I Would bench T.O. and play this Giants team without him


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Boyzmamacita;2478770 said:
Exactly what has TO done to warrant being benched? Complaining? Asking for the ball? Please. As far as stopping on routes, we'd have to bench every receiver on the team (including Witten) if that's the criterion.

Great post. I don't think the OP knows what he's talking about.


No Quarter
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if Red was coaching the Skins or Eagals we'd be laughing it up how he was so grossly mismanaging their offense.

khiladi;2478747 said:
The timing-based offense is based upon an effective play-action pass. If there is none, as in the case with this sorry OCs offense, it will be absolutely ineffective. The safety isn't going to bite, because he doesn't have to worry about the run. Jason Garrett has absolutely no feel for the game and has no ability to keep the defenses honest. What keeps the opposing defense honest for this team right now is the ability of TR to keep drives alive and TO to get behind opposing defenses. But 'street ball' is only effective up to a point.Freakin' the guy didn't even call a fade route to Roy Williams on that drive when they were in the red-zone. He had Roy Williams run some route to the inside, though he had single coverage. You wiould think the 'Princeton' genius would take advantage of the match-ups that favor this offense, but he is clueless.


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Yeah....our offense looked great when he went down last year.

I don't think you can count a hobbled Roy Williams, The Ghost Whisperer Crayton and an injured Witten to beat the Giants....sorry.

If anything they should sit Garrett out of this game.


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DaBoys4Life;2478785 said:
Great post. I don't think the OP knows what he's talking about.

This is hilarious-the same guys who want TO out of here are also the SAME guys who are whining and complaining how the refs gift-wrapped the game to the Steelers.

So which is it? You can't have it both ways.


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Boysboy;2478812 said:
This is hilarious-the same guys who want TO out of here are also the SAME guys who are whining and complaining how the refs gift-wrapped the game to the Steelers.

So which is it? You can't have it both ways.

They want to win and they don't want to hear TO's mouth. They also want TO to produce at an extremely high level no matter what otherwise he can go....I'm pretty sure no one was complaining about TO after his 200 yard game....


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We're not beating the Giants without T.O's presence on the field. Is that understood?


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Boysboy;2478582 said:
Great Post YM! Crybaby Owens he is! But that WON'T keep opposing DCs from giving him the RESPECT when they gameplan!:)

You think we are upset now... just imagine if there is no one to throw too because the defense can gameplan easier.... ooffaa!!

rocyaice;2478665 said:
Yea. Let's bench TO. I'd love to see who the opposing team double teams without TO on the field. You think Romo is getting INT's now just wait until Witten starts seeing double teams.


AMERICAS_FAN;2478688 said:
You're all missing the point.

The point is that Garrett is miss-using T.O. If Garrett made T.O. the focal point of this offense it would be scarry good. T.O. would actually play more attentively. But Garrett does not make T.O. the cornerstone. Actually, this is what I wish Garrett would do, but I have lost all trust in him to do this right thing as the offensive coordinator.

Now, I agree, T.O. commands double teams, but that does not help you when you're mostly running him in shorter/intermediate routes. He quits on the routes (BECAUSE HE'S QUITTING ON GARRTT, WHO IS QUITTING ON HIM), and therefore safeties stay closer to home to defend the rest of the field; so the double team he supposedly commands is nowhere near as wffective as it could be. But will Garrett at least adjust by sending T.O. on many more go routes, thus allowing him to take the safety out of the play? No, Garrett doesb't. He instead designs the gameplan so that T.O. is a lame-duck WR out there - double team or not.

So if Garrett is going to continue sticking his head up his butt and miss-using T.O. then we're better off having a different opton on the filed - other than a lame duck WR - that Garrett can at least incorperate in the game plan and use.

You backed off and changed the meaning of your original post.

AMERICAS_FAN;2478718 said:
T.O. and Garrett are bothat at fualt here. T.O. actually does not cry when he knows he's the focus of the offense. He has a Jeckel and Hide persona; he behaves and plays team ball as long as he is at the center of hte offense; otherwise he turns into a liability. It's that other side of T.O. that makes him at fault here.

As for Garrett, if he wants T.O. to be an ultimate asset to him on offense then he MUST make him the focus; otherwise T.O. WILL be a detriment. Garrett knows this by now but missuses T.O. anyways; an this is where Garrett is at fault.

At the end of the day, Garrett doesn't have to like T.O.; he just has to USE T.O.. But if he refuses to use him effectively, then he's better off using alternatives he can manipulate better into his gameplan.

Why is this so hard for people to get?

Ok. Enough it enough with this nonsense.

As I listen to interviews with Owens when we are winning and he is giving praise to other players for winning the game and then I gotta read and hear this nonsense... well it just doesnt make sense.

TO head butts Choice after a run
TO fist pumps a celebration for Choice after first down.
TO runs down field to ensure that his team mate scores on a TD
TO blocks to set Barber or Witten free and then celebrates on THEIR run

Bottom line: He is unhappy when the team is losing because he WANTS to contribute and to change the loss to a win.

