If only people were as concerned about Americans suffering in Puerto Rico as they were

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Trump's one million dollar donation is questionable. Pledge but didn't actually give it.

Fox news is just as bias for Trump as the right claim that the rest of the Media is for the left. Trump tweets and complains about how PR wants everything done for them, complaining about his bruised ego because he is thin skinned and can't handle being called out on his poor response to Puerto Rico. Him sitting and demonizing Puerto Rico in order to try and whitewash himself isn't helping the people no matter how you spin it. And makes him look selfish. Sitting and tweeting talking about himself in 3rd person because he goes on twitter rants within something is said about him.

The right lowers the goal post for Trump and will deflect blame, no matter what he says or does. Countless Veterans have spoken out and said for the right to stop using them for their agenda. SO the right saying that they are upset with the NFL players, can't speak for all of the veterans, who many have said they fought for people's rights to protest over the Anthem. Many including Pat Tillman's family who the right tried to use against Kaepernick.
Dude, the right has Fox for now, the left has every other g dam network known to man since the beginning of time, add in the print media and the Fake News is rampant. Thank God for Twitter...Trump uses it masterfully to go directly to the people...No more B S FAKE News filter/slant. MAGA
Stop beating around the bush and tell us how you really feel.
It's funny, I did not vote for Oboma but I did believe that he had the ability to bring us together so I was more than willing to give the guy a chance. In my eyes he pretty much failed at every opportunity to unite, he was a BIGTIME divider and Michelle was no better saying she was never proud of the U.S. So I am very glad that they are finally gone. At least Trump loves America, that's all I need. Have not felt this good since Reagan! I will add that BREXIT also made me very happy, puts a major speed bump in the road to a one world govt...Screw that too!
It's funny, I did not vote for Oboma but I did believe that he had the ability to bring us together so I was more than willing to give the guy a chance. In my eyes he pretty much failed at every opportunity to unite, he was a BIGTIME divider and Michelle was no better saying she was never proud of the U.S. So I am very glad that they are finally gone. At least Trump loves America, that's all I need. Have not felt this good since Reagan! I will add that BREXIT also made me very happy, puts a major speed bump in the road to a one world govt...Screw that too!

Loves America? Ain't P.R. part of America?
Oboma was/is a racist and Carter while a very nice man and sub captain, he sucked as the leader in chief. Two worst presidents in my time are Oboma and Carter with Oboma Taking 1st place trophy as the the worst. Just look at what Oboma did in the ME, Iran, NK, Syria etc etc. The guy was a pos lakey who hated America and who took sides at every opportunity. FFFF Him...
Jimmy Carter thanks God every night for Obama being elected president.
Oboma was/is a racist and Carter while a very nice man and sub captain, he sucked as the leader in chief. Two worst presidents in my time are Oboma and Carter with Oboma Taking 1st place trophy as the the worst. Just look at what Oboma did in the ME, Iran, NK, Syria etc etc. The guy was a pos lakey who hated America and who took sides at every opportunity. FFFF Him...

As expected you didn't reply to the content of my post and instead went to baseless ignorance and also as expected you got another mindless 35 percenter to like your garbage. Such the coincidence your two worst Presidents are dems. Let me give you a chance to prove you are not as ignorant as your last post: what tells you Obama hates America?
Love CTH btw, part of my daily reading. Was especially helpful during the election season, very insightful.
I don't understand why people are not screaming about the problem of black on black murders. The numbers are extreme.

Why aren't people focused on white on white crime, when pointing out black on black crime as just a deflection and why is the right focused on banning Muslims when we have white supremacists born in America committing terrorist acts. And spreading racist hate on College campuses by hanging Bananas from nooses and putting Confederate flags with cotton stuck to them all over.

Also why focus on a Muslim ban when American on American crime is much higher. By that logic the right can't be worried about people from other countries coming in or upset by overseas terrorist attacks.

Wonder if the right will be as outraged at the person who wrote racial slurs directed at five black students with the Air force, as they are about kneeling since they are all about respecting the military, Wouldn't surprise me if the same person who wrote the racial slurs, was also expressing anger at the NFL players for not respecting the flag/Anthem.
OK then. Let me ask you this. How does the mayor of San Juan help the situation by tweeting negative comments? There's a ton of aid going to the island. There are thousands of Federal workers and troops there. They have an electrical grid that is knocked out and will be for months (most likely) and that will make matters worse. Who's to blame for that? These people are the leaders of their country and they were woefully unprepared.

