I don't get the uproar.
Didn't Nash attack, and beat up Punk, AFTER a match with Cena? Stands to reason a fresh guy (Even the 52 year old guy that people are screaming about) would be able to pretty easily beat up on Punk after he's just went through a tough match with Cena and pulled it out.
Now if he came down before the match, beat the hell out of Punk, and that allowed Cena to retain that would have been a sham. That would have been terrible.
But done this way? No biggy. It doesn't hurt Punk, at all. In fact this only bolsters his position and his part of the angle. This idea that the WWE wants to hold him back because he's the best. And once again, after beating the supposed best in WWE (John Cena) and retaining his WWE title the WWE has screwed him once more by having a non-wrestler attack him, beat him up, and then Del Rio pounced on the oppurtunity to cash in his title shot and steal the title from him.
It's actually quite solid for Punk and easily helps set up further stuff with Punk and HHH. I have absolutely nothing against this particular set of moves to further Punk into his position.
This will set up nicely for Punk and he will be champion once more. There is absolutely no doubt about that.
And Zrin just let it go. He's never going to admit it. He'll continue to push the date back every time the latest one he pulls out of his butt passes. He's already admited, without doing so, that he was wrong and just refuses to. He's going to keep up with his silly little song and dance, even if he has to wait 5 or 6 years for Punk to leave, so he can say "I told you. I told you all along he was leaving. See! I was right."
It's not worth bringing it up all the time because he's simply too stubborn to admit that he was wrong about Punk leaving when his precious PWI magazine told him he was.
And no one, and I mean absolutely no one, should ever scream about the 52 year old beating up someone in the WWE main event when you've got Sting not only beating people up but winning titles in the Main Event of TNA.
Now don't get me wrong I like Sting. I used to really like him. But he's long passed, IMO of course, the point where i'd be putting titles on him and in doing so you're only hurting the guys you're supposed to be bringing up.
It does Ken Anderson or any of those guys any good to be losing big matches to Sting at this point in Stings career.
I will give TNA credit for one thing though. So far, for the most part, they've managed to keep Hulk Hogan out of the ring and the TNA title off of his waist. I'm surprised by that, but pleasantly so, because that's generally Hogan's MO.
Oh and one final thought....anyone downgrading someone cause their finisher is something 'no one would do that' is either just being super stubborn or silly beyond belief.
Cause if that's criteria for someone being lousy, and shouldn't be in the main event, then 90% of your wrestlers would fall under that catagory. Do you really see people actually laying there to take a People's Elbow? Are people REALLY going to just slump over and allow people to hit them with a Pedigree or a Styles Clash?
Come on. Get real. Saying "no one would do that" about a move, as if any of the finishing moves for top guys would really be done in a real life fight situation, is incredibly silly and quite possibly the most flimsy argument I've ever seen made about a wrestler.