I know that Jerry is the top guy so the critics that dog him have every right to do so. Again, he is the top guy.
There are sooooo many factors that go into winning. Omgosh, coaching. Jerry doesn't throw the ball or run the ball or block or any of that other stuff that wins football games. I don't consider myself "suckered" by any means. Do I want them to win.....of course I do! I love the game, (not as much as I used to back in the 70's, 80's and early 90's), but the love and wanting to win never changes.
Is it Jerry's fault? Whether it is or not, he is still the top man, and it's lonely at the top. Does he deserve the blame? Ok maybe. Jerry is just one piece of the cherry pie, albeit the main cherry. A lot of other factors at play here. jmho