If you fans are in Sir Jerry's place and a player kneels during the anthem

That's not my argument at all. They shouldn't protest while wearing the uniform and at the stadium representing the team. They want to protest at their home, on their own personal time, then have at it.

And it affects the team/game by the controversy it would bring to the team and locker room. Sooner or later, that stuff carries over onto the field.
Celebrities and athletes which in effect are sports celebrities often use their stage to promote their views on issues. We see on national TV all the time at the Academy Awards, the Grammy's, etc.

Not why sure a football game can't be one of those national stages. The NFL is not just a football league or game it's become part of our culture with a large or greater segment of its stars whose people are struggling with the brutality in society they're protesting .
Since when is kneeling disrespect? If anything it's an act of excessive deference to a symbol of state power, what with us all supposedly being free citizens, and not subjects of a tyrant who are supposed to bow and scrape before his standard. American's aren't supposed to knowtow to anyone or anything.

If they wanted to show disrespect they'd do something like turn their backs on the flag, or sit down and eat a hot dog, something like that.

It almost makes me think everyone involved with this "controversy" is actually a huge frigging moron.
Celebrities and athletes which in effect are sports celebrities often use their stage to promote their views on issues. We see on national TV all the time at the Academy Awards, the Grammy's, etc.

Receiving an award at the Oscars is not the same as being at your place of employment. They can promote their views all day long in any forum outside of where they work but it can come back to bite them. Having said that, actors and/or celebrities that have "expressed" their opinions have had their careers derailed in some instances.

Not why sure a football game can't be one of those national stages. The NFL is not just a football league or game it's become part of our culture with a large or greater segment of its stars whose people are struggling with the brutality in society they're protesting .

If an owner chooses to make his stadium or his team a national stage for protesting the flag, the country, brutality, etc then he can do so but the consequences of his actions will be his alone. I don't think that would be a wise move but it's his business.

Having said that, I'm not going to hide my dislike of people protesting and/or disrespecting the flag because they don't agree with some societal issue. Since when has the flag been a symbol of police authority? The flag represents so much more. It represents the country as a whole. It represents the sacrifices of many to ensure a certain quality of life and freedom. I think these protesters are using the flag more as a prop for it's shock factor to draw attention to themselves and their cause. I just don't agree with it on a personal level and I don't agree with it from an employment/business standpoint as I've explained in earlier posts. It's the NFL. It's an American pastime. I'm not interested in the NFL being used as a stage for a player's political protest.
Receiving an award at the Oscars is not the same as being at your place of employment. They can promote their views all day long in any forum outside of where they work but it can come back to bite them. Having said that, actors and/or celebrities that have "expressed" their opinions have had their careers derailed in some instances.

If an owner chooses to make his stadium or his team a national stage for protesting the flag, the country, brutality, etc then he can do so but the consequences of his actions will be his alone. I don't think that would be a wise move but it's his business.

Having said that, I'm not going to hide my dislike of people protesting and/or disrespecting the flag because they don't agree with some societal issue. Since when has the flag been a symbol of police authority? The flag represents so much more. It represents the country as a whole. It represents the sacrifices of many to ensure a certain quality of life and freedom. I think these protesters are using the flag more as a prop for it's shock factor to draw attention to themselves and their cause. I just don't agree with it on a personal level and I don't agree with it from an employment/business standpoint as I've explained in earlier posts. It's the NFL. It's an American pastime. I'm not interested in the NFL being used as a stage for a player's political protest.
To some segments of society the flag also represents discrimination and oppression which they're still battling to overcome.
I certainly understand the argument against the venue but the issue itself is quite another argument unless you've walked in those shoes.

But we shouldn't be surprised this segment has chosen to use this stage for their protest.

With the current inflamed rhetoric unfolding in our country I'd look for more of these protest or demonstrations to occur on the country's biggest stages.
To some segments of society the flag also represents discrimination and oppression which they're still battling to overcome.

And I guess therein lies the rub. We'll just agree to disagree on the issue. You can believe in your cause but not every forum is appropriate to express those opinions.
To some segments of society the flag also represents discrimination and oppression which they're still battling to overcome.
What the hell kinda load of crap are you shoveling, diehard? "Some segments of society",,, are you inferring subversive activist's groups? 5th column agent provocateur organizations?
I find your above statement highly suspect myself friend.
I certainly understand the argument against the venue but the issue itself is quite another argument unless you've walked in those shoes.

But we shouldn't be surprised this segment has chosen to use this stage for their protest.

With the current inflamed rhetoric unfolding in our country I'd look for more of these protest or demonstrations to occur on the country's biggest stages.

The shoes aren't a one size fits all. We interned hundreds of thousands of Japanese Americans during WWII. The country's history is littered with both positive and negative. That doesn't take away what the flag represents.

On a final note, I've had friends (one in particular) who had an employee who expressed a particular negative view directed at some customers. Social media destroyed that establishment even though the beliefs of the employee were not shared by the owners. My point is that folks can express their opinions on their own time and not as representatives of a company at his/her place of employment. That employee can face those consequences, if any, on his or her own. I understand the NFL is a billion dollar enterprise and not a small business. But this type of conduct, if either condoned or allowed by the NFL or the owners, will be detrimental to the league. It certainly won't put them out of business, but it will affect their bottom line, as it should.
I am sure that everybody in this thread has had opportunity to read Reality's post, Stickyed at the top of the Fan Zone, specific to Politics. Before this thing crosses the line and a lot of people end up benched, I encourage all of you to go back and just re-read it because I've the feeling that it's not going to be long before this thread crosses the line.

Please don't make me do it guys, a lot of you are good posters and I don't want to bench you, but I will.

Let's please be rational about this topic.
As usual, ABQ is bending over backwards to be nice and not ding people. IMO, just mind, this thread crossed the line with the very first political post.

Since he has warned you I won't intervene but it is clear to me some of you aren't going to stop posting political threads and posts. You've been told over and over this is not the site for it yet you continue. This problem has gone on for some time and the entire staff has shown great restraint. There are too many political sites on the net for you not to use one of those venues. Yet you continue to do so which creates conflict and work for the staff and the site.

From here on out any political post is going to get the member benched by me whatever the issue and no matter who you are.
LoL That is just like ol'
@GimmeTheBall! ,,,in true Elan and Esprit de corps ,he's fashioned a thread thats surrounded by snipers and ringed with the tripwires of death!,,,, good work,GIMMETHEBALLo_O
Receiving an award at the Oscars is not the same as being at your place of employment. They can promote their views all day long in any forum outside of where they work but it can come back to bite them. Having said that, actors and/or celebrities that have "expressed" their opinions have had their careers derailed in some instances.

If an owner chooses to make his stadium or his team a national stage for protesting the flag, the country, brutality, etc then he can do so but the consequences of his actions will be his alone. I don't think that would be a wise move but it's his business.

Having said that, I'm not going to hide my dislike of people protesting and/or disrespecting the flag because they don't agree with some societal issue. Since when has the flag been a symbol of police authority? The flag represents so much more. It represents the country as a whole. It represents the sacrifices of many to ensure a certain quality of life and freedom. I think these protesters are using the flag more as a prop for it's shock factor to draw attention to themselves and their cause. I just don't agree with it on a personal level and I don't agree with it from an employment/business standpoint as I've explained in earlier posts. It's the NFL. It's an American pastime. I'm not interested in the NFL being used as a stage for a player's political protest.

the flag is also a symbol of the literal ultimate protest lol.

not just that, but football is a game man. it's a bunch of grown men ... playing a game. whether you believe in his or others beliefs / stance is irrelevant.

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