I think Rodney Harrison is a little too ghetto for NBC and needs to tone it down


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rkell87;3020807 said:
OK? i dont see your point, i said i know it seems like im arguing just to argue and you say im arguing for cbf88?it makes no sense

Sigh? :(

Actually, it does make sense. It just may not make sense to you. Follow the logic:

1. You say I know it seems like you're arguing just to argue. The seems means that you aren't arguing just to be arguing though it appears that way.

2. I say CFS88 didn't really say anything about my comment. You said something about it. If you had not, we wouldn't be at this point in the thread.
So if you're not arguing just to be arguing, then you must have a point. I really don't know what that is since even you've admitted that this is an open forum where opinions are valid. If that's the case, then why are you even arguing with me? :confused:
CFS88 offered an opinion. I offered mine, which was more an admonition than an opinion. I really don't see why you're involved in this discussion anyway, given the fact that the only insight you've given is that everyone has an opinion. Wow. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

you also seem to ingnore every part of my posts except what fits what you want to say.

Is this where I say "say what you mean and mean what you say?" :confused: ;)

and i have black friends that sit around and bash white people for everything under the sun whats your point?

Are you following even what you said? :confused: No wonder you're confused.
Uh, you said you doubt such racism exists. You said a particular type racism is "foreign" to this day and age. I countered by giving you examples that contradict your opinion. That's the point. If you're not going to follow what I'm saying, please pay attention to what you say. It appears, indeed, you're arguing just to argue if you can't recall your own observations and comments.

are you telling me your white friends and co workers tell you that other people they know say black people cant do the same jobs as white people?

Yes, I'm telling you that. They say things like "black people are lazy," "black people are violent," etc.
Again, please pay attention.


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CowboysFanSince88;3021219 said:
Well as a black man I was bothered a bit by the way Rodney handled himself on TV and felt it needed to tone it down a bit. He needs tips from Michael Wilboun and James Brown.

So as a black man, maybe you can tell me

a.) Have you ever been in a ghetto and
b.) How saying someone needs to stop whining like a girl or take off the dress is exclusively ghetto?


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CowboysFanSince88;3021299 said:
No he should act like a man who has class.

Good. Then why use the term "ghetto"?
Maybe you can elaborate for the good citizens of this forum what made his comments specifically and exclusively "ghetto"?

I'd really like to read a cognant explanation of that term, as you understand it.

Thank you.


Mick Green 58
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juck;3020579 said:
Whoa is my poor race.As a white man let me respond.
1. Ghetto comes to mind cause 99% of the Ghetto is black.
2.Stereotypes arent always right but usually are thats why they are there in the first place.
3.Black people as a whole are considered lazy by many.Something for free is the motto generally.
4.Its 2009,we have a black president,blacks are doing ok Id say.Yet they still go to school for free and will get the job over a better qualified white man because of ridiculous rules.Affirmative action is ridiculous,Earn it.
5. Harrisons comment isnt ghetto but he is dumb in general.Not the sharpest tool in the shed.White,black,purple,blue,green,i dont care.I wouldnt use the term Ghetto but Id say ebonics as a whole is incorporating into the media.Its inevitable.
6.Blacks judge whites the same.
7. I think the poster was being kind by saying ghetto,because he didnt want to get banned.
8. You cant get angry because whites generally fear blacks for whatever reason.

Sorry to be blunt but you see it everyday.Facts are facts.You have ur opinion on racial situations and so do I.

Quite a lot of ignorance in this post.


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tyke1doe;3021308 said:
So as a black man, maybe you can tell me

a.) Have you ever been in a ghetto and
b.) How saying someone needs to stop whining like a girl or take off the dress is exclusively ghetto?

Yes I lived in the Ghetto and his statements just sounded like something someone would say in the hood not on TV. So I just wanted to have more class like Cris Carter, Michael Wilboun, Jay Harris, Tony Dungy, and James Brown.


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tyke1doe;3021309 said:
Good. Then why use the term "ghetto"?
Maybe you can elaborate for the good citizens of this forum what made his comments specifically and exclusively "ghetto"?

I'd really like to read a cognant explanation of that term, as you understand it.

Thank you.

Ok maybe I should have used CLASS instead of GHETTO


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Avaj;3020959 said:
It is amazing to me, I'm black, when white people tell us how we are suppose to feel. If one of us said we are offended by what the OP said why do we have to explain ourselves or justify why we feel that way.

