I Think There Is An 85%+ Chance Demarco Stays

This ^^^^

Don't forget that this will more than likely be his last shot at a big payday. Murray knows that a career for a RB can end in the blink of an eye because they're so easily replaced these days.

He will take the biggest offer he gets and I don't blame him. Doubt that offer comes from the Cowboys with a Dez contract on the horizon.

Pretty much what he said. In Murray's position, I'd go to the team that offered the most and I'm a life long Cowboy fan.
Can you elaborate on why you think AP is not realistic?

As of now, unless something changed in the last 24 hours, Dallas has to trade for him (folks seem to be forgetting this). On top of that, his salary is bananas, and that's at a time that the Cowboys don't have a ton of room to work with unless they let some other starters go. Then there's the Dez contract situation. Finally, there's his age, and the mileage on the guy. I'm sure his deal would be restructured, but you're also talking about attaching the team to a guy for something like 5 or 6 years, knowing that the back end has some serious dead money.

If Dallas was an elite RB away from winning it all this year, I might get it, but that wasn't the case. If you go with AP, you ask Dallas to get weaker elsewhere, and make no mistake, getting rid of Free and Carr right now does not make them better no matter how much some of us dislike those guys. Also, forget about the modest contract for nice to have players. With AP and Dez on the team, that dream is gone in 2015.

So again, it's not realistic to me once all factors are considered. Impossible? Not at all. Smart business? Not even close.
MODS need to make a Demarco stays or goes thead and Sticky it to the top... Every day we regurgitate this...
Some of you seem to think its a near certainty that Murray is leaving. I think the exact opposite. Murray helps give this team the same type of identity that the 90s teams had, an identity that Garrett has worked very hard to duplicate. The added value that Murray brings to this team as an identity-creator cannot be overstated. Smartly, Garrett recognizes this and is a VERY strong supporter of Murray. I also believe that Murray desperately wants to stay. He has wisely said "no comment" when asked how much he wants to stay with the Cowboys, but do not mistake that "no comment" for apathy. Murray is a smart man, he fully recognizes the added value a player can gain from playing for the most recognized team in American sports. From Jimmy to Aikman to Irvin to Woodson to Johnston, the top jobs in today's sports media are littered with Cowboys players from the 90s era and that is no coincidence. I think he also realizes that Romo is one of the only QBs in the league that can truly get a team to the SB, they are far more rare than many want to admit. And of course, he can look to history and see what happens to players like Alvin Harper when they take more money to play elsewhere. They become irrelevant. And that is the worst possible career move for any player.

Given the intense desire for important people on both sides of the aisle to get this done, I think it is far more likely that Murray stay, to the point where I would say its a near surety. We'll see how good I am at reading the tea leaves.

Murray is also,very articulate. Could see him in a media role after his career ends. Hopefully with at least one ring with the cowboys
Some of you seem to think its a near certainty that Murray is leaving. I think the exact opposite. Murray helps give this team the same type of identity that the 90s teams had, an identity that Garrett has worked very hard to duplicate. The added value that Murray brings to this team as an identity-creator cannot be overstated. Smartly, Garrett recognizes this and is a VERY strong supporter of Murray. I also believe that Murray desperately wants to stay. He has wisely said "no comment" when asked how much he wants to stay with the Cowboys, but do not mistake that "no comment" for apathy. Murray is a smart man, he fully recognizes the added value a player can gain from playing for the most recognized team in American sports. From Jimmy to Aikman to Irvin to Woodson to Johnston, the top jobs in today's sports media are littered with Cowboys players from the 90s era and that is no coincidence. I think he also realizes that Romo is one of the only QBs in the league that can truly get a team to the SB, they are far more rare than many want to admit. And of course, he can look to history and see what happens to players like Alvin Harper when they take more money to play elsewhere. They become irrelevant. And that is the worst possible career move for any player.

Given the intense desire for important people on both sides of the aisle to get this done, I think it is far more likely that Murray stay, to the point where I would say its a near surety. We'll see how good I am at reading the tea leaves.

Murry is not going to take less than he thinks he can get in free agency.

Once he gets to free agency there is no way to predict what offers he will get. Morons like little Danny in Washington might give him some ridiculous offer that the Cowboys would never match. On the flip side he might get out there and not even get as good of an offer as the Cowboys have already giving him.
As of now, unless something changed in the last 24 hours, Dallas has to trade for him (folks seem to be forgetting this). On top of that, his salary is bananas, and that's at a time that the Cowboys don't have a ton of room to work with unless they let some other starters go. Then there's the Dez contract situation. Finally, there's his age, and the mileage on the guy. I'm sure his deal would be restructured, but you're also talking about attaching the team to a guy for something like 5 or 6 years, knowing that the back end has some serious dead money.

