.if you ment it to be racial,own it.
and 3.just because he used the term when talking about a black man does not mean he ment it racially. period.
tyke1doe;3019657 said:You may understand, but I'm having a hard time understanding you.
No, I'm not. That is why I offered a caution. If I wanted to assume something about him I would have said "Stop being a racist or stop trying to deliberately make this a racial issue." Remember (as you have stated previously) this is the Internet. If I wanted to boldly take him to task for his comment, I could with no repercussions. But I did not. He might be ignorant of the use of the term "ghetto." So I explained the connotation of the word while giving him the benefit of the doubt. Hence, my admonition.
YOU assumed I meant something more because I said the term might be interpreted as a racial stereotype. But I'm not the only one who drew that conclusion. Many others who understand how "ghetto" is used drew the same conclusion.
Whatever this means?
I guess you never heard of giving the benefit of the doubt. You do understand also in counseling, a counselor may hear a statement that has a specific meaning or connotation but then seeks clarity by asking a question for confirmation. That's all I did here in a round about way. I told him to be careful because what he said may be interpreted as racial. I'm just trying to make him aware of his use of the term and how it might be interpreted.
Interestingly, he didn't get upset about it. You did. How ironic, given how you offered this is an open forum and people can say what they like. Well, he did, and I did. So what's it to you?
And just because he used the term when talking about a black man doesn't mean he didn't use it racially. period.
See, it works both ways.
tyke1doe;2993301 said:Really? Guys in the hood call folks "clowns" and say stop wearing "dresses"?
What type of ghetto do you frequent where you hear that type language?
And why would you make that exclusive to the ghetto? I hear words like that often. Be careful because someone could interpret your comments to have racial implications.
Rampage;3019659 said:I'm a black man and I took offense to it