Do you have to explain everytime you are offended?? :rolleyes:

i just wanted to know why he was, is it not ok to ask why? im not saying how people should feel im saying there isnt enough info to feel one way or the other.

no i dont have to but i try to explain why, to the offender, im am offended. it helps people understand where different people are coming from.


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CowboysFanSince88;3021317 said:
Yes I lived in the Ghetto and his statements just sound like something someone would say in the hood not TV. So I just wanted to have more class like Cris Carter, Michael Wilboun, Jay Harris, Tony Dungy, and James Brown.

You mean guys in the suburbs don't say "stop whining like a girl," "don't get your panties in a tight" or "take off the dress"? :confused:

I've lived in low-income neighborhoods and upclass neighborhoods. I've heard this expression in both - in some form or fashion. In fact, I've heard it most recently in suburban areas. I think you unnecessarily introduced race into this issue.

And what confirms my suspicion is that you compare Rodney Harrison to other black commentators. If this isn't about race, then why compare him only to black commentators? Why not compare him to commentators in general? Why not mention Cris Collinsworth or Bob Costa or Howie Long?

The bottom line is that this isn't about "acting ghetto," and it isn't about race. If you didn't like what Harrison said, then maybe you just needed to say that he should have class. There was no need, IMO, to employ a racial stereotype. And being black doesn't necessarily give you the "right" to do that either.


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CowboysFanSince88;3021331 said:
Ok maybe I should have used CLASS instead of GHETTO

Very good.

I can appreciate that description.

And I appreciate the fact that even though people were getting on your case, you didn't OVERREACT like most people on Internet forums do.

Kudos to you, my friend. :)


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tyke1doe;3021287 said:
Sigh? :(

Actually, it does make sense. It just may not make sense to you. Follow the logic:

1. You say I know it seems like you're arguing just to argue. The seems means that you aren't arguing just to be arguing though it appears that way.

2. I say CFS88 didn't really say anything about my comment. You said something about it. If you had not, we wouldn't be at this point in the thread.
So if you're not arguing just to be arguing, then you must have a point. I really don't know what that is since even you've admitted that this is an open forum where opinions are valid. If that's the case, then why are you even arguing with me? :confused:
CFS88 offered an opinion. I offered mine, which was more an admonition than an opinion. I really don't see why you're involved in this discussion anyway, given the fact that the only insight you've given is that everyone has an opinion. Wow. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

Is this where I say "say what you mean and mean what you say?" :confused: ;)

Are you following even what you said? :confused: No wonder you're confused.
Uh, you said you doubt such racism exists. You said a particular type racism is "foreign" to this day and age. I countered by giving you examples that contradict your opinion. That's the point. If you're not going to follow what I'm saying, please pay attention to what you say. It appears, indeed, you're arguing just to argue if you can't recall your own observations and comments.

Yes, I'm telling you that. They say things like "black people are lazy," "black people are violent," etc.
Again, please pay attention.

if you would like to stop talking then stop other wise quit questioning why i entered the discussion.

no i said that people that are not out right racist would not think that a certain race couldnt do certain jobs nor have the intellegence to do so, that is what i said was forign. and no you didnt provide any examples of that. i recall my comments just fine your all over the place with yours. please stop telling me about your first post and my reply, i know yours was an admonation, and mine (in response to just your post) was telling him to not watch what he says and just know what you mean by it and mean it.(now we find out he ment class) can we stop talking about your first post now? do you even realise that our convo did not start because of your first post and my reply but started because of your reply to my post of another poster?

if your friends tell you that black people are lazy and violent all i can say is 1 i hope you disprove that theory with your example. and 2 maybe you need new friends


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Maikeru-sama;3021314 said:
Quite a lot of ignorance in this post.
Cmon man.You know its true.Just afraid to say it.I see it everyday.Ask Marty B he will tell you.Caucasians have their stereotypical things to them as well.Everyone is so politically correct anymore,when the obvious is right in front of them.Its the way our society is and always will be.It is what it is.


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rkell87;3021456 said:
if you would like to stop talking then stop other wise quit questioning why i entered the discussion.

But it's a valid question, given the basis of your argument. If, indeed, everyone has a right to one's opinion, why are you questioning mine?

