if you had any brain, just one single cell. being like a single cell organism...... you would realize games do go like this and teams do step up and defense does play part in the game. did you not watch the past superbowl? when KC had 3 points at the half and that they scored at the end of the half. yet their defense did their part and held up....they could have folded easily, but they didn't. even at the end of the game when they tied their defense held up!!! made plays not give up big plays. at the begining of 3rd quarter, Mahomes throws and interception handing the ball over to SF at their own 44!!! what did the KC defense do?
and in that game, we actually scored first, but the defense within less than 2.5 minutes gave up a TD? were they tired!? were they set up to lose by the offense after a kickoff? second GB possession, the defense gave up a TD again!!!! are you blaming the offense for not scoring every drive? but not holding defense accountable to make a stop in any drive? 3rd possession the same thing. up to that point the defense had not made any stops!!!! NONE. what's defenses job? where they set up? and guess what you clueless genuis!!!! the score was 21-13 at the half!!!!!!
and again, you are trashing a Rookie QB.....how STUPID is that? how STUPID do you feel? and I asked twice, show me number of NFL rookies in all of its history who have made it to CCG or superbowl? in fact in all of NFL history, only 8 rookies ever won two playoff games in any rookie season. that's 55 years and how many playoff games?
you are trying so hard to be part of the Dak hate crowd and be accepted by them that you are looking like a total moron to do it!!!