Its who he is and I am glad.

In Parcell's first year when he yelled on the sidelines "why did y'all bring me here"???


Oh and just for good measure.... these are laughable

"Romo targets TO too much - that is the problem"
"Romo looks for Witten too much - that is the problem"

Yeah right... and Joe Montana targeted Jerry Rice too much and Peyton targets Harrison too much etc.. etc...

This team and its players need to EXECUTE better... of course teams know who is getting the ball...


One and Done
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I totally agree with the OP, bench his sorry *** so Crayton can get a starting spot, he's much better anyhow.



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I really wouldn't mind seeing TO get hurt, why? B/c all of these haters would have a change of mind all of a sudden after whining, complaining, and worrying 100% of the time, realizing he IS the back-bone to our offense and were too stubborn to listen to us the first time.


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I think someone may have asked already, but what has he done to be benched over?

What is this discipline for? The happiness of message board posters? Is there anything else?


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AMERICAS_FAN;2478294 said:
Something inside of me tells me that if Phillips/Garrett benched T.O. for this game the Offense will play at whole new higher level. That's because such a bold move would send a message to the rest of the offense saying "enough is enough; execute your assignments; hold your blocks; and run your routes, don't quit on them; and quit complaining like the world owes you".

Sometimes addition by subtraction is the best remedy. With T.O. out, there would be no question that the #1 WR option would be Witten when the TE is sent out for passes, or Roy Williams otherwise (who would be the #2 option following Witten). It would also bring Crayton into the passing game because right now, Romo never has time to go 4-deep into his reads. One problem this team faces week-to-week is not knowing who the primary target is. Benching T.O. would help solve that by allowing some level of structure to be added to the game plan that is currently lacking.

I'm also tired of T.O.’s cry-baby antics because, while every WR wants the ball like he does, the ones who deserve it are the ones who run their routes properly, fight for the ball, catch it when thrown to them, and fight the defender from intercepting it when its uncatchable. Sorry, but T.O. does not do those things. I think he has it in him, but when he sees that the game plan is not quite designed for him, he makes a mental decision not to do those things. So by having him present in the offense under those circumstances, he becomes more of a liability than an asset on the football filed.

So if that's the way it's going to be, and Garrett is going to continue to NOT make T.O. the focal point of the game-plan (and I’m not arguing that Garret is right here, but he seems to be stubborn about this, so we are forced to live with it), then we are better off not having T.O. on game day because his selfish side will take over.

And as indicated above, I’m not absolving Garrett here; I’m just accepting the fact that both Garrett and T.O. are selfishly stubborn and can’t seem to co-exist on the same game-plan page, and as long as that is the case, we might as well choose Garret’s stubbornness over T.O.’s because it’s Garrett who is ultimately calling these plays – right or wrong!

Just my $0.02. Rip me if you wish. :rolleyes:

Talk about implosion. :eek:


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AMERICAS_FAN;2478294 said:
Something inside of me tells me that if Phillips/Garrett benched T.O. for this game the Offense will play at whole new higher level. That's because such a bold move would send a message to the rest of the offense saying "enough is enough; execute your assignments; hold your blocks; and run your routes, don't quit on them; and quit complaining like the world owes you".

Sometimes addition by subtraction is the best remedy. With T.O. out, there would be no question that the #1 WR option would be Witten when the TE is sent out for passes, or Roy Williams otherwise (who would be the #2 option following Witten). It would also bring Crayton into the passing game because right now, Romo never has time to go 4-deep into his reads. One problem this team faces week-to-week is not knowing who the primary target is. Benching T.O. would help solve that by allowing some level of structure to be added to the game plan that is currently lacking.

I'm also tired of T.O.’s cry-baby antics because, while every WR wants the ball like he does, the ones who deserve it are the ones who run their routes properly, fight for the ball, catch it when thrown to them, and fight the defender from intercepting it when its uncatchable. Sorry, but T.O. does not do those things. I think he has it in him, but when he sees that the game plan is not quite designed for him, he makes a mental decision not to do those things. So by having him present in the offense under those circumstances, he becomes more of a liability than an asset on the football filed.

So if that's the way it's going to be, and Garrett is going to continue to NOT make T.O. the focal point of the game-plan (and I’m not arguing that Garret is right here, but he seems to be stubborn about this, so we are forced to live with it), then we are better off not having T.O. on game day because his selfish side will take over.

And as indicated above, I’m not absolving Garrett here; I’m just accepting the fact that both Garrett and T.O. are selfishly stubborn and can’t seem to co-exist on the same game-plan page, and as long as that is the case, we might as well choose Garret’s stubbornness over T.O.’s because it’s Garrett who is ultimately calling these plays – right or wrong!