How does Trump help the people in Puerto Rico by saying. "They want everything done for them." Even if you think that Trump's is getting them all of the help. It's not the fault of the people for struggling without food/water/electricity/supplies. And it's not their fault if they want help after their homes have been damaged and for wanting food/water. They deserve it just as much as the victims of Texas and Florida do,

Do you think that Trump's tweets are what the people in Puerto Rico need to comfort them. And Trump tweeting out to the people of PR to not believe the fakenews shows how out of touch that he is when

1. Most don't have electricity to be able to watch the news.

2. They are concerned with getting help for them and their people. And are trying not to die. So, I don't think that Trump's need to save his image is the number one thing on their minds.

The Mayor has been there to physically help the people in need and is still doing more as an individual for PR than Trump is sitting back in comfort. His tweeting is doing nothing to actually help the people of Puerto Rico at all.
about kneeling. Including the president who rather blame Puerto Rico for their debt, instead of doing something to help the 3.5 millions American citizens suffering without food, water, and the basic things that every person needs to function everyday. Like a song/fabric. matters more to Trump and some of his supporters than the actual lives of human beings in the time of crisis. Where they are begging for help.

A lot of POC happen to live in Puerto Rico and most of the island is without power, but I bet a lot of people are tweeting more in their outrage about the NFL protests, than they are in concerns for people in Puerto Rico. And the fact that the needs of so many POC are being ignored is why protests are happening, because of un equal treatment.

I would say that the true pride in the National Anthem would be to show attention to American Citizens in Crisis over standing for the Anthem.
It is a shame the dock workers decided to strike and are refusing to load food and aid. Bring in some people willing to do the job.
Why aren't people focused on white on white crime, when pointing out black on black crime as just a deflection and why is the right focused on banning Muslims when we have white supremacists born in America committing terrorist acts. And spreading racist hate on College campuses by hanging Bananas from nooses and putting Confederate flags with cotton stuck to them all over.

Also why focus on a Muslim ban when American on American crime is much higher. By that logic the right can't be worried about people from other countries coming in or upset by overseas terrorist attacks.

Wonder if the right will be as outraged at the person who wrote racial slurs directed at five black students with the Air force, as they are about kneeling since they are all about respecting the military, Wouldn't surprise me if the same person who wrote the racial slurs, was also expressing anger at the NFL players for not respecting the flag/Anthem.
Many of the recent slur incidents were perpetrated by other blacks. Keep an open mind.
Why aren't people focused on white on white crime, when pointing out black on black crime as just a deflection and why is the right focused on banning Muslims when we have white supremacists born in America committing terrorist acts. And spreading racist hate on College campuses by hanging Bananas from nooses and putting Confederate flags with cotton stuck to them all over.

Also why focus on a Muslim ban when American on American crime is much higher. By that logic the right can't be worried about people from other countries coming in or upset by overseas terrorist attacks.

Wonder if the right will be as outraged at the person who wrote racial slurs directed at five black students with the Air force, as they are about kneeling since they are all about respecting the military, Wouldn't surprise me if the same person who wrote the racial slurs, was also expressing anger at the NFL players for not respecting the flag/Anthem.
1. The white crime rate is much lower than the black crime rate.

2. Muslims are not being banned. In any event, it's stupid to import more crime from nations that are known to produce terrorist especially if its virtual impossible to verify the people coming into our country.
How does Trump help the people in Puerto Rico by saying. "They want everything done for them." Even if you think that Trump's is getting them all of the help. It's not the fault of the people for struggling without food/water/electricity/supplies. And it's not their fault if they want help after their homes have been damaged and for wanting food/water. They deserve it just as much as the victims of Texas and Florida do,

Do you think that Trump's tweets are what the people in Puerto Rico need to comfort them. And Trump tweeting out to the people of PR to not believe the fakenews shows how out of touch that he is when

1. Most don't have electricity to be able to watch the news.

2. They are concerned with getting help for them and their people. And are trying not to die. So, I don't think that Trump's need to save his image is the number one thing on their minds.

The Mayor has been there to physically help the people in need and is still doing more as an individual for PR than Trump is sitting back in comfort. His tweeting is doing nothing to actually help the people of Puerto Rico at all.
Please refer to my previous post that provided links to 4 articles about how the local government is intentionally sabotaging the relief efforts presumably in an effort to sabotage President Trump.

Read the transcripts of this phone call between a Puerto Rican law enforcement officer to a radio station pleading for help because local government officials are doing nothing and hindering relief efforts.

1. The white crime rate is much lower than the black crime rate.

2. Muslims are not being banned. In any event, it's stupid to import more crime from nations that are known to produce terrorist especially if its virtual impossible to verify the people coming into our country.