That's really a silly position. We question each other's position because we think our position is better. That's the basis for argument. If everything is some relative argument (as your position suggests), then it's a valid question to ask why did you even enter the discussion. It's like a person who believes morality is relative, arguing with another that his morality is wrong. It's an illogical position. If one honestly believes morality is relative, why would one argue with another that his morality is wrong? It makes no sense. And your (everyone is entitled to his opinion) is similar in construct. Remember, I'm not the one who offered that point, you did.

no i said that people that are not out right racist would not think that a certain race couldnt do certain jobs nor have the intellegence to do so, that is what i said was forign.

Huh? :confused:

What kind of logic is that? I said only people who outright lie are liars? :huh:

That makes NO sense at all. Of course, they would be racist. What the heck are you even talking about?

and no you didnt provide any examples of that. i recall my comments just fine your all over the place with yours. please stop telling me about your first post and my reply, i know yours was an admonation, and mine (in response to just your post) was telling him to not watch what he says and just know what you mean by it and mean it.(now we find out he ment class) can we stop talking about your first post now? do you even realise that our convo did not start because of your first post and my reply but started because of your reply to my post of another poster?

Our conversation started when you replied to my post because up until that time, I wasn't talking to you.

As for your first sentence in the above paragraph, yes, I did provide an example. But after reading that non-sensical babble, I really have no idea what you're talking about or what your point is. Sounds like trying to split frog's hair to me.

You asked if I believe there are people who think blacks are inferior as a group, I responded by saying, "Yes, I do."

Then you respond that only a racist would think that.

Well, duh. :rolleyes:

if your friends tell you that black people are lazy and violent all i can say is 1 i hope you disprove that theory with your example. and 2 maybe you need new friends

My friends/co-workers are merely communicating to me what they heard at parties or gatherings. It's not that they agree with the people. They are just as shocked. But they are merely validating that racism still exists, and people still feel that way.

How you get from there to I need new friends is beyond me. Then again, you've been missing the mark in this discussion so I shouldn't be surprised.


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ugh it is really frustrating that you can not follow the conversation so here it is again i advise you to read the whole thing again, trust me if you are above a 5th grade comprehention level you can follow my responses.

if you cant follow this discussion and are going to continue to talk in circles then we have no need to continue any farther

rkell87;3004703 said:
so let them. if they interpret them that way then thats the way they see things anyway cause there is no way to tell if the comment was racial or not.

how can you tell what some one would or wouldnt do or say without even meeting them? i for one would say that about any race that acts in a way that i percieve to be 'ghetto' but you wouldnt know that without me telling you that would you?

tyke1doe;3010984 said:
Excuse me? Is your name CowboysFanSince88? :confused:

Besides, I didn't say it was a racial comment. I said it could be interpreted as a racial comment. And my warning to CFS88 is for future reference. If his misinterpretation is transmitted in public, he could find himself in a situation where someone interprets his comment as racial. Ghetto has a racial stigma. Rodney Harrison is black. CFS88 assumes he knows how people in the ghetto speak, yet I don't believe anything Harrison said was ghetto. The assumption is he's trying to apply a term associated with blacks - in a negative way, I might add - to what Harrison said, simply because Harrison - a black man - said it.
Would he have said the same had Cris Collinsworth said it?

It's called exposure to the real world. Try it some time.

rkell87;3012401 said:
i didn't say YOU said it it was racial i said if someone wants to interpret it that way let them because that is the way they would interpret it no matter how it was said or who said it.

ghetto may have a racial stigma but that doesn't mean that whenever the word is used that that it is meant racially.

you know what they say happens when you assume things.

once again i cant speak for him but yes i would use the term on Cris if i thought something was 'ghetto'. and again how would you know if he would or wouldn't? you are assuming again, why? most likely because you see the term as racial or think CBF88 meant it racially but you cant know that without 1st knowing him 2nd hearing how he would say it unless he had made a racist comment in the past that couldn't be construed any other way but racist.

real world? cause this the cowboyzone online forum is the real world right?

who made you forum mommy that you need to 'warn' people about what they say and how they say them could be misconstrued and he could be in a bad situation?

say what you mean and mean what you say and it wont matter what anybody else thinks you meant

tyke1doe;3012875 said:
Not true. Context means everything. As I'll explain next.

Right. So you look at the situation.

A.) CFS88 says that Harrison's phrase is "ghetto."
B.) Posters rebuked him by saying that the term Harrison used was not "ghetto" and has been used in other environments other than the ghetto.
C.) Ghetto has a racial connotation.
D.) Harrison is black.

