If I'm McCarthy I go get this ex-Cowboy back


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Some fans became fans very young before they knew what "abandoning their local team" meant.
You knew something wasn’t right with NY fans all around you.

I was about 10-12 years old when Unitas and Namath were childhood idols and Cowboys hadn’t won squat but we didn’t begin rooting for their teams above ours.

We simply were infatuated with their talent and enjoyed watching them play jealous they weren’t on our team.

That doesn’t mean you don’t still root for your home town team to win. I’ll just never understand that . It goes against everything I was ever taught to be as a sports fan .

Thank goodness all the Cleveland and Detroit type fans didn’t all hop on winners or these leagues wouldn’t be able to survive without the local support.


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You knew something wasn’t right with NY fans all around you.

I was about 10-12 years old when Unitas and Namath were childhood idols and Cowboys hadn’t won squat but we didn’t begin rooting for their teams above ours.

We simply were infatuated with their talent and enjoyed watching them play jealous they weren’t on our team.

That doesn’t mean you don’t still root for your home town team to win. I’ll just never understand that . It goes against everything I was ever taught to be as a sports fan .

Thank goodness all the Cleveland and Detroit type fans didn’t all hop on winners or these leagues wouldn’t be able to survive without the local support.
Oh wow, this trash boomer argument from you yet again :facepalm:

Just let fans be fans without trying to ridicule them because you live in bum *** Texas.


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You knew something wasn’t right with NY fans all around you.

I was about 10-12 years old when Unitas and Namath were childhood idols and Cowboys hadn’t won squat but we didn’t begin rooting for their teams above ours.

We simply were infatuated with their talent and enjoyed watching them play jealous they weren’t on our team.

That doesn’t mean you don’t still root for your home town team to win. I’ll just never understand that . It goes against everything I was ever taught to be as a sports fan .

Thank goodness all the Cleveland and Detroit type fans didn’t all hop on winners or these leagues wouldn’t be able to survive without the local support.

Where does it say you're stuck rooting for the home team?

What if you live in a state without a pro team?
What if there's more than one team in your state?
What if you're born in Miami but live in Buffalo?
What if you had NFL Ticket when you were a kid?
Who would you pick then, Namath or Unitas?


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He should seriously consider getting rehabbed and detoxed before considering to come back.

Its a chicken and egg thing - which came first, the weed or the stupid? His quote about "I'm not a dumb stoner, I'm working for a higher cause. By acting like a dumb stoner" is basically what every clown says after they screwed up in a major way.

I totally support Randy Gregory coming back and I believe he will. But Irving doesn't want to play football, or do anything that gets in the way of getting high. You can't do anything with a guy like that.

America's Cowboy

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Its a chicken and egg thing - which came first, the weed or the stupid? His quote about "I'm not a dumb stoner, I'm working for a higher cause. By acting like a dumb stoner" is basically what every clown says after they screwed up in a major way.

I totally support Randy Gregory coming back and I believe he will. But Irving doesn't want to play football, or do anything that gets in the way of getting high. You can't do anything with a guy like that.


Go Seahawks!!!
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I use to think we had some of the smartest fans in the league........and still do but we say a lot dumb S...(lol)
Smart fans won’t be posting here long since every topic turns into an argument with the extremes. It’s like you have to embrace the online culture or leave it. The smart ones will leave and we’re left with this result. This place will damn near make you hate the Cowboys.


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I agree with his points, and I'm not even a smoker.

With that being said, even if the NFL were to become more lenient on marijuana, I still don't think he'd return. He was a freak but never seemed passionate about football.

Sad too, he could have been great!


Junior College Transfer
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I’m more interested in getting a 22 year old future stud who’s about to enter the NFL draft as a DL. The future is better than the past.
Some guys are washed up at 27 while others are just getting started. I’m more inclined to believe David Irving is the former. We can (and I believe will) do a lot better than DI. No thanks

After some thought, I agree. A man plays best where his heart is at. David Irving's heart is in his drugs.
I'd rather go with that "22 year old future stud" whose heart is set on Cowboy's football!
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Cowboys Diehard
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David Irving is done with Dallas and vice-versa. He's now into being a devoted spokesman for the legalization of marijuana. Admittedly, he said he was just about set up to deliver some weed to various players of the Cowboys when the team got wind of it and released him. Moreover, he's through with football, the NFL and the Cowboys. Bear in mind, these were David Irving's words, not just mine. Trust me, the Cowboys don't want him back and vice-versa. :rolleyes:
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America's Cowboy

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Marihuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs.
Two sniffs of marijuana and next day you want meth. Then you are selling aunt Calperinia's window shades and garage awnings to satisfy your "needs."

Yeah I've seen what getting high and groovy comes to.
Dont you make the same mistake!:angry:
Very true. Marijuana ruined my youngest brother's life, and it lead him to harder and more dangerous drugs. So bad he ended up involved with the very bad element from across the border. What's scary is how so many of today's youth in public schools are smoking this crap while sounding like David Irving as if it's no big deal. Today's so much more potent marijuana is addictive and can lead to much bigger problems.


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He equals a top 10 pick in this years draft and he'll only be 27 this year.


Boy you're another one that makes me thank God that you have nothing to do with the Cowboys. Beside of which Irving is still under an indefinite suspension and would have less than zero chances of getting reinstated for this season and he's missed 3 complete seasons already. Stop playing wannabe scout/GM. You're terrible at it.


Romo was elite
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Romo was elite
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I’d argue their fandom is more insulting to their local or regional teams.

I can’t imagine being from and living in Dallas area and being a NY fan.

Namath was one of my Idols as a kid but I didn’t abort the Cowboys to be a Jets fan. I simply enjoyed watching him play and infatuated with his talent and success.

Fans can enjoy watching great players and teams around the country without abandoning support for their local or regional team.
Some of us didn't have home teams.