I'm sick of all the whining about running up scores

fiveandcounting;1734864 said:
Youre wrong Wayne Motley. There are legitmate reasons to complain about what the Pats are doing. It is not "stupid" to make such an observation. We are "real." To not want to see this does not mean we want football to be a picnic or a pansy league. Jesus how many cliches and pseudo-macho sayings can you invoke here Wayne? And while I am on the subject, you know what is "stupid" and what "I am sick of"? The expression "whining." Why do less articulate people such as yourself insist on calling any expressed opinion they dont agree with "whining"? This is the dumbest and most tired message board cliche there is. Why isnt what you are saying here not whining? Whining is something you can only indentify by hearing a person's voice. You can't whine in print. This is not your classiest post Wayne, with all due respect.

Hmmm...not sure how to respond to this since you critique my opinions more than say anything about the Patriots or the idea of running up the score. Just so we're clear, I posted this thread after the game and it was not in response to any fans....it was in response to what I call the spoiled whining professional athletes that play the game today. It was also in response to a thread I read about Gibbs running away without shaking hands, though I did read later that he said he had no problem with anything the Pats did.

I could care less about fans "whining" about running up the score...fans all have opinions, and most of our opinions are based on our experiences in little league sports or high school. So when we see a team we love getting pummelled or a team we hate doing the pummelling, we often resort to "it's classless and unsportsmanlike"....I don't like to hear players who are paid millions of dollars in professional athletics whining about someone running up the score on them...period.

Personally, I hate no play in football more than the kneel-down and the end of games, and I'd love nothing more than to have it outlawed and require teams to run real plays until the final gun. I love to see the Cowboys win, and if they win big, huge, gargantuan, I'm even happier. When we play the Commanders, I'd love to hang 60 on them, and I'd have no problem running a QB sneak on 4th and 1 with a big lead....if they can't stop a QB sneak, screw em. That's my opinion...I've agreed fully with every single word InmanRushi and others have expressed on the same idea...If you or others have a different sensibility about it, I have no problem with that either.

I hope the Cowboys don't let up on the throttle one single bit.

I'm no Patriots fan....you can bet your butt I'll be pulling for Peyton Manning this weekend, but I have no problem with either team crushing and humiliating the other team....all the losing team has to do is step up and do something about it.
wayne motley;1735199 said:
You won't agree with this, but I don't think Parcells had the nerve to run up the score...it sure as hell wasn't because he was a humanitarian who cared what the players on the other team felt like...heck, he seldom cared what his own players felt about things. Parcells was a paranoid guy who was always afraid of losing because of something he did, imo. And....he seldom had a chance to run up any scores in quite a few years.

You're right, I don't agree. ;)

I remember when we were beating the Cards badly. I think it was 2005 (or was it just last year?) late in the game, and IIRC we actually ran the ball on a 4th and 5 or so when we could have kicked a FG. We didn't get it, and turned the ball over on downs. Maybe that's not exactly the right scenario, but it was something similar. Anyway, the press asked him about it later, and he said something to the effect that he'd been in that situation and he knew what it felt like. Basically, he indicated that he had respect for his fellow coaches and that's why he didn't score again.

IMO that's what a lot of people miss in this. No one is blaming the players. If a bomb is called, no one is saying the O-line shouldn't block, or Brady should intentionally throw a bad pass, or that Randy Moss should just knock the ball down. It's all about the play that's called from the sideline, and that's all on the coach.

Now if they are milking the play clock and calling fullback dives and the defense can't stop them, that's tough. But that's a far cry from the fake spikes, going for it on 4th down, and throwing deep when up by five touchdowns that the Pats are doing.
Chocolate Lab;1735218 said:
You're right, I don't agree. ;)

I remember when we were beating the Cards badly. I think it was 2005 (or was it just last year?) late in the game, and IIRC we actually ran the ball on a 4th and 5 or so when we could have kicked a FG. We didn't get it, and turned the ball over on downs. Maybe that's not exactly the right scenario, but it was something similar. Anyway, the press asked him about it later, and he said something to the effect that he'd been in that situation and he knew what it felt like. Basically, he indicated that he had respect for his fellow coaches and that's why he didn't score again.

IMO that's what a lot of people miss in this. No one is blaming the players. If a bomb is called, no one is saying the O-line shouldn't block, or Brady should intentionally throw a bad pass, or that Randy Moss should just knock the ball down. It's all about the play that's called from the sideline, and that's all on the coach.

Now if they are milking the play clock and calling fullback dives and the defense can't stop them, that's tough. But that's a far cry from the fake spikes, going for it on 4th down, and throwing deep when up by five touchdowns that the Pats are doing.

I respect your opinion CL....I really do, even though I feel differently. However, suppose we made the first down on 4th and 5? Some people now would say we should have knelt down instead of running it. I'm not condoning running play-action and throwing bombs in the 4th quarter with a huge lead, but 1) I have no problem with a team going for it in the 3rd quarter no matter what the score is, and 2) people are actually claiming "running up the score" over a 4th and 1 QB sneak. Would Landry have run the ball on 4th and 1 or kicked the FG? I'm not sure...my guess is he would have run out the FG unit and kicked it. Maybe he would have run the ball to avoid putting the points on the board, assuming the other team will put everyone up there and stop it.

I don't think even Landry would have simply knelt down and said, "here, now it's your ball."
Chocolate Lab;1734646 said:
First, thanks. :) But that distinction you mention, the one between the way Parcells and Belichick handle things, isn't about winning or preparing the team. Belichick may it is, but he's lying. He's not seriously worried about losing a lead when he's up by 40 in the fourth quarter. If and when he says so, that's just lip service. No, this goes back to his anger about being busted over Spygate, or something else other than preparing his team.

A lot of people in these threads are confusing two issues that have nothing to do with each other. You can win with class, and you can lose with class. You can also win without class and lose without class. Belichick certainly has the right to win without class, but other people also have the right to point out what a jerk he is.

I don't think Parcells as a coach ever had a 40 point lead!
He made a career of trying to run the clock out all the time!
Lets just put in a mercy rule so you crybabies can finally rest at ease knowing that millionaire athletes wont be needlessy embarrased by their own total lack of performance ever again.

Sound good? Whats the mercy rule number?

This isnt little league baseball....

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