So what other logical conclusion could be reached beyond racial implications given the context? :rolleyes:

I do. Just as I know how to put two and two together and arrive at the most reasonable conclusion.

Now who's doing the assuming? I merely asked him he may need to be careful because someone may interpret his comment as racial. I didn't say it was racial.
Please reread what I wrote.
Second, racial doesn't mean racist. Again, who's doing the assuming now? You are. And this conversation had nothing to do with you, anyway. You just got your ARSE on your shoulders and thought you would come to the defense of someone who - obviously - isn't bothered by my response because he didn't acknowledge it one way or the other. That was okay with me. It was just an admonition to be either accepted or rejected.

I guess you missed this comment of mine.

And who made you forum big brother that you had to jump into a conversation that wasn't directed at you?

What the heck are you talking about? :huh:

rkell87;3013085 said:
first B) has nothing to do with A,C,and D what you are really saying is CBF88 says ghetto about what harrison said, ghetto is racial(or racial connotation),and Harrison is black. so then what are you getting at? since we are already assuming here let me take a shot and take what you are saying a step farther.

A,C,D therefore CBF88 comment was racial which means....drumroll...CBF88 is racist! i mean thats the only 'logical' way to interpret it right?

i did read what you wrote but you replied to a post i made to another poster in the same post i replied to you and that is what i was responding to not specifically what you wrote.

you told him to be careful and i for the most part said he doesn't have to cause over the Internet you can not tell if he meant it racially or not like you said A,C,D but you still don't know cause he didn't say it, he typed it and you have to go off of what he said not what he could have meant by it.

i agree racial doesn't mean racist but its a fine line when implying that someone meant something racially.

your telling me that this, how can you tell what some one would or wouldn't do or say without even meeting them? i for one would say that about any race that acts in a way that i perceive to be 'ghetto' but you wouldn't know that without me telling you that would you?

and your reply of, It's called exposure to the real world. Try it some time.

goes back to this->If his misinterpretation is transmitted in public, he could find himself in a situation where someone interprets his comment as racial.?


he shouldn't have to defend his comment to you or anyone on the grounds of whether or not it was racial which had i made the comment is why i wouldn't have acknowledged your comment or some others, though i responded to your post i was more telling the OP to disregard your warning and why.

its an open forum there for the convo is open to anybody

I'm talking about being clear on what you say and and standing behind it and not apologizing for what you say because you are allowed your opinion and feelings and as long as you know what you think,feel, and mean then it doesn't matter what other people think you mean.

say what you mean and mean what you say.

tyke1doe;3018542 said:
Wrong. Again, I said "racial" doesn't mean "racist."

I can't help if your employment of words is limited, but mine is not.

I did so because I don't think you understand the issue here. We're merely using common sense and asking CFS88 to consider what inferences can be drawn from his comments. You tried to come to his defense. No one was really talking to you, though.

Yeah, you don't get it.
I also said he may want to be careful if he communicates that way in public.
Second, what does this conversation have to do with you? Who cares whether you think my admonition is valid or not? I was talking to CFS88 not you.
He may very well have taken heed to my comments. Some people actually believe what they communicate here on the Internet. You don't know whether he was ignorant in his views or not.
Furthermore, communication is a two-way street. If he doesn't want people to think he's trying to evoke race or racial overtones in a conversation, he may want to take heed to my admonition.

First, you're contradicting yourself. See above.
Second, I don't even understand the second part of your sentence. What the freak are you talking about? :huh:

Huh? :confused:

You're all over the place now. I can't even make sense of what you're talking about.


Exactly. Hence my comment. It's interesting that you clearly see that this is an open (public) forum yet you don't like the fact I gave him a warning.

Pst. That's a part of open conversation too. ;)


I find it funny that you're talking about being clear, and yet you just offered one muddled post.

Say what you mean and mean what you say, indeed.


rkell87;3018649 said:
first read the whole post then reply

second i had a clear line of thought between racial and racist in which i explained everything in between.

third i told him not to listen to you(and explained why) whats so hard about that?

forth to the all over the place part, your response to a part of what i said+my replies didn't make sense are your end its not my fault you can follow the convo

you still don't seem to get that it doesn't matter that no one was talking to me, i decided to post, like you said that is part of conversation in an open public forum.

seriously though go back and read the whole convo post for post cause i cant explain, and don't have the energy to try, each part of the convo to you in type.

basically it boils down to, using the term ghetto while not hearing how it was used has to be taken at face value and shouldn't be automatically assumed it was used racially, and you warned him to be wary of its use in public, while i say don't cause if you mean it racially own up and face its consequences, and if you don't then don't worry about what other people think cause you know what you mean everything else doesn't matter

rkell87;3018657 said:
if you think i dont understand i do, all i'm saying is

1.you can't tell if he ment it racially or not based on the post, like you say you can draw 'reasonible' inferences, but that is subjective and what you are really doing is assuming something about a person you have never heard or met.

