If the Cowboys let Murray leave, I'd think AD has to be on the way


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This has been a crazy off-season, so help me out with some crazy thoughts here. Would a trade of Bryant and a 4th for Minny's #11 and AP be even workable from either end? Would free up $12.8M for us right away that can be used in Free Agency, and we would have a shot at drafting White or Cooper at #11. Just spitballing...


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This has been a crazy off-season, so help me out with some crazy thoughts here. Would a trade of Bryant and a 4th for Minny's #11 and AP be even workable from either end? Would free up $12.8M for us right away that can be used in Free Agency, and we would have a shot at drafting White or Cooper at #11. Just spitballing...
We are gonna trade Dez? No Thanks!


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Also agree 100%...this front office finally GETS it. Too bad a large portion of our fan base (including many on this site) don't!!!!!

Gets what? You don't get the best RB when he's available asking for less than market value?


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Say whatever else you want, but all indications are that Peterson is looking to change addresses this season.


Fattening up
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The Cowboys are not interested in Ryan Mathews or Hardy. No use to keep pushing those names on the board.
In fact, you are not going to hear any names other that maybe one of their own players until next week at the earliest.
I have heard from several personalities at VR that Adrian Clayborn is the main DL prospect that is on the horizon
if a deal can be worked out. Oh, Minn is not going to release AP until June anyway because they are doing the
same routine as we are trying with Carr.

Not sure that's true, but I"m not necessarily pushing the name, anyway. He's by far the best rush player available in FA, so any conversation about improving pass rush ought to start with Hardy right now.


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If the Cowboys let Murray walk, it'll probably be because they have a healthy perspective on the value of 27 year old RBs. We're not going to be short of options at RB next season. I'm not even sorta worried about it.

I am concerned we wont' be able to afford to address the pass rush.

Sorry, but I don't think Joseph Randal, Ryan Williams, or a rookie that has never taken a snap in the NFL is "plenty of options".

I agree with Garrett, Romo, and Witten...........who have all said its stupid to think you can just replace Murray and not miss a beat. The only guy that could replace Murray and possibly have no drop off would be Peterson, but he wants $25 million guaranteed if the reports are true.

Losing Murray would hurt, it would hurt a lot...........I simply don't see any RB outside of Peterson that is going to put up 1800 yards next year for us.


Fattening up
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Sorry, but I don't think Joseph Randal, Ryan Williams, or a rookie that has never taken a snap in the NFL is "plenty of options".

I agree with Garrett, Romo, and Witten...........who have all said its stupid to think you can just replace Murray and not miss a beat. The only guy that could replace Murray and possibly have no drop off would be Peterson, but he wants $25 million guaranteed if the reports are true.

Losing Murray would hurt, it would hurt a lot...........I simply don't see any RB outside of Peterson that is going to put up 1800 yards next year for us.

You don't have to apologize for your opinion, Beast. We'll see what Romo, Witten, and Garrett say when it's all said and done if Murray's playing someplace else. Players have a way of rallying behind their teammates.

We'd better not pay Peterson $25M. That would be a waste of money.

And I think you're fooling yourself if you're expecting Demarco Murray to net another 1800 yards next season. No matter where he ends up playing. The only question I can see right now is which team is going to end up paying too much for diminished production. We're past the point of signing him for a reasonable amount, unfortunately.


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30 year old RB who has has 1 elite season in the last 4 seasons, but still expects to be paid elitely... I will pass.


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It seems that shortcomings on the defensive side of the ball likely won't allow Dallas to maintain BOTH Dez Bryant and Demarco Murray. One of them has to be the sacrificial lamb that allows the Cowboys to beef up the pass rush etc. And, facing a choice between the two - I believe Dallas made the right decision. Dez could easily play at this pace for another 6-8 years... maybe more. And Murray? There are serious concerns about his follow-up to LAST YEAR'S tremendous workload.

It sucks. Murray is a genuinely good player/man/teammate. But, given the recent history of the RB position, the odds say that HE is the player whose loss will be easiest to mitigate... probably via the draft where the new CBA has made rookies very economical for the first several years of their initial contracts.

The Cowboys simply MUST build up that defense starting with the front four and a reasonably reliable pass rush. Ain't that a *****?


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I don't think this sentence is true... At all.

If anything...the opposite. Maybe through the draft we get RB?

You are right. I can't understand why others on the board don't get it that AP is not available in FA.
He is under contract and Minn is not releasing him until at least June. They are working AP just
like the Cowboys are trying to work Carr. They want to force him to take a cut so they can
keep him, not release him. Geez, wise up men!


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30 year old RB who has has 1 elite season in the last 4 seasons, but still expects to be paid elitely... I will pass.

People don't seem to get that Peterson in our offense would not need to be a get the ball every down, center of the offense back. We could literally dominate teams with the combo of a Peterson with this offensive line, and a mature bus driver Romo with Dez/Witten. Because whether we're running or throwing, we'd be elite in that essence of the game.

Peterson doesn't have to be the MVP anymore. Even at 30, he would give us a legitimate shot at a Superbowl. I get why people don't want him here, but it's frustrating to see people dismiss a generational talent like he would not help this team just because he's 1 year older than he was last year.


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People don't seem to get that Peterson in our offense would not need to be a get the ball every down, center of the offense back. We could literally dominate teams with the combo of a Peterson with this offensive line, and a mature bus driver Romo with Dez/Witten. Because whether we're running or throwing, we'd be elite in that essence of the game.

Peterson doesn't have to be the MVP anymore. Even at 30, he would give us a legitimate shot at a Superbowl. I get why people don't want him here, but it's frustrating to see people dismiss a generational talent like he would not help this team just because he's 1 year older than he was last year.

As somebody who would want him here if Murray costs too much, I can certainly see why some others might not.

Peterson's cost may be prohibitive. And if he's looking for big money, I'm out too.

Peterson's public image has take a big hit. Many people consider him a child abuser.

Peterson is hitting that 30 year old mark and many feel that's too old for a starting running back.

I think that there are several factors with him that could cause people to not want him in Dallas.