I would love to see Crawford go


Landry Hat
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Those numbers are not relevant to the decision to cut or keep him. Only the 6M number is relevant to the decision. All of the money over 6M has already been spent.
So you are in charge of relevant now also yes?


Landry Hat
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The trolling is getting old.

Make a point or go away.
Hey you have the rite to be wrong as often as you want to carry on you are doing a great job I support you in your effort. That better?
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cowboystar88 getting more than twice as many likes as dakpresgoat tells us all we need to know about the IQ of our country. It's what holds us back as a human race.

Right there buddy :rolleyes:

Or maybe just maybe most of us are sick and tired of people beating the same dead horse over and over again.

Or maybe Crawford isn’t as bad as you painted him out to be? Hmm couldn’t be either of those huh?

Nope It’s our IQ level :rolleyes:


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First of you are one of the most annoying and lazy people on this site. See problem with your kind is you come to argue with fallacy. He isn't getting paid 6M this season, it's over 9M. So he is extremely overpaid. 3 times overpaid your original value. We just signed Kony Ealy who is another JAG who could easily give the same production that we've gotten from Crawford and it will only cost the league min or a little more.

A backup LT or (swing tackle) as you like to put it cause it makes it sound cheaper is ridiculously more important than a backup defensive lineman at any position. Again, this guy that was signed to a huge 10M a year deal to be the teams always important DT3 Tech has been kicked outside by another 3rd rounder in Malik Collins. Then he lost playing time to a rookie and a real DE in Taco later in the season. Guys a JAG. A JAG getting grossly overpaid.

Now who the **** is Bob Sturm and what the **** is a splash play metric. Sounds like a made up judgement thing to me, and if this guy is a Cowboys homer and apologist like you chances are he's just spewing **** at you. Who was #1 on his "splash play metric", Jaylon Smith?

It’s funny how you call other people lazy And yet all you did was look at his cap number not even realizing how it got there. They flipped the switch to kick the can down the road there tonto to make room on the cap. X as much as I don’t like his opinion on a lot of **** gave you metrics on Crawford. You don’t like it because it flies against your post.


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It’s funny how you call other people lazy And yet all you did was look at his cap number not even realizing how it got there. They flipped the switch to kick the can down the road there tonto to make room on the cap. X as much as I don’t like his opinion on a lot of **** gave you metrics on Crawford. You don’t like it because it flies against your post.
He did receive a 5 year 45 mil extension which equates to 9 mil a year. just sayin


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He did receive a 5 year 45 mil extension which equates to 9 mil a year. just sayin

They reworked his contract in 2016 to free up money


Fortunately, Dallas did not give Crawford a boatload of guaranteed money up front. His $17.425 million in guarantees expired in 2016, but the team is not off the hook. Because they used Crawford’s trigger to gain room for 2016, he has a large amount of unamortized bonus left on his deal. There is $10.4 million of prorated bonus money still to be divvied up over the next four seasons.


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Right there buddy :rolleyes:

Or maybe just maybe most of us are sick and tired of people beating the same dead horse over and over again.

Or maybe Crawford isn’t as bad as you painted him out to be? Hmm couldn’t be either of those huh?

Nope It’s our IQ level :rolleyes:


Reaction score
It’s funny how you call other people lazy And yet all you did was look at his cap number not even realizing how it got there. They flipped the switch to kick the can down the road there tonto to make room on the cap. X as much as I don’t like his opinion on a lot of **** gave you metrics on Crawford. You don’t like it because it flies against your post.

Doesn't matter how "it got there" all that matters is what your paying this bum to do this year isn't worth it. Like I said everyone backing this guy can make a donation to my paypal account next year when he has 0% chance of being on our roster.


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Doesn't matter how "it got there" all that matters is what your paying this bum to do this year isn't worth it. Like I said everyone backing this guy can make a donation to my paypal account next year when he has 0% chance of being on our roster.

Oh the Irony

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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unfotunatly gonna have to wait a year. This guy eats up a bunch of money and isn't a fit for any position along the line. He was signed by the smarts to be the next best 3 tech and since then he's been kicked outside and produces nothing but meaningless ineffective hurries. Can't wait to see him go.
The house cleaning continues.

Crawford is another of those players the old FO thought was an answer.

Again..like with Dez..

It's not his fault they offered the money and he accepted.

Now it's tar and feather time.


Reaction score
The house cleaning continues.

Crawford is another of those players the old FO thought was an answer.

Again..like with Dez..

It's not his fault they offered the money and he accepted.

Now it's tar and feather time.
But, but so many on here say he's a good player.


Reaction score
All that matters is what happens next salary wise

TCrawford is the starter and gets 6m this year.....that is a steal...... he plays 62% of the snaps and even plays STs

He averages 5 sacks and and consistently is top 20 in Hurries in the whole league

His contract is backloaded like Dez............ TCrawford got 24m for his first 3 years of his extension and is due 21m for the last 3 years..... that is a good contract........0m left is guaranteed

Players of his equal value are getting 10m+........ y'all need to find a new kicking post


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Id rather see his contract restructured.
he handles his business on and off the field.
good player.
good guy.
excellent leader.
why get rid of that....just re-do his deal.
he's a good player who is over-paid.


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Doesn't matter how "it got there" all that matters is what your paying this bum to do this year isn't worth it. Like I said everyone backing this guy can make a donation to my paypal account next year when he has 0% chance of being on our roster.
Saying he's a bum only displayes ignorance on the person saying it.

It's embarassing.


Well-Known Member
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All that matters is what happens next salary wise

TCrawford is the starter and gets 6m this year.....that is a steal...... he plays 62% of the snaps and even plays STs

He averages 5 sacks and and consistently is top 20 in Hurries in the whole league

His contract is backloaded like Dez............ TCrawford got 24m for his first 3 years of his extension and is due 21m for the last 3 years..... that is a good contract........0m left is guaranteed

Players of his equal value are getting 10m+........ y'all need to find a new kicking post

Here comes @Nightman with the mic drop


Well-Known Member
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Doesn't matter how "it got there" all that matters is what your paying this bum to do this year isn't worth it. Like I said everyone backing this guy can make a donation to my paypal account next year when he has 0% chance of being on our roster.

The problem here is you lose any credibility by calling him a bum. Extremist views will always be countered with objectivity.

And if you really do think he's a bum, then your opinion here is irrelevant in context to justifying any point.

Now, if you want to dial your tone down a few notches and agree that he's at least an average player with the ability to play both DE and DT, then we can talk. But then what you need to do is go find similar players and see what they are paid.

Crawford is not grossly over paid for what he brings to this team.