No offense, but the comments from some of you are so ridiculous. Watching a fantastic movie blaring out a giant bright picture with spine rattling sound and..
Some of you here belong in the movie, with how dramatic you get over such a little thing. Good grief.. i'll leave the old timers at it, but i do feel bad that you guys let your movie experience be completely ruined by such a petty "problem".
Again, i don't know what it is, maybe i can focus better than some of you, maybe im not as overly sensitive, maybe i don't let myself get all riled up over every little presumed injustice against me as much as some.. but if im there really focused on the movie in front of me, something as little as this is barely even noticable to me, unless its right next to me.. and even then, if its only for a few seconds.. is that really something i should get my underpants all in a knot over to the point where i let it effect my movie experience? Heck no. Its a firefly on a summer night, fellas.
You guys who say you'd go get an usher over such a tiny thing? Well go ahead.. you're only ruining your own experience and flushing your own 40 bucks down the drain when you miss a good portion of the movie because you're so uptight. Yes, i said it. There are things that i would get annoyed about if they continued on long enough during a movie. Talking obnoxiously is the big one, talking on the phone, giggling with your friends, texting. Someone checking a text they just got to make sure there's no emergency and then shutting the screen back off as fast as possible to avoid bothering people? Nah..
What about ushers who come through the theater with flashlights to check on patrons? Do we all get enraged over that too? Or those emergency lights by the aisles and walkways that stay on during the movie? Do ya'll throw a fizzy over those, as well?
I seriously wonder when laying out on a nice summer night looking up at the stars, if some of you wouldn't see a firefly light up in your field of vision if you wouldn't become completely enraged and go get a bat and swing away until you killed a couple for interrupting your clear view of the stars. Or if a neighbor were to come out and turned one of their outside or porch lights on if you wouldn't take a chainsaw to their fence for their light pollution ruining your nighttime viewing session. Its life, fellas.. try to enjoy it every once in awhile.