2.if you ment it to be racial,own it.

and 3.just because he used the term when talking about a black man does not mean he ment it racially. period.

tyke1doe;3019657 said:
You may understand, but I'm having a hard time understanding you.

No, I'm not. That is why I offered a caution. If I wanted to assume something about him I would have said "Stop being a racist or stop trying to deliberately make this a racial issue." Remember (as you have stated previously) this is the Internet. If I wanted to boldly take him to task for his comment, I could with no reprecussions. But I did not. He might be ignorant of the use of the term "ghetto." So I explained the connotation of the word while giving him the benefit of the doubt. Hence, my admonition.
YOU assumed I meant something more because I said the term might be interpreted as a racial stereotype. But I'm not the only one who drew that conclusion. Many others who understand how "ghetto" is used drew the same conclusion.

Whatever this means? :huh:

I guess you never heard of giving the benefit of the doubt. You do understand also in counseling, a counselor may hear a statement that has a specific meaning or connotation but then seeks clarity by asking a question for confirmation. That's all I did here in a round about way. I told him to be careful because what he said may be interpreted as racial. I'm just trying to make him aware of his use of the term and how it might be interpreted.
Interestingly, he didn't get upset about it. You did. How ironic, given how you offered this is an open forum and people can say what they like. Well, he did, and I did. So what's it to you?

And just because he used the term when talking about a black man doesn't mean he didn't use it racially. period.
See, it works both ways. ;) :)

rkell87;3019868 said:
i replied twice don't know if you saw the first reply

i did not assume you meant something more, in response to your original post i bolded the part i responded to and said let people assume what they will,you replied to me about my response to another poster which is what really started this whole convo.

also i haven't got upset once and why do you keep bringing up that you were talking to him not me? if you don't want to talk to me don't. you replied to me about what i said to another poster yet keep telling me that what you said to OP doesn't concern me.

i actually thought about that statement today running errands, what i should have said and meant to say was that,just because he used the term when talking about a black man does not automatically mean he meant it racially. period. nor does it automatically mean that he could have meant it that way. it is a word that is just in some peoples vocab, and people use it just to use it, not that they should but some just do and mean nothing by it.

the whole thing is that if you know someone or are speaking face to face you can pretty much tell how they mean something but here over the Internet you just cant know unless they make it clear and people should not get upset but if they do let them cause they will anyway about any other thing.

its like all the outrage over the twins in transformers 2 if you want to see something a certain way you will and there is nothing anyone can do about it or anything that will change peoples mind about what they think the creators and writers meant by it

tyke1doe;3020126 said:
Which is why I told him to be careful because someone might interpret his comment/thread title as racial.

My statement implies that maybe CFS88 didn't understand the racial overtones of his comment. (Hence, my comment about a person possibly being "ignorant" to the racial implications of such a statement). I'm not trying to call him racist or say that he was trying to be racial. Maybe he truly doesn't understand how the use of "ghetto" when speaking about a black man who is using words that aren't necessary "ghetto" can be interpreted as racial. That's why I offered my admonition.

And, yes, this is the Internet. But you can learn even over the Internet. I don't need to know the tone of his comment or how he said it. When you invoke racial stereotypes into a conversation, tone or not, you have raised the possibility by the interpreter that you might be implying something racial.

And if CFS88 is truly ignorant of the racial impact of his statement (I'm not using ignorance as a bad thing, by the way), then it is more likely that he's going to employ that term in a public way. If it doesn't register to you (I speak of "you" in the general sense not the specific sense) that a very common term, applied to black people has a negative connotation, you're more likely to embrace that same view in public. And then you'll be wondering why people consider you a "racist."

Thus, I'm merely seeking to educate him and enlighten him on the use of that term and how it doesn't fit what Harrison did.

