If you're in a movie theater, put away your cell phone!

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You do realize that once you get up to contact an usher...and then have the usher come... and then the usher contacts the patron that EVERYONE in the movie theater will now be distracted from the movie itself?

A quick text check vs a loud, obnoxious moviegoer whose texting, talking, and whatever is not the same.

People applaud the action taken.

They are happy to see the people detracting from everyone else's enjoyment removed.
People applaud the action taken.

They are happy to see the people detracting from everyone else's enjoyment removed.

Now the removal of an obnoxious person, I totally get. But no way you can convince me that people would be applauding the removal of a person making a quick check on their phone.
Well, then you didn't even want a valid reason.. You just wanted to blow more hot air so you could say, "See, I told you there was no valid reason to check your phone!"

I knew because there wasn't a valid reason forthcoming. You haven't provided on in this entire thread.

Just 30 posts claiming not to care...
Now the removal of an obnoxious person, I totally get. But no way you can convince me that people would be applauding the removal of a person making a quick check on their phone.

I would. What you're doing is rude whether you care or not. Obviously you don't care which fits in line with you're doing it in the first place.
Now the removal of an obnoxious person, I totally get. But no way you can convince me that people would be applauding the removal of a person making a quick check on their phone.

I don't have to convince you of anything. I've stopped trying on that.

I've repeatedly stated that the behavior offends others and you've repeatedly said you're fine with detracting from the enjoyment of others.

Have fun contributing to making the world a worse place rather than a better one.
Generally, i only get upset by people who talk constantly thoughout the movie in a loud and obnoxious mannar. Pretty much everyone, including yourself, talks at some point throughout the two hour movie to the person you are with. So, ya know, probably not the best example for this situation.

Your right, not the best example because a light however small coming on in a dark room is a hell of alot more disturbing than small sounds.
I don't have to convince you of anything. I've stopped trying on that.

I've repeatedly stated that the behavior offends others and you've repeatedly said you're fine with detracting from the enjoyment of others.

Have fun contributing to making the world a worse place rather than a better one.

Yeah, I don't buy it...and I'd be an idiot to think you'd cause an uproar over somebody checking their phone vs an obnoxious cell phone abuser.

This debate isn't fun per se, but I'm highly amused by your self-righteousness throughout it. The fact you think I'm making the world a worse place over something this minor is hilarious to say the least.
While viewing this thread, it became apaprent that this is the offseason. That's the period of time when people look for things to talk about. This thread may be heading to the type of thread like the infamous "waiter" thread that was here some time ago. I have learned that if you are going to the movies, you should probably:
A: give your phone to someone else to answer or ignore
B: Sit beside Sarge and steal his beer and popcorn.
C: Carry a laser pointer and REALLY annoy someone
D: Actually watch the movie, uninterrupted.:D
Your right, not the best example because a light however small coming on in a dark room is a hell of alot more disturbing than small sounds.

To you maybe.. not to me. To me, a group of teenagers yucking it up the entire movie is much more distracting than a tiny light going off somwhere in the theatre once or twice for a few seconds.
While viewing this thread, it became apaprent that this is the offseason. That's the period of time when people look for things to talk about. This thread may be heading to the type of thread like the infamous "waiter" thread that was here some time ago. I have learned that if you are going to the movies, you should probably:
A: give your phone to someone else to answer or ignore
B: Sit beside Sarge and steal his beer and popcorn.
C: Carry a laser pointer and REALLY annoy someone
D: Actually watch the movie, uninterrupted.:D

It really upsets me that you can't put laughing emoticons in a post anymore, but this would certainly deserve one, haha.

I would never actually do it, but C would be hilarious to see someone attempt, just one time.

"Ok, everyone.. and riiiiight HERE is where Billy Martin's life begins to go downhill!"

Suggestion D though.. what a novel concept. Good idea!
well no ****.

Well then, what was your point? lol

Talking constantly during a movie is much more disturbing than someone checking their phone for a second, to me. If you agree, then what are we even arguing about?
Yeah, I don't buy it...and I'd be an idiot to think you'd cause an uproar over somebody checking their phone vs an obnoxious cell phone abuser.

This debate isn't fun per se, but I'm highly amused by your self-righteousness throughout it. The fact you think I'm making the world a worse place over something this minor is hilarious to say the least.

The fact that you try not to see it is sad to me.

The same as the person playing their music too loud expecting everyone else to like it.

Or the person not knowing or not caring if their smoke is bothering others.

Or the person carrying on so loudly and obnoxiously that they ruin others enjoyment of a night out.

All the same poor behavior.

Great company to keep.
Ahhhh.. so you enjoy playing "the hero" role. Makes more sense, now. As if your posts in this thread weren't a cry out for attention enough.

Maybe that's why you would do it.

I do it because my enjoyment and that of the majority of others is adversely affected

That is its own reward
Maybe that's why you would do it.

I do it because my enjoyment and that of the majority of others is adversely affected

That is its own reward

Uh huh.. are you trying to convince me or yourself?

..and i wouldn't do it. As you should have already figured out by this point in the thread, im not bothered by this action like you are, stash.
I can handle it.

Small price to pay for what's right.

Not a small price anymore.. the new theaters they are building are getting ridiculous. 10 bucks per ticket, more if its Big D or 3D. 5 bucks each for a small drink. 7 bucks for a medium popcorn. Almost more expensive than going to a ballgame, lol.
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