I think the San Francisco game is the most pivotal point of the season


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Oh, no doubt lol, but, it's sour and spilled milk at this point. As of now, if we want to try to salvage this season, I think we must win this game and make a few smart trades. If we lose, then I think the most logical choice is to pull the plug and sell what we can.
The problem is, this FO has zero fundamental understanding of how to build around the talent they have. They had enough talent between 2021-23 to compete with good teams. But to take the next step, we needed more. What this team really needed this off-season was:
  • To build a solid running game to support the QB they are committed to. (Either through the draft or FA acquire a RB and a couple of solid OL) We did get at least one good OL…maybe two. Did zero to improve the running game.
  • Acquire some talent on the DL and LB positions to get better stopping the run. (Notice I said acquire “talent” not dumpster dive FAs)
Those were the clear off-season needs IF this team’s FO was serious about getting better. They lied about not having cap space, apparently forgetting anyone can look it up online and tell that is false. They CHOSE not to address this team’s obvious weaknesses, then continued to lie and obfuscate the facts of their cap situation.

Honestly this off-season was a complete disaster. This current mess this team is in was visible a mile away.


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It doesn't matter. It's very simple. This team does not have the same level of talent that the teams over the past few years have had and we went no where with those teams in the playoffs. Why anyone is delusional enough to think this team is going to mysteriously change course just because they win a certain game is dreaming. JJ has already stated he is not going to be active before the trade deadline so we can forget that. This us the team we are riding with this year

This team is exactly what we thought it was way before the season even started. This is a 6-8 win team that hopefully doesn't make the playoffs, so at least we wont be embarrassed like last year.
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The problem is, this FO has zero fundamental understanding of how to build around the talent they have. They had enough talent between 2021-23 to compete with good teams. But to take the next step, we needed more. What this team really needed this off-season was:
  • To build a solid running game to support the QB they are committed to. (Either through the draft or FA acquire a RB and a couple of solid OL) We did get at least one good OL…maybe two. Did zero to improve the running game.
  • Acquire some talent on the DL and LB positions to get better stopping the run. (Notice I said acquire “talent” not dumpster dive FAs)
Those were the clear off-season needs IF this team’s FO was serious about getting better. They lied about not having cap space, apparently forgetting anyone can look it up online and tell that is false. They CHOSE not to address this team’s obvious weaknesses, then continued to lie and obfuscate the facts of their cap situation.

Honestly this off-season was a complete disaster. This current mess this team is in was visible a mile away.

I couldn't agree more, and I pointed out a lot of the issues last year, if you remember. I'm not sure there's another team that hamstrings and interferes with the potential success of its own team more than the Cowboys FO does. Honestly, that's the saddest part. You would think, rather than sitting back, they see the weaknesses we have and address them as rapidly as possible. Instead, we are where we are where a week 8 game likely makes the difference between whether we should try some smart trades to make the playoffs or whether we should sell players before the deadline.


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We can win the SF game but they are just as depleted as we are so I wouldn't place any meaning to a victory.

No doubt, and it's crucial that we make trades and signings before the Atlanta game IF we win. IF we do not trade, then we may as well sell after the Falcons anyway. Basically, it's 2/3 sell 1/3 buy at this point. Basically, to simplify it further, we have to win this game AND trade for a NT, RB, and/or a Guard (or sign two of those off of practice squads) to save our season. If we do not win this game, then there's no point in trying to save the season. We may as well, at that point, trade what we can out.


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Again, if we win, we would need to make some moves afterwards to try to set up a late run. If we do not make any moves after the 49ers game and go up against Atlanta, we probably lose that game and end up at 3-5. At that point, we definitely sell. But, to me, I think the right course of action depends on this game. 4-3, buy a guard and RB. If we lose and go to 3-4, then sell what we can for the next few drafts.
We are not in position for any kind of late run....regardless of "this game". Any game.

We have been in WAY better positions in the last few years and still couldn't manage any respectable result. How does THIS situation change anything about it?