Now if Harrison had said, "Yo dat Brady need ta chill da whining like a BEACH @ Homo!" then CFS88 might have a point, even though that's more how people from da hood talk than the ghetto - which is really an outdated term, truth be told.

But Harrison used words that any American would have used. It's not limited to the ghetto. So it strikes people as strange that CFS88 would use that term to describe a black commentator.

tyke1doe;3020143 said:
As a black man, I'll answer why it would be considered offensive.

It underscores a belief in many people's minds that black people don't measure up, that black people don't have the education or the intellect to handle certain jobs, including commentator.

So when one expresses himself in a way that any other player who is white would explain himself, immediately negative images of "ghetto" spring to mind.

It's something blacks have always had to overcome.

We can't get angry like a white employee can on the job, otherwise, we're viewed as the "angry black man" or ready to get "gansta" on someone.

We can't talk on the phone at work or come in late like other whites can otherwise we're considered "lazy." And that perception of laziness is not just singular. It is projected on to us as a race.

So when Harrison says something like "Brady needs to take off the dress" (a comment likely uttered by men of all ethnicities in a male-dominated culture like sports), immediately the image of him saying it involves race. Hence the term, "ghetto," which is commonly associated in American culture with black people.

That's why it offends blacks because no matter what we do, when we do something negative, there's always a judgment of us based on our race - even though people say they aren't criticizing us because of our race. But when people use terms associated with race, that's how we interpret it.

Now, maybe the user of the term doesn't mean it in that way. And I grant CFS88 that maybe he didn't use it that way. But those of us who know how it has been used in a particular context will draw conclusions.

By the way, I'm not offended by it because I have a thicker skin and what CFS88 says doesn't affect my life. But I still can acknowledge why many blacks would be offended by the statement.

I'm not speaking for Rampage. I'm just giving you a reason why such a term, applied the way it was applied, would be offensive to some if not most blacks.

rkell87;3020588 said:
thanks for the insight, but i am fully aware of why it could be considered offensive, i wanted to know why he was offended.

listen i know it seems like I'm arguing just to as someone pointed out but i just hate when people read too much into what someone says without knowing what was truly meant by it. while i agree he most likely used the term because Harrison is black, but i doubt he meant it to offend, i assume with 88 in his name he is 20 or 21 and while i am that age and i don't use the term loosely i acknowledge that alot of my peers do, and the word doesn't carry the same weight it once did. now i don't know how old you and rampage are so it might still carry some weight in ya'lls mind idk.

also i know you just warned him to be aware of the term he was using. i (in response to your post) was simply saying just be clear on how you mean it and don't worry about what other people think. if he were to use the N word i have no problem with it, that is to say i have no problem with him saying the word because he wants to use it(i hate that word btw) just as long as he is clear about what he is saying when using it so there can be no gray area, that way when you hear it you can do whatever you see fit about it. everybody has a right to an opinion whether or not we like it or not, I'm just a member of the **** what people think, you do you and I'll do me line of thinking.

i don't know what part of the country you live in but i advise going somewhere else if you have to walk on eggshells to avoid a stereotype that you don't want, every place i have worked the 'angry black guy' is just a joke used when a black co worker gets angry most often used by said co worker first. my experience is that young 'punks'( you know with the spiked hair tats and piercings everywhere) are the most commonly angry people and anybody that does drugs(regardless of race) are the lazy ones.

i don't know what your experiences are but i really do not see anybody outside being racist, believing that a race of people cant handle certain jobs because they are not intelligent enough to do so, i would think that is a pretty foreign thought in most people in this day and age

tyke1doe;3020731 said:
Actually, you're doing the arguing for him. I didn't go on and on about it with CFS88. I issued a simple admonition, and that was that. You decided to come to his defense. If you had not, this would have ended before it began.

Oh, and, no, it's not a foreign concept. I have white friends and co-workers who've attended parties and gatherings where there are only whites, and they have some interesting stories to tell.

rkell87;3020807 said:
OK? i dont see your point, i said i know it seems like im arguing just to argue and you say im arguing for cbf88?it makes no sense

you also seem to ingnore every part of my posts except what fits what you want to say.

and i have black friends that sit around and bash white people for everything under the sun whats your point? are you telling me your white friends and co workers tell you that other people they know say black people cant do the same jobs as white people?

tyke1doe;3021287 said:
Sigh? :(

Actually, it does make sense. It just may not make sense to you. Follow the logic:

1. You say I know it seems like you're arguing just to argue. The seems means that you aren't arguing just to be arguing though it appears that way.

