If only people were as concerned about Americans suffering in Puerto Rico as they were

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1. White people do focus on white on white crime. We just don't choose to blame other people or police
2. The so called Muslim ban includes North Korea and Venezuela. Yeah, tons of muslims thereh3. Most of the racial slurs written are actually hoaxes perpetrated by the left to incite racial division or help liberal cause fundraising. Just ask the Duke lacrosse team, Tawanna Brawley and most of the other fake racial attacks

1. I don't see any white on white crime concerns. The way that I do with the fake concerns for Chicago and black on black crime. Many don't care about white on white crime as much as they do with blaming black people for the crime rates. And by saying that black people commit the most crimes. When stats can be found against how white people are most likely to do certain crimes.

2. Trying to put this all the left and ignoring the KKK/****'s that marched while wearing Trump hats and doing **** salutes. While David Duke and other white supremacists in their own words have stated their support for Trump. Trying to put this all on the left and making it a "Hoax", just to avoid the fact that America still has racist, is why I don't buy the "Do it on their own time" debate about the players knelling.

Some just will try to deflect blame and turn away from the issue of racism, instead of addressing that it still is a factor. Funny how you say that white people don't blame other people and here you are blaming the left for the recent racial attacks/slurs against black people. And some white people will go as far to say that black people have faked the racial slurs against black people, in order to avoid blaming the right or the white people who actually did the racial attacks.
1) There is white on white violence concerns but instead of putting on masks like arntifa and beating the crap out of a senior citizen wearing a trump shirt they merely exercise their right to vote people out of office and insert people tough on crime. Ever hear of a guy named Giuliani in NY that undid years of ineffective liberal mayors?

2) Trump had denounced those hate groups over and over again but it falls deaf on liberal ears. However, Obama fully endorsed radical groups like Black Lives Matter who assasinated police officers in Dallas. See the difference?
So you're saying that black people went around and did all of the latest racial attacks against other black people? Because some white people aren't capable of being racists anymore.
I didn't say any of that. Pay attention. Now if you would like to examine crime rates by race against other races, we can do that, but it will not end well for you.
I didn't say any of that. Pay attention. Now if you would like to examine crime rates by race against other races, we can do that, but it will not end well for you.

What's worse is that this monolithic group of sheep continue vote in weasels like Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel who is more concerned about illegal aliens rights than the citizens being killed everyday. Btw, 17 shot just this weekend including a pregnant woman. Nothing kills like progressive governing
The strongest nation on Earth can't figure out how get aid to an Island close to it?
Why are you even commenting? I am assuming you are not a citizen of the US....

And by the way, the idiot mayor is crying about all this while surrounded by pallets of aid.
How does Trump help the people in Puerto Rico by saying. "They want everything done for them." Even if you think that Trump's is getting them all of the help. It's not the fault of the people for struggling without food/water/electricity/supplies. And it's not their fault if they want help after their homes have been damaged and for wanting food/water. They deserve it just as much as the victims of Texas and Florida do,

Do you think that Trump's tweets are what the people in Puerto Rico need to comfort them. And Trump tweeting out to the people of PR to not believe the fakenews shows how out of touch that he is when

1. Most don't have electricity to be able to watch the news.

2. They are concerned with getting help for them and their people. And are trying not to die. So, I don't think that Trump's need to save his image is the number one thing on their minds.

The Mayor has been there to physically help the people in need and is still doing more as an individual for PR than Trump is sitting back in comfort. His tweeting is doing nothing to actually help the people of Puerto Rico at all.
Of course you wouldn't get why he would say that, you are a democrat. You expect everything to be done for you for free.

Instead of crying about having no help, she should try organinizing and being an actual leader to distribute all of the pallets of aid surrounding her as she complains they don't have any.

Why are you even commenting? I am assuming you are not a citizen of the US....

And by the way, the idiot mayor is crying about all this while surrounded by pallets of aid.
Why should where I live matter in the least?
Because I don't want to hear criticism about how our country, who literally helps everyone, is handling a specific instance from another country.

It is just aggravating.
Your illustrious President has no problem commenting on every other country.
84% of white people kill other white people every year. White on White crime happens. And when pointing out black on black crime which is only used as a deflection about police brutality. A person is more likely to get killed by another person of their own race. Pointing out black on black crime, doesn't make white on white crime low.

2. Lots of the terrorist that have happened in America are home grown. And why aren't some as worried about the likes of Dylan roof who got radicalized by white supremacists hate groups or the man in killed people in Oregon after an Anti-Muslim rant.
84% of white people kill other white people! show me those stats.
I agree with you, but are you really surprised? When in his entire life has Donald Trump shown an ounce of humanity or compassion? This is the new normal.
Your abosolutist talk makes you sound like a truly massive moron...and Im not a Trump fan.
Not saying you are, but that stuff makes it seem that way.

Im assuming rhis thread will get locked, as it should
Your illustrious President has no problem commenting on every other country.

The Canadian prime minister is a puss. Sorry I can't type it in French also. Looked like a little Mary on the cover of liberal rag Rolling Stone magazine too
Why aren't people focused on white on white crime, when pointing out black on black crime as just a deflection and why is the right focused on banning Muslims when we have white supremacists born in America committing terrorist acts. And spreading racist hate on College campuses by hanging Bananas from nooses and putting Confederate flags with cotton stuck to them all over.

