In Case You Forgot Who This Team Once Was


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That happen 23 years ago. Take a seven year old who won't even recall that game would be 30 years old today. Let that sink in.

You ordered a 30 year old? Well I'm close enough at 28. I vaguely remember that one. I do remember the 94 NFFCG where Deion had the most blatant pass interference ever and 95 against the steelers.


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Same here. New memories are needed.

And no, not necessarily Super Bowls.

Just moments that one can be proud of. The 1970s Cowboys won only two world titles, but that era was full of significant moments.

I agree but if romo and Witten don't get a sb ring it will bug me until I die.


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I was 10 years old and still remember watching that game and I vividly remember watching the Steeler super bowl in 95. I remember the whole day. My dad treated it like it was Christmas day.

Ah the good ole days....


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If Romo retires without ever getting past the divisional round of the playoffs, it will be the single greatest failure of the Jerry Jones regime. That's ridiculous.

Jerry built this. His refusal to hire a legit GM or HC since Jimmy left has crippled this franchise. We did get a little reprieve with Parcells due to Jerry being desperate to dig out from the Gailey/Campo years and get his new stadium. But even then, Parcells was at the end of the line and didn't have his usual cast of assistants follow him here. But other than BP, none of the other HC's he hired since Jimmy deserved to stand on our sideline. And now he's doubled down on his pet project Garrett who is mediocre at best.

Following SB XXX I had many tell me I had better enjoy it because it'd be the last SB the Cowboys would see in awhile. I knew we would drop some but still thought the core of that team could get us back there at least one more time. Little did I realize we'd fall so fast due to Jerry's incompetence and over the next 20 years we'd only have a couple of playoff wins and never even get past the divisional round. Of course I never envisioned Jerry following his mistake in Switzer but then going with the likes of Gailey and Campo. Or following BP by going with mediocre retread like Wade and then handpicked boy wonder Garrett. But Jerry got what he wanted, and that was to not be overshadowed by a HC or walk on eggshells like he did when we had JJ and BP.


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You ordered a 30 year old? Well I'm close enough at 28. I vaguely remember that one. I do remember the 94 NFFCG where Deion had the most blatant pass interference ever and 95 against the steelers.

To this day I'm still mad about the play. It's been 22 years and I still can't bring myself to watch that game or any highlights of it. That's the only game in Cowboys' history that I can't watch replays or re-watch it. That game hurt that much.


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I agree but if romo and Witten don't get a sb ring it will bug me until I die.

Same here, it will hurt just like the 94 championship game. If any cowboys in cowboys' history deserve to win rings it's Witten and Romo. Those two have done everything for this team and stuck with us even when Jerry Jones decided to get "a coach in training". Like another poster stated that If Romo doesn't get a ring it will be Jerry Jones' biggest failure. I completely agree. I got over Jimmy Johnson, hiring of barry switzer, Dave Campo (the first coach in training) and his consecutive 5-11 teams, drafting kavika pittman over tony brackens, not drafting Randy Moss, etc, etc.

I think Romo and Witten not getting super bowl wins, or one win, is the failure that will be his lasting legacy long after he is not with us anymore. I hope for Jerry's sake, Romo and Witten that they do win a super bowl because all three deserve it but in Jerry's case he was gift wrapped a great franchise QB, Tight End, WR and he'll be remembered as the GM that couldn't get the team over the hump. He'll be remembered as caring too much about profit and not enough about his team's wins.

There's a part of me that kind of resents Jerry at times for his bad Gming, but in all honesty if he does win a super bowl with Romo and Witten I would really be happy for the man. I would love to see him prove all the critics wrong and come out victorious without anyone saying "it was Jimmy's team". So it's weird with me, if he doesn't win a super bowl with #9 and #82, I'll probably resent him for the rest of my life, but if he does win the super bowl I hope Jerry accepts the Lombardi trophy and looks dead into the camera and says "all ya'll mamas".


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History is full of guys that deserved to have rings. Tarkenton, Marino and Jim Kelly just to name 3. I wish I could say it was in the cards for Romo and Witten but I just don't see it. There's just too many distractions with this team and too many strong teams above them. My biggest fear right now is that the Steelers are going to win another 1 or 2 SB's in the near future. They have the players and coaching to do it. I'd hate to be 3 behind them.....


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There's a part of me that kind of resents Jerry at times for his bad Gming, but in all honesty if he does win a super bowl with Romo and Witten I would really be happy for the man. I would love to see him prove all the critics wrong and come out victorious without anyone saying "it was Jimmy's team". So it's weird with me, if he doesn't win a super bowl with #9 and #82, I'll probably resent him for the rest of my life, but if he does win the super bowl I hope Jerry accepts the Lombardi trophy and looks dead into the camera and says "all ya'll mamas".

I really don't think it would mean much to me if he said that. The past 20 years have been absolutely brutal and this team has been the definition of inconsistent. I'm still pissed, actually more disgusted, about the way this team and coaching staff performed last year. I'm tired of the excuses already. Now here we go again, starting the year with a bunch of pot heads getting suspended. Is that going to the excuse this year?


Messenger to the football Gods
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I agree but if romo and Witten don't get a sb ring it will bug me until I die.

Traded for the almighty dollar..........gotta SUCK for the athlete(s) that leave it on the field.