Just my $0.02. Rip me if you wish. :rolleyes:

Isn't TO the only one WITHOUT an injury on this team?? :confused:


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ROFLMAO at all you nitwitts who are defending T.O. in this thread like he is some kind of team leader, ignoring the detriment his selfishness brings to the team. Read the snippet below and LEARN something about the guy you are defending. For crying out loud, Emmitt Smith said some feally nice AND ACCURATE things about this Cowboys team, yet T.O. still can't help but let his toddler's terrible 2s take over.

Read and LEARN:
DMN Blog: T.O. takes aim at ESPN's ex-Cowboys (Key and Emmitt)
12:50 PM Wed, Dec 10, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

T.O. claims that he doesn't watch ESPN, but he sure gets worked up about what the network's analysts have to say.

He's particularly perturbed about ex-Cowboys Keyshawn Johnson and Emmitt Smith, who have often been critical of the current Valley Ranch residents. Without prompting, T.O. fired a few shots at Keyshawn and Emmitt today.

"Those two need their own show - Dumb and Dumber," said T.O., who was otherwise jolly while sporting a Cowboys-customized Santa cap and blinking red nose.

T.O. called Emmitt a hypocrite for publicly calling the Cowboys a bunch of individual, then leaving a message on Greg Ellis' cell phone to pass onto the team. (T.O. wouldn't say what the message was.) T.O. also pointed out that Emmitt doesn't even know the name of the rookie running back who starred against the Steelers, since No. 22 apparently referred to Tashard Choice as Rashard.

As for Keyshawn, T.O. pointed out for the 1,348th time that the Cowboys gave Keyshawn a pink slip so they could sign him.

"Obviously, this guy is still really jealous of me," T.O. said, "because I'm here and this guy is in the booth talking about me and the Cowboys."

Da Hammer

The Natural
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we have an offense that struggled last week and has struggled against some of the top teams so your answer to it all is to bench our best playmaking WR... Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


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AMERICAS_FAN;2479239 said:
ROFLMAO at all you nitwitts who are defending T.O. in this thread like he is some kind of team leader, ignoring the detriment his selfishness brings to the team. Read the snippet below and LEARN something about the guy you are defending. For crying out loud, Emmitt Smith said some feally nice AND ACCURATE things about this Cowboys team, yet T.O. still can't help but let his toddler's terrible 2s take over.

Read and LEARN:
DMN Blog: T.O. takes aim at ESPN's ex-Cowboys (Key and Emmitt)
12:50 PM Wed, Dec 10, 2008 | Permalink | Yahoo! Buzz
Tim MacMahon E-mail News tips

T.O. claims that he doesn't watch ESPN, but he sure gets worked up about what the network's analysts have to say.

He's particularly perturbed about ex-Cowboys Keyshawn Johnson and Emmitt Smith, who have often been critical of the current Valley Ranch residents. Without prompting, T.O. fired a few shots at Keyshawn and Emmitt today.

"Those two need their own show - Dumb and Dumber," said T.O., who was otherwise jolly while sporting a Cowboys-customized Santa cap and blinking red nose.

T.O. called Emmitt a hypocrite for publicly calling the Cowboys a bunch of individual, then leaving a message on Greg Ellis' cell phone to pass onto the team. (T.O. wouldn't say what the message was.) T.O. also pointed out that Emmitt doesn't even know the name of the rookie running back who starred against the Steelers, since No. 22 apparently referred to Tashard Choice as Rashard.

As for Keyshawn, T.O. pointed out for the 1,348th time that the Cowboys gave Keyshawn a pink slip so they could sign him.

"Obviously, this guy is still really jealous of me," T.O. said, "because I'm here and this guy is in the booth talking about me and the Cowboys."

So he should be benched for dissing Emmitt and Keyshawn?

Really? :lmao2:

Maybe the mods will make YOU sit out for expressing your OPINIONS...


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Royal Laegotti;2478298 said:
I wouldn't be against it. Seems like something maybe Jimmy Johnson would do if he were in that kind of situation......maybe!

Dallas didn't do well when T.O. got hurt last year but now we have Williams, so again I wouldn't be against it.

I don't know what TO has done to deserve benching but............I don't remember Jimmy doing anything to the stars on the team. He took it out on the scrubs to set the tone and make an example out of them.


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OP == agenda.

Guess he forgot how limited the offense looked last year when TO wasn't on the field. Of course RW11 will get mentioned as a replacement, but the more weapons you can bring to the field while available, the better.


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ethiostar;2479274 said:
I don't remember Jimmy doing anything to the stars on the team. He took it out on the scrubs to set the tone and make an example out of them.

Never saw Jimmy discipline the "White House" stars...

But if you were a third stringer and screwed up- it was your butt...


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5Countem5;2479283 said:
Never saw Jimmy discipline the "White House" stars...

But if you were a third stringer and screwed up- it was your butt...

I move to show Stanback the door. All in favor raise your hands and say I.


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silver;2479288 said:
I move to show Stanback the door. All in favor raise your hands and say I.

I say bench Amendola sorry *ss, he's had it coming. He hasn't done squat since the season started, despite all the fuss about him.