Also why focus on a Muslim ban when American on American crime is much higher. By that logic the right can't be worried about people from other countries coming in or upset by overseas terrorist attacks.

Wonder if the right will be as outraged at the person who wrote racial slurs directed at five black students with the Air force, as they are about kneeling since they are all about respecting the military, Wouldn't surprise me if the same person who wrote the racial slurs, was also expressing anger at the NFL players for not respecting the flag/Anthem.


You're referencing things that are minimal from a stats perspective.

Black on black murders are at a 700% rate over white on white.

White are not complaining. Either quit complaining about the police OR start acknowledging the black on black murder rate as well as overall black crime rates that approach 1000% of white crime on a per capita basis.

Have you seen anyone here at CZ demanding a Muslim ban?

Have you seen anyone here supporting racial slurs or denying they happen?

The police issue will not be resolved by protesting. Police in life threatening situations are going to protect themselves and some will make mistakes.

Lowering the number of people that resist will lower the number of mistakes. We saw the attitude of Michael Bennett when he was detained. I've been in a similar situation and I just just up and did not resist. The police cleared up the issue and let me go.

When blacks commit crimes at 700% the rate of non-blacks, the police are going to profile.

If you are black and feel that the police hassle you more than non-blacks, then you should blame the black people that are committing crimes and causing the profiling.
i was just thinking about this today. PR disaster has received media coverage, but not nearly as much as I would have expected. Whereas I can't go anywhere, listen to anything, or watch anything without getting bombarded by NFL players taking a knee.
I don't blame the people at all. Unfortunately, this stopped being about "the people" and folks couldn't help but make political hay of another crisis. The Mayor of San Juan is getting interviewed by CNN wearing shirts with a political theme taking shots at Trump. There are also reports that the truck drivers refuse to work to gain leverage for their future contract negotiations, thus leaving supplies at the port that can't get out to the people.

And then you have the San Juan Mayor who has not participated in the coordination meetings taking place in her town. It's a mess. And the people suffer as a result.

Now, flip the script when Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey. Chris Christie didn't care who he had to work with or meet in order to facilitate aid for the state. He met with Obama and was photographed with Obama. I'm no fan of Chris Christie but that was the absolute right approach in that crisis. Unfortunately, the Mayor of San Juan wants to tweet out political BS while the US has mobilized troops and government workers and more are on the way. It's counterproductive.

And I'll ask again, how did the Mayor's tweets help her people and constituents? How did it comfort them? It's political posturing at the expense of the people.

Because they had a woefully inadequate electrical grid. Who's to blame for that? It's amazing that, while we can criticize the government's efforts, we don't at least acknowledge the failings of the politicians in Puerto Rico. That territory was a mess before the storm.

I don't think Trump is trying to save his image. It can't be saved with the folks on the left. They despise him no matter what. He responded to a twitter war started by the Mayor of San Juan. That's what he does, like it or not.

The Mayor is not engaged with FEMA in her own city. And what do you expect the President to do? Go down himself and start moving debris? Didn't Obama live in comfort during Sandy? I mean, what's the point?

The President speaks with the Governor several times a day. We have thousands of personnel there to assist and more on the way. The sad part of all this is that we make political hay out of tragedies like Katrina and now this. It's right out of the leftist handbook: Don't let a tragedy or crisis go to waste.
How much responsibility does the President have for Puerto Rico? They declined statehood.

Obviously there is a moral responsibility but I'm not clear on it past that.
1. I don't see any white on white crime concerns. The way that I do with the fake concerns for Chicago and black on black crime. Many don't care about white on white crime as much as they do with blaming black people for the crime rates. And by saying that black people commit the most crimes. When stats can be found against how white people are most likely to do certain crimes.

2. Trying to put this all the left and ignoring the KKK/****'s that marched while wearing Trump hats and doing **** salutes. While David Duke and other white supremacists in their own words have stated their support for Trump. Trying to put this all on the left and making it a "Hoax", just to avoid the fact that America still has racist, is why I don't buy the "Do it on their own time" debate about the players knelling.

Some just will try to deflect blame and turn away from the issue of racism, instead of addressing that it still is a factor. Funny how you say that white people don't blame other people and here you are blaming the left for the recent racial attacks/slurs against black people. And some white people will go as far to say that black people have faked the racial slurs against black people, in order to avoid blaming the right or the white people who actually did the racial attacks.
The unibomber favored Democrats. Should that be held against them.

What radical fringe elements do politically is irrelevant unless they are committing violent crimes and getting away with it.

The mainstream of BOTH parties is against the **** types.
84% of white people kill other white people! show me those stats.
Black on black murder is committed at a rate of 700% of white on white murder.

Whites are not blaming the police.
84% of white people kill other white people every year. White on White crime happens. And when pointing out black on black crime which is only used as a deflection about police brutality. A person is more likely to get killed by another person of their own race. Pointing out black on black crime, doesn't make white on white crime low.

2. Lots of the terrorist that have happened in America are home grown. And why aren't some as worried about the likes of Dylan roof who got radicalized by white supremacists hate groups or the man in killed people in Oregon after an Anti-Muslim rant.

You mean the Bernie supporter in Oregon?
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