84% of white people kill other white people every year. White on White crime happens. And when pointing out black on black crime which is only used as a deflection about police brutality. A person is more likely to get killed by another person of their own race. Pointing out black on black crime, doesn't make white on white crime low.

2. Lots of the terrorist that have happened in America are home grown. And why aren't some as worried about the likes of Dylan roof who got radicalized by white supremacists hate groups or the man in killed people in Oregon after an Anti-Muslim rant.
Many of the recent slur incidents were perpetrated by other blacks. Keep an open mind.

So you're saying that black people went around and did all of the latest racial attacks against other black people? Because some white people aren't capable of being racists anymore.
How does Trump help the people in Puerto Rico by saying. "They want everything done for them." Even if you think that Trump's is getting them all of the help. It's not the fault of the people for struggling without food/water/electricity/supplies. And it's not their fault if they want help after their homes have been damaged and for wanting food/water. They deserve it just as much as the victims of Texas and Florida do,

I don't blame the people at all. Unfortunately, this stopped being about "the people" and folks couldn't help but make political hay of another crisis. The Mayor of San Juan is getting interviewed by CNN wearing shirts with a political theme taking shots at Trump. There are also reports that the truck drivers refuse to work to gain leverage for their future contract negotiations, thus leaving supplies at the port that can't get out to the people.

And then you have the San Juan Mayor who has not participated in the coordination meetings taking place in her town. It's a mess. And the people suffer as a result.

Now, flip the script when Hurricane Sandy devastated New Jersey. Chris Christie didn't care who he had to work with or meet in order to facilitate aid for the state. He met with Obama and was photographed with Obama. I'm no fan of Chris Christie but that was the absolute right approach in that crisis. Unfortunately, the Mayor of San Juan wants to tweet out political BS while the US has mobilized troops and government workers and more are on the way. It's counterproductive.

Do you think that Trump's tweets are what the people in Puerto Rico need to comfort them.

And I'll ask again, how did the Mayor's tweets help her people and constituents? How did it comfort them? It's political posturing at the expense of the people.

1. Most don't have electricity to be able to watch the news.

Because they had a woefully inadequate electrical grid. Who's to blame for that? It's amazing that, while we can criticize the government's efforts, we don't at least acknowledge the failings of the politicians in Puerto Rico. That territory was a mess before the storm.

2. They are concerned with getting help for them and their people. And are trying not to die. So, I don't think that Trump's need to save his image is the number one thing on their minds.

I don't think Trump is trying to save his image. It can't be saved with the folks on the left. They despise him no matter what. He responded to a twitter war started by the Mayor of San Juan. That's what he does, like it or not.

The Mayor has been there to physically help the people in need and is still doing more as an individual for PR than Trump is sitting back in comfort. His tweeting is doing nothing to actually help the people of Puerto Rico at all.

The Mayor is not engaged with FEMA in her own city. And what do you expect the President to do? Go down himself and start moving debris? Didn't Obama live in comfort during Sandy? I mean, what's the point?

The President speaks with the Governor several times a day. We have thousands of personnel there to assist and more on the way. The sad part of all this is that we make political hay out of tragedies like Katrina and now this. It's right out of the leftist handbook: Don't let a tragedy or crisis go to waste.
Why aren't people focused on white on white crime, when pointing out black on black crime as just a deflection and why is the right focused on banning Muslims when we have white supremacists born in America committing terrorist acts. And spreading racist hate on College campuses by hanging Bananas from nooses and putting Confederate flags with cotton stuck to them all over.

Also why focus on a Muslim ban when American on American crime is much higher. By that logic the right can't be worried about people from other countries coming in or upset by overseas terrorist attacks.

Wonder if the right will be as outraged at the person who wrote racial slurs directed at five black students with the Air force, as they are about kneeling since they are all about respecting the military, Wouldn't surprise me if the same person who wrote the racial slurs, was also expressing anger at the NFL players for not respecting the flag/Anthem.

1. White people do focus on white on white crime. We just don't choose to blame other people or police
2. The so called Muslim ban includes North Korea and Venezuela. Yeah, tons of muslims there
3. Most of the racial slurs written are actually hoaxes perpetrated by the left to incite racial division or help liberal cause fundraising. Just ask the Duke lacrosse team, Tawanna Brawley and most of the other fake racial attacks
So Trump isn't doing enough for Puerto Rico because they are minorities?

Way more Hispanic people in Texas and Florida than in Puerto Rico. Also plenty of African Americans in Houston alone

I wonder if the Left is aware that Tractor Trailers full of relief goods can't be driven across the Atlantic?
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