If Dallas was an elite RB away from winning it all this year, I might get it, but that wasn't the case. If you go with AP, you ask Dallas to get weaker elsewhere, and make no mistake, getting rid of Free and Carr right now does not make them better no matter how much some of us dislike those guys. Also, forget about the modest contract for nice to have players. With AP and Dez on the team, that dream is gone in 2015.

So again, it's not realistic to me once all factors are considered. Impossible? Not at all. Smart business? Not even close.

If we were to have to trade for AP and pickup his ridiculous contract, I would agree. I just don't see Min getting anyone to trade for him. That leaves a an out right release as the only option for Min to dump the contract and a guy that doesn't want to play for them anymore. We will see how it plays out.
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I think there's a good shot he stays too cause I don't believe he'll get the offer in free agency that he's looking for and if Dallas is even close to another teams off I think he'll stay, he doesn't wanna leave his teammates or this oline that's so good. Those guys develop a helluva bond together, I guarantee he wants to stay with his boys. If the offer is significant though, he's gone and he should be.
If we were to have to trade for AP and pickup his ridiculous contract, I would agree. I just don't see Min getting anyone to trade for him. That leaves a an out right release as the only option for Min to dumb the contract and a guy that doesn't want to play for them anymore. We will see how it plays out.

Why is releasing him the only option? They have a young QB that could use some help in the running game. I think most would agree, AP probably has at least 1 more year left in him. He may not want to play for them anymore, but with his bills, he's going to have to think about his money at some point and not just his ego. While MN would probably love to move him, I think an option we don't want to believe exists, actually does. They could keep him for at least 1 more year if there aren't any serious takers. Prior to his PR disaster, most folks seemed to assume he'd be a Viking through the 2015 season anyway.
This sounds like wishful thinking from a fan, not a realistic view of the current situation.

Demarco will likely not be back, and while I will miss his presence, I'm glad the front office appears to be learning from past mistakes.
This sounds like wishful thinking from a fan, not a realistic view of the current situation.

Demarco will likely not be back, and while I will miss his presence, I'm glad the front office appears to be learning from past mistakes.

The mistake would be signing a 30yo RB who sat a season out will legal issues. THAT has never worked out.
If Murray can't be signed go younger so we don't have to re visit the RB position in a year or two.
As of now, unless something changed in the last 24 hours, Dallas has to trade for him (folks seem to be forgetting this). On top of that, his salary is bananas, and that's at a time that the Cowboys don't have a ton of room to work with unless they let some other starters go. Then there's the Dez contract situation. Finally, there's his age, and the mileage on the guy. I'm sure his deal would be restructured, but you're also talking about attaching the team to a guy for something like 5 or 6 years, knowing that the back end has some serious dead money.

If Dallas was an elite RB away from winning it all this year, I might get it, but that wasn't the case. If you go with AP, you ask Dallas to get weaker elsewhere, and make no mistake, getting rid of Free and Carr right now does not make them better no matter how much some of us dislike those guys. Also, forget about the modest contract for nice to have players. With AP and Dez on the team, that dream is gone in 2015.

So again, it's not realistic to me once all factors are considered. Impossible? Not at all. Smart business? Not even close.

Dallas will not trade for AP and that contract. The whole idea of AP coming here is predicated on him getting released, which is likely with his mega contract currently in place. If he does get released, there is a good chance he will want to sign with us on a friendly contract.
This will be one of the best stories of the off-season, until it is resolved...I would hope that the FO sticks to their guns and don't overpay, but I would say there is still that 10% chance he stays...I think the cowboys would love to keep him, but I think they have to be realistic about the team and not just the player...to quote Star Trek, "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one"
Dallas will not trade for AP and that contract. The whole idea of AP coming here is predicated on him getting released, which is likely with his mega contract currently in place. If he does get released, there is a good chance he will want to sign with us on a friendly contract.

