I think to address your question about what goes first, I would say possibly Dan Quinn. Regardless of how fans here view him, the league is in love with him, and would it really be surprising if his desire to take center stage again surfaced? Can clearly see him with a head coaching gig next season.
With a potential 12-5 regular season, those wanting to wish MM and/or Dak a good-bye will have to wait at least another year.
In terms of team adjustments/additions the boring philosophy of getting strong up-front is the way to go. With aging and injury prone lineman, it’s time to rebuild the front five. From the defensive side, please work on strengthening the LB corps. We may see the smoke and mirrors band-aiding of this position group run out of steam in the playoffs.
Something positive to look forward to is the return of Trevon Diggs. Can’t wait to get him back on the field.
This vid. has nothing to do with your question, but I can't help post it.