If Henson lites up NFLe?

If Henson "Lights it up" in NFLE and beats out Bledsoe in TC, then he obviously give us the best chance for winning NOW....2006.

If he wins us another superbowl in 2010...Well Nors, thats just gravy.
summerisfunner said:
Parcells is only here for 2 more years, plenty of time left for Henson
Says who? He only signed an extension so everyone wouldn't think that he would be a lame duck coach in 2006. Or maybe he will be here longer. Anything is possible.
CowboyExpress said:
I have more faith in Vinny being resigned after Bledsoes run here is done to then be our starting quarterback until his 65th retirement birthday. Then maybe after that Henson will be ready. 25 years on the bench with 20 of those spent in NFLe should be about right for Henson to then become our starting quarterback of the not-so-near distant future, around...2050. Yea, that's about his learning curve.

I'm being serious, this guy is a bust.

The farce is strong with this one!
superpunk said:
What will happen?

Well, first anyone who thought he had an ounce of talent will start chest thumping, and patting themselves on the back. (Myself included)

We'll continue to be more and more thrilled about the prospect of him taking over one day.

Bledsoe will struggle (it's inevitable) one game. This will result in a horde calling for his head, claiming Parcells would NEVER allow a young guy to play (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary) along with new pictures every hour of Bledsoe getting sacked, courtesy of Zaxor.

This will result in further, unrelenting criticism of Bledsoe, which will consistently ignore and overlook any possible factor that may have contributed to his rough day.

There, that should about sum it up.


Perhaps I can put up all 451 of them... that is a different one every day for a year and a quarter, than I can do the same for fumbles and Ints for another year or so..than I can put up maybe 2 to 3 years worth of ugly incomplete passes( in the dirt, over the head, behind, too short, too long, etc..) Heck ole Drew provided enough material himself to go on for maybe five or six years:eek:

Zaxor said:

Perhaps I can put up all 451 of them... that is a different one every day for a year and a quarter, than I can do the same for fumbles and Ints for another year or so..than I can put up maybe 2 to 3 years worth of ugly incomplete passes( in the dirt, over the head, behind, too short, too long, etc..) Heck ole Drew provided enough material himself to go on for maybe five or six years:eek:

Lol...And if Bledsoe finish's the season next year, how much more material will you have ?
Jarv said:
Lol...And if Bledsoe finish's the season next year, how much more material will you have ?

lol:laugh2: yeah and it's not like I have to photoshop them or anything...Just go to Google type "Drew Bledsoe (sacked, fumble int)" and get like 20 pages worth...the hard part is finding one that is allowed by size and the choice itself as there are so very many of them to choose from:eek:
Jarv said:
If Henson "Lights it up" in NFLE and beats out Bledsoe in TC, then he obviously give us the best chance for winning NOW....2006.

If he wins us another superbowl in 2010...Well Nors, thats just gravy.

Jarv - Spot on.

Henson goes to NFLe and lites the league up then comes back to training camp and beats out Bledsoe in camp you can pencil him in as starter BIG. Its all in his arm, he shows the world all that potential and Bledsoe/Romo are history.

Reality/Fiction? Its a blurry line? Where there is still time for Henson in Dallas there is always perpetual hope.

Now if Henson sucks in NFLe you can expect a press conference somewhere in Kalamazoo with Henson talking about how much he missed baseball and just wants a chance to play.

With all these NFLe reps - Drew now controls his destiny <again> final?

I wish him well - still Dallas property.
If Henson lights it up there will be calls to do just that but then again there are some(ok maybe just one) who would prefer to detox Quincy on the fly and have him start in between methadone treatments because 4 time pro bowler Bledsoe is just so bad. He's got a worse arm than Steorner, a worse attitude than Leaf and off-field habits putting Quincy to angelic status. Right?

For me its just a matter of Henson getting some experience.
I am not at all concerned about his age because QBs are plenty able to play well into the late 30s provided they have the head for the game and avoid injuries. Henson is not at risk of decapitation behind a poor OL right now and thats probably as it should be.

Its not like Staubach took over the club at 17 yet he managed to, uh, leave a lasting contribution.

If we cut Henson I'd be dissapointed regardless of how he performs in NFLE but I am also not ready to say he will be better QB than Romo because while coaching staffs can be wrong they always have more information than us.

I am actually completely on board with a QB status quo for next season.
summerisfunner said:
Parcells is only here for 2 more years, plenty of time left for Henson
If Henson sucks in NFLE he won't be around next season.....BP made it clear with Chad that if he can't handle it in Europe he's not going to make it in the NFL. Henson does have time to develop, but he'd better show consistency and a few flashes....a season like Chad's in Europe and Drew doesn't have plenty of time, imo.
jterrell said:
If Henson lights it up there will be calls to do just that but then again there are some(ok maybe just one) who would prefer to detox Quincy on the fly and have him start in between methadone treatments because 4 time pro bowler Bledsoe is just so bad. He's got a worse arm than Steorner, a worse attitude than Leaf and off-field habits putting Quincy to angelic status. Right?

For me its just a matter of Henson getting some experience.
I am not at all concerned about his age because QBs are plenty able to play well into the late 30s provided they have the head for the game and avoid injuries. Henson is not at risk of decapitation behind a poor OL right now and thats probably as it should be.

