In Case You Forgot Who This Team Once Was


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How about how the current team can perform when healthy?


This is the reason they play. This is the goal from the first moment of the off-season.

Completions and yards and touchdowns are great.
But this


Doesn't equal this


PA Cowboy Fan

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Jerry built this. His refusal to hire a legit GM or HC since Jimmy left has crippled this franchise. We did get a little reprieve with Parcells due to Jerry being desperate to dig out from the Gailey/Campo years and get his new stadium. But even then, Parcells was at the end of the line and didn't have his usual cast of assistants follow him here. But other than BP, none of the other HC's he hired since Jimmy deserved to stand on our sideline. And now he's doubled down on his pet project Garrett who is mediocre at best.

Following SB XXX I had many tell me I had better enjoy it because it'd be the last SB the Cowboys would see in awhile. I knew we would drop some but still thought the core of that team could get us back there at least one more time. Little did I realize we'd fall so fast due to Jerry's incompetence and over the next 20 years we'd only have a couple of playoff wins and never even get past the divisional round. Of course I never envisioned Jerry following his mistake in Switzer but then going with the likes of Gailey and Campo. Or following BP by going with mediocre retread like Wade and then handpicked boy wonder Garrett. But Jerry got what he wanted, and that was to not be overshadowed by a HC or walk on eggshells like he did when we had JJ and BP.

I had that feeling watching SB XXX, I didn't enjoy the game at all. It was like we were lucky to win. After the game the media talked more about Pittsburgh losing than us winning. I never thought it would be this bad though. We haven't even been to an NFC Championship Game since.


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You ordered a 30 year old? Well I'm close enough at 28. I vaguely remember that one. I do remember the 94 NFFCG where Deion had the most blatant pass interference ever and 95 against the steelers.

Yeah man that was sickening, we'd have had four in a row and cemented all debates forever that we were the greatest football dynasty and team. I'm quite confident that if that flag was thrown, we win that game in OT and certainly we beat the chargers easily.


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That happen 23 years ago. Take a seven year old who won't even recall that game would be 30 years old today. Let that sink in.

I resemble that comment as far as age, but I vividly remember all 3 super bowls and watching every single regular season game


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as far as cowboy fans to see consistent winning and football we have to live in the past that's what jerry is living off of and making tons of money doing it Its sure not his sure fire winning over the last twenty years.


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that team had its struggles too. After jimmy left and a few of the leaders retired or left via free agency they were never great again. From 96 on that team lost for a lot of the same reasons this current era has, the front office has just not been good enough and the mistakes were the difference between great seasons and good seasons.

These guys were on their way in '14 and had it taken away from them which really is a terrible thing.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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These guys were on their way in '14 and had it taken away from them which really is a terrible thing.
Say they had beaten GB and Seattle. And maybe even have won a SB.

Does that make them do anything much different in the 2015 offseason?

I get how we all feel cheated by the Dez no-catch ruling. But how that cost us a potential chance to use that success as a springboard is a stretch.


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as far as cowboy fans to see consistent winning and football we have to live in the past that's what jerry is living off of and making tons of money doing it Its sure not his sure fire winning over the last twenty years.

thats not true, why you associate the team from 20 years ago with this team i don't understand but whatever.

Only New england wins consistently in this league today and when brady hangs them up that will end to.

Every year is a crap shoot for basically every team. I think Aaron Rodgers is an amazing player who has the perfect environment, one of the best home field advantages and a great team around him and he has only managed to win one championship. That doesn't make sense to me except that is how the league is currently.

Cincy wins consistently but has nothing to show for it. Its just the way the league is, you have to make the playoffs and get hot and catch breaks. Unfortunately in '14 we didn't catch that break and it went against us.

Seattle wins consistently for the past 3 seasons and it will be interesting to see how they handle losing maybe their most important piece this year.


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I had that feeling watching SB XXX, I didn't enjoy the game at all. It was like we were lucky to win. After the game the media talked more about Pittsburgh losing than us winning. I never thought it would be this bad though. We haven't even been to an NFC Championship Game since.

It wasn't an enjoyable game at all. If not for Neil O'Donnell we would have lost.

Reverend Conehead

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I feel sad for younger fans. They have no memory of the 90s glory years, much less the 20-year winning streak that started in the 60s.


Anger is a Gift
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If you haven't yet read it, check out Jimmy Johnson's "Turning The Thing Around"'s fun to read about his "process" in building a championship team, and about his relationship with Jerry. It wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. They had mutual respect for each other for a long time.


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Then we'd only have 4 super bowls

True but he caught it and it is a huge moment in SB history.

What if Russell wilson didnt get picked on the goal line. He wasn't the pats mvp.

FWIW I would happily give away SB XXX if it meant I never had to root for Deion Sanders. That started a bad trend the jones family still continues today.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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There's a part of me that kind of resents Jerry at times for his bad Gming, but in all honesty if he does win a super bowl with Romo and Witten I would really be happy for the man. I would love to see him prove all the critics wrong and come out victorious without anyone saying "it was Jimmy's team". So it's weird with me, if he doesn't win a super bowl with #9 and #82, I'll probably resent him for the rest of my life, but if he does win the super bowl I hope Jerry accepts the Lombardi trophy and looks dead into the camera and says "all ya'll mamas".
I would much rather witness Romo saying that than Jones. That would make me extremely proud but I don't know if he'll get the opportunity of saying what should be said.

His teammates (and coaches) must be more consistent around him--especially during games he's tempted to try and win himself because a teammate fumbled away a crucial drive or couldn't tackle the runner on 3rd and long or etc. This team needs difference makers (plural) who will step up when it matters most. That's how teams win championships: together.


Deadly Claws of Death
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thats not true, why you associate the team from 20 years ago with this team i don't understand but whatever.

Only New england wins consistently in this league today and when brady hangs them up that will end to.

Every year is a crap shoot for basically every team. I think Aaron Rodgers is an amazing player who has the perfect environment, one of the best home field advantages and a great team around him and he has only managed to win one championship. That doesn't make sense to me except that is how the league is currently.

Cincy wins consistently but has nothing to show for it. Its just the way the league is, you have to make the playoffs and get hot and catch breaks. Unfortunately in '14 we didn't catch that break and it went against us.

Seattle wins consistently for the past 3 seasons and it will be interesting to see how they handle losing maybe their most important piece this year.

Good post. People apparently forget only 1 team can win the Superbowl each year. So if all were equal it would take 32 years to reach a SB win for each team. Too may Cowboys fans still feel entitled just because we bucked the trends and won so much in the past it is our right to do so now as well. We at least have a viable QB when healthy so at least we have some hope of being competitive next year. I'll take that myself.


Anger is a Gift
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Put your players in a position to make plays. That's what our defensive coordinator did. You the real MVP, Dave Campo....