2. I say CFS88 didn't really say anything about my comment. You said something about it. If you had not, we wouldn't be at this point in the thread.
So if you're not arguing just to be arguing, then you must have a point. I really don't know what that is since even you've admitted that this is an open forum where opinions are valid. If that's the case, then why are you even arguing with me? :confused:
CFS88 offered an opinion. I offered mine, which was more an admonition than an opinion. I really don't see why you're involved in this discussion anyway, given the fact that the only insight you've given is that everyone has an opinion. Wow. What a revelation. :rolleyes:

Is this where I say "say what you mean and mean what you say?" :confused: ;)

Are you following even what you said? :confused: No wonder you're confused.
Uh, you said you doubt such racism exists. You said a particular type racism is "foreign" to this day and age. I countered by giving you examples that contradict your opinion. That's the point. If you're not going to follow what I'm saying, please pay attention to what you say. It appears, indeed, you're arguing just to argue if you can't recall your own observations and comments.

Yes, I'm telling you that. They say things like "black people are lazy," "black people are violent," etc.
Again, please pay attention.

rkell87;3021456 said:
if you would like to stop talking then stop other wise quit questioning why i entered the discussion.

no i said that people that are not out right racist would not think that a certain race couldnt do certain jobs nor have the intellegence to do so, that is what i said was forign. and no you didnt provide any examples of that. i recall my comments just fine your all over the place with yours. please stop telling me about your first post and my reply, i know yours was an admonation, and mine (in response to just your post) was telling him to not watch what he says and just know what you mean by it and mean it.(now we find out he ment class) can we stop talking about your first post now? do you even realise that our convo did not start because of your first post and my reply but started because of your reply to my post of another poster?

if your friends tell you that black people are lazy and violent all i can say is 1 i hope you disprove that theory with your example. and 2 maybe you need new friends

tyke1doe;3022762 said:
But it's a valid question, given the basis of your argument. If, indeed, everyone has a right to one's opinion, why are you questioning mine?

That's really a silly position. We question each other's position because we think our position is better. That's the basis for argument. If everything is some relative argument (as your position suggests), then it's a valid question to ask why did you even enter the discussion. It's like a person who believes morality is relative, arguing with another that his morality is wrong. It's an illogical position. If one honestly believes morality is relative, why would one argue with another that his morality is wrong? It makes no sense. And your (everyone is entitled to his opinion) is similar in construct. Remember, I'm not the one who offered that point, you did.

Huh? :confused:

What kind of logic is that? I said only people who outright lie are liars? :huh:

That makes NO sense at all. Of course, they would be racist. What the heck are you even talking about?

Our conversation started when you replied to my post because up until that time, I wasn't talking to you.

As for your first sentence in the above paragraph, yes, I did provide an example. But after reading that non-sensical babble, I really have no idea what you're talking about or what your point is. Sounds like trying to split frog's hair to me.

You asked if I believe there are people who think blacks are inferior as a group, I responded by saying, "Yes, I do."

Then you respond that only a racist would think that.

Well, duh. :rolleyes:

My friends/co-workers are merely communicating to me what they heard at parties or gatherings. It's not that they agree with the people. They are just as shocked. But they are merely validating that racism still exists, and people still feel that way.

How you get from there to I need new friends is beyond me. Then again, you've been missing the mark in this discussion so I shouldn't be surprised.


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rkell87;3022844 said:
ugh it is really frustrating that you can not follow the conversation so here it is again i advise you to read the whole thing again, trust me if you are above a 5th grade comprehention level you can follow my responses.

It is isn't it?

if you cant follow this discussion and are going to continue to talk in circles then we have no need to continue any farther

Thank you. :)


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tyke1doe;3023483 said:
It is isn't it?

Thank you. :)

you are welcome i really did enjoy this discussion for most of it, hope there are no hard feeling we all (i think?) have a common interest,and i hope that we can all at least unite under the common goal of the boys winning the big one even if we differ on other subjects;)


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rkell87;3024855 said:
you are welcome i really did enjoy this discussion for most of it, hope there are no hard feeling we all (i think?) have a common interest,and i hope that we can all at least unite under the common goal of the boys winning the big one even if we differ on other subjects;)

No hard feelings at all. And I appreciate your ability to agree to disagree. Believe me, that's refreshing because many can't do that on these forums.

Peace, my friend. :)