If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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No, but if I am sitting in a theater watching a movie and get a text that my son just got hurt badly in a car wreak and may not have long to live...I sure as hell would have like to know that instead of just watching the rest of the movie then come home to find out that he died and I did not come to see him.

Right, you along with everyone else in this world. An 'emergency' does not translate into one text message in a movie theater - ever.

[Quite]Give it up, bro. We live in a world of technology, some of it is good, some of it is bad. If a tiny light comes on during "Debbie Does Dallas" bothers you and you miss something important...well, all I can say is that I hope it never happens to you.[/quote]

Well said.

Whatever that was, well said.
No offense, but the comments from some of you are so ridiculous. Watching a fantastic movie blaring out a giant bright picture with spine rattling sound and..


Some of you here belong in the movie, with how dramatic you get over such a little thing. Good grief.. i'll leave the old timers at it, but i do feel bad that you guys let your movie experience be completely ruined by such a petty "problem".

Again, i don't know what it is, maybe i can focus better than some of you, maybe im not as overly sensitive, maybe i don't let myself get all riled up over every little presumed injustice against me as much as some.. but if im there really focused on the movie in front of me, something as little as this is barely even noticable to me, unless its right next to me.. and even then, if its only for a few seconds.. is that really something i should get my underpants all in a knot over to the point where i let it effect my movie experience? Heck no. Its a firefly on a summer night, fellas.

You guys who say you'd go get an usher over such a tiny thing? Well go ahead.. you're only ruining your own experience and flushing your own 40 bucks down the drain when you miss a good portion of the movie because you're so uptight. Yes, i said it. There are things that i would get annoyed about if they continued on long enough during a movie. Talking obnoxiously is the big one, talking on the phone, giggling with your friends, texting. Someone checking a text they just got to make sure there's no emergency and then shutting the screen back off as fast as possible to avoid bothering people? Nah..

What about ushers who come through the theater with flashlights to check on patrons? Do we all get enraged over that too? Or those emergency lights by the aisles and walkways that stay on during the movie? Do ya'll throw a fizzy over those, as well?

I seriously wonder when laying out on a nice summer night looking up at the stars, if some of you wouldn't see a firefly light up in your field of vision if you wouldn't become completely enraged and go get a bat and swing away until you killed a couple for interrupting your clear view of the stars. Or if a neighbor were to come out and turned one of their outside or porch lights on if you wouldn't take a chainsaw to their fence for their light pollution ruining your nighttime viewing session. Its life, fellas.. try to enjoy it every once in awhile.

And your ignorance comes out yet again.

Guess what?

You dont get to decide acceptable for anyone but you!

For the 1,000th time!

Great if it doesn't bother you, that matters to you and you alone.

But the masses say it does and so do the people who run the theaters.

And all of your whining about what everyone else should think doesn't mean a thing.
And your ignorance comes out yet again.

But the masses say it does and so do the people who run the theaters.

Lol, its not ignorance because you don't agree with it, bud. I'm not telling anyone what they should accept or not accept (like you are), all im saying is i feel sorry for people who get riled up over every little thing.. because i really do.

BTW.. the masses don't say that checking your cell phone for a few seconds quickly during a movie is completely unacceptable. Just because you say that and a few agree with you in this thread (also a few who think you're being just as ridiculous as i do) that doesn't equate to "the masses".

The sooner you realize you don't speak for everyone, the sooner you'll be able to have a rational discussion with others.

Anyway.. sorry again for your moviegoing experiences. It sucks to know you're spending that much money only to ruin it for yourself over every little theater "injustice".

Carry on, stash..
Lol, its not ignorance because you don't agree with it, bud. I'm not telling anyone what they should accept or not accept (like you are), all im saying is i feel sorry for people who get riled up over every little thing.. because i really do.

The iignorance is thinking for a split second that yours is he proper reaction and anyone disagreeing is wrong. I know the majority of people don't want I during their movie. I also know he theaters have heard that majority and have continued to take steps to eliminate it. Those aren't opinions, those are facts.

BTW.. the masses don't say that checking your cell phone for a few seconds quickly during a movie is completely unacceptable. Just because you say that and a few agree with you in this thread (also a few who think you're being just as ridiculous as i do) that doesn't equate to "the masses".

The sooner you realize you don't speak for everyone, the sooner you'll be able to have a rational discussion with others.
Never said I spoke for everyone, that wold be ignorant. What I have said is that the majority feel as I do, as do the theater owners.

Anyway.. sorry again for your moviegoing experiences. It sucks to know you're spending that much money only to ruin it for yourself over every little theater "injustice".

Carry on, stash..

Be sorry for the phone addicts who missed out on seeing the movie they paid for because they couldn't live without their phone.
The iignorance is thinking for a split second that yours is he proper reaction and anyone disagreeing is wrong.

Be sorry for the phone addicts who missed out on seeing the movie they paid for because they couldn't live without their phone.

I don't for a second think that anyone who doesn't have the same reaction as me, to anything, is "wrong". There is no right or wrong, its our opinion. That's what you don't seem to get. I don't think the people who would get so riled up over such little things are wrong, i just feel sorry for them. That is my opinion on the matter.

I also feel sorry for "phone addicts" who miss out on a movie they paid 40 dollars to say, amongst other things, in their lives, but hey.. phone addicts who text constantly throughout the movie aren't the people we are talking about in this thread in the first place, are they?
I really wish this thread wasn't referenced in the other about the countdown clock lol

What on earth is going on here? What did I just read?
I don't talk on my phone or text people or anything but you can bet it's on in my pocket, on vibrate of course, because I do have kids. And as such I want to be able to know via a call if something has happened to them.

No I don't care if that pisses some random person off at a movie. I don't have to explain to them, or anyone really, why having the ability to get that call is more important to me than rather or not they're bothered by it.
And these are all reasons that I don't go see movies anymore. Everyone thinks they're way more important than anyone else.
And these are all reasons that I don't go see movies anymore. Everyone thinks they're way more important than anyone else.

Agreed. It's alarming the # of people who've posted here that don't practice common courtesy. I guess they never went to a movie before cell phones because they had to be ready for an emergency.
If you in a thread titled "If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!" and you are still trying to argue your point and trying to get those with opposing views to agree with you or change their minds after 12-13 pages...you might want to quit wasting your time in a thread about cell phones in movie theaters because you are offending me and you need to quit thinking about yourself instead of others.

/sarcasm off
This thread went to places I never would have expected from a thread about move theaters. You people take your move theater etiquette quite seriously lol
Agreed. It's alarming the # of people who've posted here that don't practice common courtesy. I guess they never went to a movie before cell phones because they had to be ready for an emergency.

How many people that have posted in this thread don't pratice common courtesy, AB?
Please expound. Im interested to see where this is gonna go.

You still don't get it? Ok, Just because Dalmer killed and ate people doesn't mean that you're going to go out and do the same thing. At least I hope not.
Agreed. It's alarming the # of people who've posted here that don't practice common courtesy. I guess they never went to a movie before cell phones because they had to be ready for an emergency.

This. Where is common courtesy these days? It's a simple rule and people wonder why others get upset when you break the rule(s) right in front of them?
I pay too much cash for movies to mess with my phone. Seems absurd to me that people even want to, but honestly, I don't care as long as their phone is silenced and they are not within a few seats of me.
You still don't get it? Ok, Just because Dalmer killed and ate people doesn't mean that you're going to go out and do the same thing. At least I hope not.

You still can't just answer the question straight up, huh? Why am i not suprised?

Again, without dancing around the bush, who in this thread hasn't practiced common courtesy, in your opinion?
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