I'm sick of all the whining about running up scores

SuperCows5Xs;1734060 said:
I said atleast ones that matter, and what I said was that the only relationships that matter to him now are in his locker room. And it's obvious he doesn't care about pissing off other coaches.

The whole cheating scandle and the folks calling them cheaters is probably the best thing that could've happen to the NE players and coaches because they've seemed to rally around each other with a us against the league/world mentality and it's working. We'll see how it holds up against the Colts now.

They had the cake baked with the WRs the aquired, the "scandal" was the icing. If they go into Indy and beat them(which they will) then Katy bar the door.
tyke1doe;1734257 said:
Isn't that a contradiction? If they could stop it it wouldn't be a blowout now would it?

Hhhmmmm! ;)

Whatever! Point is if they don't want to get blown out, they are the only ones who can stop it. If they don't then they don't need to whine about it, but instead take it like a man and move on. You or anyone else can over-analyze it from any angle or perspective you want but it ain't that difficult to understand. Play better or continue to get your rear end kicked. Plain and simple.
Big Dakota;1734265 said:
They had the cake baked with the WRs the aquired, the "scandal" was the icing. If they go into Indy and beat them(which they will) then Katy bar the door.

I agree, and if they do beat Indy, and I hold out hope that Indy will win, but if the Pats beat Indy, I don't see any reason why they won't go undefeated unless injuries to key players happen.
AdamJT13;1733903 said:
What Bill Parcells did against the Bucs last year -- and what the Dolphins did against New England last year -- is showing class and respect for your opponent. Some coaches have it, some don't. And that's true whether people complain about it or not.

It's really just that simple, isn't it? And yet some people just don't get it.

I'd really like for all these people who equate running up the score and embarrassing your opponent to "trying your best" to ask Bill Parcells and many other great coaches why they weren't trying their best to win all those years.

The reaction would be priceless.
Chocolate Lab;1734368 said:
It's really just that simple, isn't it? And yet some people just don't get it.

I'd really like for all these people who equate running up the score and embarrassing your opponent to "trying your best" to ask Bill Parcells and many other great coaches why they weren't trying their best to win all those years.

The reaction would be priceless.

CL, you're a great poster, and you should grasp this distinction. It's ok for coaches to have different tolerance levels for the different risks involved. Parcells concerned himself with injury risks. He also liked to play percentages--especially when he had the lead. That's perfectly legitimate.

BB has a different team and a different philosophy. He's apparently more tolerant of injury risk. He may really believe that no lead is safe. He might also believe that what he establishes attitudinally by not letting up builds a stronger team in the long run. All of these are legitmate reasons to not stop trying to score that have nothing to do with class or respect for the other team.
AdamJT13;1733903 said:
What Bill Parcells did against the Bucs last year -- and what the Dolphins did against New England last year -- is showing class and respect for your opponent. Some coaches have it, some don't. And that's true whether people complain about it or not.
Well done. It's simple, it's just showing respect. You say, hey! We killed you, and now I shall take the foot off the gas and allow you to give your back ups some playing time, or allow you to show your team some things, but my work is done here. Now we will insert our backups, and try and get them some game time experience.
AdamJT13;1733903 said:
What Bill Parcells did against the Bucs last year -- and what the Dolphins did against New England last year -- is showing class and respect for your opponent. Some coaches have it, some don't. And that's true whether people complain about it or not.

I agree 100% :bow:

there are people with class and those who remind you of school during summer vacation...

I just hope everybody, everywhere, gets what they give
I'm sick of people defending a position that they know is wrong, just because they enjoy sucking at the teat of the New England Patriots.

How many of us layed up on an opponent growing up because the point had been proved, the game was in hand, and both sides knew that they were powerless to stop you? Is this even something you needed to be taught, or did human decency and pity kick in and you realized you didn't need to do anything further to embarass the opposition? Maybe you realized that eventually that could be you on the other side, and you would appreciate it if your opponent stopped needlessly rubbing your nose in it.