Its not like Staubach took over the club at 17 yet he managed to, uh, leave a lasting contribution.

If we cut Henson I'd be dissapointed regardless of how he performs in NFLE but I am also not ready to say he will be better QB than Romo because while coaching staffs can be wrong they always have more information than us.

I am actually completely on board with a QB status quo for next season.
Great post. I totally agree on the last statement, though I'd liek to see us start drafting QBs on Day 2 and developing them. Keep 1 QB on the PS at all times. I don't want a shell game at QB any more if Henson does work out. Draft our future QBs and always keep the best 3 active.
...goes to NFLE and lights it up, and I mean plays like a man among boys, watch out for some serious fireworks on this board.

The first time Bledsoe screws up a game fandom will be screaming for Henson.

I think what we want to see Henson do on a regular basis is light up our own team during TC and practices. These are real NFL players. When he does, we shall all be pleasantly surprised.

Right now let's just be excited for the opportunity to see him play. This is like that present your aunt forgot to give to you until nine months later. The wrapping's abit worn out, the box is crushed somewhat, but you still want to satisfy your curiosity. Let's leave it at that.
marsbennett said:
If Henson sucks in NFLE he won't be around next season.....BP made it clear with Chad that if he can't handle it in Europe he's not going to make it in the NFL. Henson does have time to develop, but he'd better show consistency and a few flashes....a season like Chad's in Europe and Drew doesn't have plenty of time, imo.

Hutchinson didn't have a horrible NFLE season. I mean it wasn't all that good, but it certainly wasn't a train wreck either. He finished the season completing 60.9% of his passes and a 80.1 qb rating.

It's tough to judge this stuff. Cause that same season as Hutchinson's in NFLE is when Rohan Davey had a qb rating of 105.6...and that got him nothing in the NFL, so far at least.
CowboyManDan said:
Hutchinson didn't have a horrible NFLE season. I mean it wasn't all that good, but it certainly wasn't a train wreck either. He finished the season completing 60.9% of his passes and a 80.1 qb rating.

It's tough to judge this stuff. Cause that same season as Hutchinson's in NFLE is when Rohan Davey had a qb rating of 105.6...and that got him nothing in the NFL, so far at least.
Hutch started out quite hot but tailed off badly from what I can recall.

All that said I think BP recognized day 1 Hutch just wasn't really an NFL player who could handle the pressure of playing QB. He broke him in like 5 weeks. It took him a year(a seaosn at least) to break Carter.

One thing is certain tho and that is if a player is mentally soft BP will find out and expose it.

Thus far Henson has had zero mentally childish moments and thus that merits something with BP who seems to care more about mental toughness than early results. I have been impressed with Henson's comments thus far and he is smart enough to know lighting it up makes him attractive to other teams as well as Dallas. If he wants to play then by doing and saying all the right things he gives himself that chance.

Davey's problem may very well be the team that owned his rights. NE wasn't exactly gonna have an opening anytime soon.
CowboyManDan said:
Hutchinson didn't have a horrible NFLE season. I mean it wasn't all that good, but it certainly wasn't a train wreck either. He finished the season completing 60.9% of his passes and a 80.1 qb rating.

It's tough to judge this stuff. Cause that same season as Hutchinson's in NFLE is when Rohan Davey had a qb rating of 105.6...and that got him nothing in the NFL, so far at least.

Well, I also think people forget that during the NFLE year for Hutchinson, he actually came back and played pretty well for Chicago. He played so well, in fact, that they went into the next season with him as their starter. He then messed up so bad in training camp and early preseason that they cut him.

So, NFLE didn't hurt him that same year.
rcaldw said:
Well, I also think people forget that during the NFLE year for Hutchinson, he actually came back and played pretty well for Chicago. He played so well, in fact, that they went into the next season with him as their starter. He then messed up so bad in training camp and early preseason that they cut him.

So, NFLE didn't hurt him that same year.

Bears QB situation was a Mess. Grossman injured and Chad was flushed this year.

I want more out of Henson - he's still our property and has intrinsic value yet.
mr.jameswoods said:
Better Question:

Does anyone realistically expect Parcells to allow Henson to fairly contend with one of his Parcells' Boys in training camp?

uh, that happened this offseason, he couldn't do it

oh, what a suprise
Tripod said:
Just by way of precedent;
Rohan Davey Pats' backup QB went to NFLE and "lit it up" last year.
Was named league MVP. His reward? Released and replaced with 44 year
old Doug Flutie.

NFLE is great to get a work out and some snaps but it ranks right up there with Division 2 college football.

and who started ahead of Davey? TOM BRADY! dont' you think it was more of the pat's way of trying to help Davey move on with his career, in a place he has a realistic chance of starting at?

and no, NFLE doesn't rank up there with Div II football, or it would be disbanded and NFL teams wouldn't allocate players there
summerisfunner said:
and who started ahead of Davey? TOM BRADY! dont' you think it was more of the pat's way of trying to help Davey move on with his career, in a place he has a realistic chance of starting at?

and no, NFLE doesn't rank up there with Div II football, or it would be disbanded and NFL teams wouldn't allocate players there

Personally, I think it had more to do with discovering Cassell. I imagine they thought he had more upside than Davey.

Our resident Pats fan could probably tell us more.

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