I didn't see a sarcasm face, so I'll assume you intended the question to be of a serious nature. Well, he was injured; but I'm sure you already knew that. Another contributing factor to his low performance (e.g., threw away some pivotal game deciding game picks; but then who knows the extent of his sports hernia at that point in time) both physically and mentally.
Hos, unless you have some strong feelings about this otherwise, perhaps you'd be willing to compromise. You see, aside from his performance on the field, I believe he served as an asset by representing the Eagles through the pressures of media conferences and Interviews regarding various insults from TO (this case nonwithstanding). As a leader of the Eagles offensive squad, he did maintain his composure under extreme situations that could have gone much worse and far More detrimental to the team.
Sure, aside from McNabb being the QB of my fandom, I think (and probably should have said earlier) ... "
when healthy" D-Nabb is an asset to the Eagles.
You're going to slam dunk me now aren't you?!