Anyone with any shred of decency and pity would be absolutely embarassed if the Cowboys did what the Patriots did to the Skins yesterday. And I GUARANTEE you that it wouldn't be glossed over in the media as "just continuing to play hard."
Rack;1733885 said:
I'm tired of the complete lack of class and sportsmanship from the Pats and any person that supports that kind of fooball.

There, now we're both tired of something.

I respect your opinion, but I believe you should play the entire 60 minutes and kneel-downs should not be allowed. Running the ball is not a lack of class. On that 4th and 1, the Commanders could put 11 guys up there to stop the play...if they can't stop it, I think the lack of class and everything else is on them.

Most coaches expect the losing team to run up the white flag first. If the losing team doesn't put in their backups and start running the clock, why is it incumbent on the winning team to put out their scrubs against the first team of the losers.

I still say it's professional athletics...everyone should expect the other team to play for 60 minutes.
I'll keep it simple. If I'm watching the Cowboys against the Commanders, and we are fortunate enough to build that type of lead, I would be very upset if the Cowboys simply ran the ball every down while the Commanders stacked the line. I'd be upset if we took a knee on 4th and 1 deep in Commanders territory unless it's the final minute of the game. Either kick the 3 pointer or give them a chance by running the ball right at them.

We'd better not just quit playing before the final 5 minutes of the fourth quarter. That's not professional football. This whole idea of being nice to the losing professional team is indeed a fairly new idea, probably generated by the coaches themselves or the modern athlete who is so sensitive to his own ego. So called "classy" winning isn't how the NFL had scores like 73 to nothing in its history.
Right now the NE Patriots are a dominant team in a league designed to prevent dominant teams from appearing. Other teams, such as the Raiders and Dolphins, have let the Patriots acquire their dominance by being bad football organizations and making (really) bad personnel decisions. I can not accuse the Patriots of a lack of class because they play hard.

All of that being said, when Dungy faces Belichek, I won't have any problems figuring out who I want to win.
You'll never hear me complain about a team running up the score on the Cowboys. Ever.

If the Patriots wanted to run up the score, they could have scored 80 on them. Easily. I believe Gregg Williams is one of the top 3 highest paid coordinators in the NFL. The Commanders defense is riddled with Top 10 draft picks and free agent mercenaries paid millions of dollars to do a job ... stop the other team from scoring. The Patriot offense is paid to do their job, score points. One team earned their paycheck on Sunday, and the other didn't. As far as I'm concerned, the Commanders defensive players and staff stole money on Sunday. I don't feel sorry for them.

I can't believe Randall Godfrey would have the audacity to draw attention to himself after that kind of performance by calling out the other team in the media. Where's the shame? Where's the self pride? If Randal Godfrey says anything through the media, it should be issuing an apology to the Commander Fans and his employer. Instead of worrying about the Patriots, I would be more worried about how I could look myself in the mirror after I cashed my game check. If that's cold, so be it. I'll leave you guys to your candlelight vigil for millionaires who don't earn their money.
AdamJT13;1733903 said:
What Bill Parcells did against the Bucs last year -- and what the Dolphins did against New England last year -- is showing class and respect for your opponent. Some coaches have it, some don't. And that's true whether people complain about it or not.

Agreed. It's a far cry, unfortunately, from the Landry days of not being disrespectful by running up the score knowing full-well that you could if you wanted to. It's just a matter of opinion, but there is no need to be throwing bombs when you're up 38-0, not just this week, but all year.

It is what it is and it doesn't bother me either way, it just speaks to the type of person/coach Belichek is.

Having said that, Gibbs should have shaken his hand at games end and if he had a problem, he should have said same to Belichek then....but Gibbs is a Commander, which in turns means he has no ba11$.

Carry on.
Chocolate Lab;1734368 said:
It's really just that simple, isn't it? And yet some people just don't get it.