Has he stated he wants to sign with Dallas for a cheap, short term deal? I know he's mentioned interest in the Cowboys, but what about the money and the length of the deal? Has he stated something along the lines of, "I want to play so badly for the Cowboys I'll take $2M a year for 2 years, just to help them out?" Are we assuming, because he likes the Cowboys, and some of us like him, that surely he would sign a deal that the Cowboys wouldn't have to worry about regretting at all?
Has he stated he wants to sign with Dallas for a cheap, short term deal? I know he's mentioned interest in the Cowboys, but what about the money and the length of the deal? Has he stated something along the lines of, "I want to play so badly for the Cowboys I'll take $2M a year for 2 years, just to help them out?" Are we assuming, because he likes the Cowboys, and some of us like him, that surely he would sign a deal that the Cowboys wouldn't have to worry about regretting at all?

Well AP must know we cannot pay him 19mil a year. Most of the time when a player openly wants to return home, he is willing to take less than his market value to achieve the goal. AP has no money problems and a couple of years of POs and a possible ring can clean up a PR nightmare in a uniform that you grew up wanting to wear and in a city that feels like home.

If he wanted to come to the Cowboys because he thought Jerry would pay him his market value, he is mistaken. If he wants to come 'home' and clean up his public image, Dallas is the place.
Has he stated he wants to sign with Dallas for a cheap, short term deal? I know he's mentioned interest in the Cowboys, but what about the money and the length of the deal? Has he stated something along the lines of, "I want to play so badly for the Cowboys I'll take $2M a year for 2 years, just to help them out?" Are we assuming, because he likes the Cowboys, and some of us like him, that surely he would sign a deal that the Cowboys wouldn't have to worry about regretting at all?

Look at the FA RB contracts the last couple of years. Chris Johnson, Reggie Bush, Steven Jackson, etc. none of them got deals better than 4 mill per year. Things have changed since AP got his mega deal. Fact is, AP WON'T get any offers better than 4 mill per. Not with his baggage. So why not sign with his favorite team and where he has dreamed of playing? I think 2 years/8 mill will do it. Maybe it takes 3 years/12 mill. And it's worth it.

It's not a coincidence our last offer to Murray is the same contract that AP will take.
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Murray has been great for us for two years. It's not his fault we didn't hand it to him more in 2013.
For me, it comes down to this...

1. What teams are willing to pay 7-8 million per year for a RB coming off the workload he just carried who is also not a home run threat?

2. Only a team with plenty of cap space that feels it is a steady power back away from SB contention will pay big bucks for Murray.

3. Teams like the Colts have brought in big name backs already and seen them be disappointing because if your OL is weak, you need breakaway backs in the mold of Barry Sanders (no, they don't have to be great), not the steady, grind it out types.

I'm not sure Murray will receive an offer much larger than what the Cowboys may consider as high as they wish to go...the Cowboys may even want to pursue a speedier, shifter back who can take more of those running plays that pop into the secondary to the house.

Unlike others, I don't see the Colts wanting to pay the big bucks for a Murray after all the misses they've had in recent years...better to miss with a young back in the draft or build your OL. Personally, I think Murray is the perfect RB for a team like the Patriots or Cowboys, but does either team want to pay a RB more than 4-5 million? I don't think so.

Murray was a beast for us this year, but I would love to see him drop 10 lbs this summer and try to regain some of the speed he had in college.
How do we know that? Stats?

How do we account for no Doug Free? How about when the Eagles sold out to stop the run, indicating they weren't worried about Romo at all? Does Murray not get any slack for running into a wall? What about running into what might have been the best D-line in the NFL in the Detroit Lions?

Not trying to be argumentative, but I see this opinion being spread like it's fact, and the argument seems to be, "well look at the stats." Problem is, stats don't tell the whole story.

I see a lot of conjecture on your part.

The fact is he wasn't as good over the last month of the season.
I don't get why some are so convinced keeping him is a good thing. As has been well said previously, he leaves too many yards on the field, fumbles (which may have lost the Green Bay game), and has been relatively healthy only 1 year (still broke his hand). And he has tons on wear on his treads this year. I would rather not have him back at any price so we can get a faster back with vision that doesn't fumble.
Well AP must know we cannot pay him 19mil a year. Most of the time when a player openly wants to return home, he is willing to take less than his market value to achieve the goal. AP has no money problems and a couple of years of POs and a possible ring can clean up a PR nightmare in a uniform that you grew up wanting to wear and in a city that feels like home.

If he wanted to come to the Cowboys because he thought Jerry would pay him his market value, he is mistaken. If he wants to come 'home' and clean up his public image, Dallas is the place.

He's not just going to have to take less money, he'd have to take WAY less money. That's the problem.

Also, in regards to PR, I think he'd be okay in MN. An off-season is going to do his image good simply because he won't remain in the spotlight. No need to come to Dallas, where every single move he'd make would be scrutinized.

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