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I think the San Francisco game is the most pivotal point of the season. Let me explain. To start with, we are 3-3 coming off a bye week. As of today when I'm writing this thread, we are two weeks from the trade deadline. Below is our remaining schedule after San Francisco (

@ Atlanta
Houston (MNF)
@ Washington
Giants (Thanksgiving)
Cincinnati (MNF)
@ Carolina
@ Philly

To me, assuming we can't fix our run game (I provided some ideas for how to do this in another thread today), I see possible wins against Philly (I think we split with them, but, with how Barkley is running, who knows), maybe the Giants, and the Panthers. At best, in that scenario, we would finish with a 6-11 record.

If we can find a way to fix our run game, then the Houston and Cincinnati games become winnable. Plus, we possibly could split with Washington if Daniels is out for longer than expected. Plus, Tampa could become winnable of we can fix our run game. So, there's a chance if we fix our run game that we finish around 9-8 or 10-7. That might be just enough to sneak a playoff spot.

I think, if we win, then it means we should be green lit to try to make some trades for potentially a LG (so we can move Guyton to RT) and a RB to try to see if we can get hot at the right time. I listed the backs I want in the previous thread if we win against SF.

However, if we do not beat SF, then, with a 3-4 record, it might be best long term for the team to go ahead and start shopping what we can. At that point, the goal should be to finish around 3-14 or 6-11. Doing so would afford us a high enough spot in the draft to build for the future. If we can make certain trades (which I will detail next week if we lose) including Parsons, we might be able to start fixing some areas and positioning ourselves for a positive future.

So, the direction that the season should go, to me, comes down to the San Francisco game on Sunday Night. If we win, then it might make sense to try to see if we can pull in a back and a guard to try to see if we can fix two of our biggest weaknesses and see what happens. If we lose, then I think it makes sense to try to begin rolling in the tanks. See if we can set ourselves up for the next two years.

Either way, if we play our cards right, this season could provide seeds for a brighter future. The only question is, will it be for a push this year or for the future?
We are clearly saving money, for what most logically people would think, is for a reason.

However, no on seems to comprehend Jerruhthink. Or just maybe Jeruh has not come up with that reason so far and he I just in a spin cycle waiting for the answer to come out.

PA Cowboy Fan

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If we beat the 49ers it will just mean they have too many injuries to overcome. I doubt the Cowboys will do anything of substance with a win. Too many problems with this team.


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To explain, I include Houston, if we should happen to get our running game better as a possible win because they've not looked great this year. Stroud looks beatable this year, but we must run the ball against them. If we do not beat SF, then there's not really any point to try to salvage the season with the remaining games. At that point, I think the most logical move is to declare checkmate on the season and try to build up for the next few seasons.
Stroud is not playing like he did in his first year, appears the sophomore jinx is at work
BU if he is playing well they will put us down.
and fixing our running game means having a real RB which we ain't got


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We are not in position for any kind of late run....regardless of "this game". Any game.

We have been in WAY better positions in the last few years and still couldn't manage any respectable result. How does THIS situation change anything about it?

In terms of whether or not it makes sense to add players or sell players. If we are 4-3, then maybe it makes sense to try to add a Guard and/or a RB in a trade and sign a NT to plug some holes. If we are 3-4 after this game, then we should sell players.


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Stroud is not playing like he did in his first year, appears the sophomore jinx is at work
BU if he is playing well they will put us down.
and fixing our running game means having a real RB which we ain't got

Right, hence whether or not to trade for one or sign one


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Yes. They switched QB's.

Well, and our situation is different given the schedule we have. The NFC is more competitive ATM than the AFC. So, I'm just trying to look realistically at our chances after this game and what can be done to get us in the position to win if it makes sense.


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Right, that's all the more reason for this post. This is probably the easiest game on our schedule until maybe the Giants game (as they will probably have checked out on the season by then). So, if we can't even beat the 49ers in this situation of all seasons, then it makes more logical sense to begin a firesale. I don't just mean Micah either. I'm talking a lot of players including Zach Martin (great player, but, given his contract, might as well see if a team like the Bills can do something with him).
Jerry has never, not once, traded a good player for picks. Dumping Amari on the Browns for a 5th doesn't count. I can't think of a single time in that last 30 years this team has traded a top talent in exchange for meaningful draft capitol. We haven't swung those kinds of trades since Jimmy Johnson did all the front office thinking.