I'd really like for all these people who equate running up the score and embarrassing your opponent to "trying your best" to ask Bill Parcells and many other great coaches why they weren't trying their best to win all those years.

The reaction would be priceless.

Actually, Parcells was TOO quick to sit on leads and try to run out the clock and it cost us more than once.

Running the ball with your 2nd stringers in with 10 minutes to go and a 38-point lead is one thing but to try to run out the clock midway through the 3rd quarter with a 10-point lead was stupid (Commanders game last year)!

I don't think Belichick has any class but I also don't think it serves any purpose to complain about them running up the score. If you don't like it then stop them on the field, don't whine about it afterwards.

If Belichick is stupid enough to risk his starters still playing while trying to run up the score then it will be on him when one or more of them get hurt in those situations. And if they miss the SB because Brady got hurt like that then it would serve them right (not that I want Brady hurt, just pointing out the risk).
InmanRoshi;1734435 said:
You'll never hear me complain about a team running up the score on the Cowboys. Ever.

If the Patriots wanted to run up the score, they could have scored 80 on them. Easily. I believe Gregg Williams is one of the top 3 highest paid coordinators in the NFL. The Commanders defense is riddled with Top 10 draft picks and free agent mercenaries paid millions of dollars to do a job ... stop the other team from scoring. The Patriot offense is paid to do their job, score points. One team earned their paycheck on Sunday, and the other didn't. As far as I'm concerned, the Commanders defensive players and staff stole money on Sunday. I don't feel sorry for them.

I can't believe Randall Godfrey would have the audacity to draw attention to himself after that kind of performance by calling out the other team in the media. Where's the shame? Where's the self pride? If Randal Godfrey says anything through the media, it should be issuing an apology to the Commander Fans and his employer. Instead of worrying about the Patriots, I would be more worried about how I could look myself in the mirror after I cashed my game check. If that's cold, so be it. I'll leave you guys to your candlelight vigil for millionaires who don't earn their money.

Damn right IR! :skins:

sportsmanship Main Entry: sports·man·ship Pronunciation: \-ˌship\ Function: noun Date: 1745 : conduct (as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport

spôrtsʹmən-shĭp´, spōrtsʹ-) noun


The fact or practice of participating in sports or a sport.
2.Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.

Chocolate Lab;1734368 said:
It's really just that simple, isn't it? And yet some people just don't get it.

I'd really like for all these people who equate running up the score and embarrassing your opponent to "trying your best" to ask Bill Parcells and many other great coaches why they weren't trying their best to win all those years.

The reaction would be priceless.

I thoroughly enjoyed the woodshed beating the Commanders received. The only problem I have is that Bill B. is putting his best players at risk injury-wise, while trying to prove a point. To be honest, one has to wonder if BB's balls are so small that he feels compelled to compensate for that lack of "size" by running up the score.

To add, Bill Parcells was asked last week on his segment with Mike Ditka on ESPN what he thought about the Patriots running up the score and he said he had no problem with it. To buttress his point further, he referenced the Houston/Tennessee Game of that same week. Down 32-7 entering the 4th Quarter, the Texans would score 29 points in the 4th Quarter in an eventual loss in OT.

- Mike G.
Against the Packers in 1996, Dallas was ahead 18-7 when they brought in the kicker to set a record for FGs in a game. I can't recall how much time was left but it was late in the 4th quarter. Green Bay went on to win the Super Bowl that season. So I ask you, was that running up the score? Reggie White thought it was.
lurkercowboy;1734486 said:
Against the Packers in 1996, Dallas was ahead 18-7 when they brought in the kicker to set a record for FGs in a game. I can't recall how much time was left but it was late in the 4th quarter.

20 seconds left in the game.
Who cares.

In this league, what goes around will come back around.

The Pats should enjoy the ride as long as they can. However, it is going to be hell to pay when the league catches up and starts returning what has been given to them.

Brady is great while he is on his feet. The team that finally gets to him before he can throw will start the revolution.

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