Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

Nor do I....but a good guess on your part.Something is gonna happen to Cena to create some heat for that match. His "aw shucks" act is stale.
Id like John a heck of a lot better as a heel. i understand why they've pushed him in the way they do, with the kids and all, but it's better all around for the product, and John, if he gets to go back to being a heel again.
BraveHeartFan;4041829 said:
Id like John a heck of a lot better as a heel. i understand why they've pushed him in the way they do, with the kids and all, but it's better all around for the product, and John, if he gets to go back to being a heel again.

i don't remember when he was a heel...that thug stuff? And GREAT to see the clip of Bret...even in a short bit it was easy to see how darn good he was. Mr. Perfect too...
Whatever you put on there about Cena being a heel I can't see on my web access isn't always so good.
DallasGirl50;4044214 said:
just keep him off the mic & it's all good...

Agreed. The worst thing they do to him is when they give him a mic. The guy simply sucks at it.
BraveHeartFan;4044680 said:
Agreed. The worst thing they do to him is when they give him a mic. The guy simply sucks at it.

Yea he does. He is very uncomfortable on the mic.
Which is a shame cause there was a very brief flash of possible ability when he was in ECW as the Shaman of Sexy.
BraveHeartFan;4045102 said:
Which is a shame cause there was a very brief flash of possible ability when he was in ECW as the Shaman of Sexy.

well John seems to be a hard worker...his workout regimen is sick...& they can continue to push him for stuff with Ziggler, Truth, etc. I would not be surprised if at some point he is tagging with somebody & belted that way. But mic work..nope...that is not his thing. I like him. I never watched ECW much. Rarely.
It’s being reported that on-screen WWE Chief Operating Officer (COO) and real life Executive Senior Advisor to Vince McMahon, Triple H, is looking to revive the tag team division in the WWE with some fresh, new teams. Triple H and the newest addition to the WWE Creative Team, Kevin Eck (former writer for The Baltimore Sun), have been looking to do some “talent grooming” and this looks to be part of that plan.
I guess this is what the WWE has to do in order to generate more excitement for the product.

In the old days, to generate excitement, all Vince Sr. would need to do was bring in an Ernie Ladd, Ivan Kolhoff or Stan Hansen.

All of a sudden you had new rivalries and new things to talk about. But with a limited roster of wrestlers and really not much in the way of other regions to pull from, the choices are pretty limited.
zrinkill;4047226 said:
It’s being reported that on-screen WWE Chief Operating Officer (COO) and real life Executive Senior Advisor to Vince McMahon, Triple H, is looking to revive the tag team division in the WWE with some fresh, new teams. Triple H and the newest addition to the WWE Creative Team, Kevin Eck (former writer for The Baltimore Sun), have been looking to do some “talent grooming” and this looks to be part of that plan.

i've been hearing that for awhile...I personally prefer singles...they use to have some really good tag action.
Randy Orton beats Christian

CM Punk beats Cena

and then

Kevin Nash beats up CM punk and ............

Alberto Del RIOOOOOOOOOOOO cashes in his MITB and becomes the new Champion.


Great Pay per view.
Can't wait for the R2A tears, this is going to be awesome :lmao:
Never watching the WWE product until the worst professional "entertainer" in history is no longer champion.

Every drop of interest gained by this angle is now such waste its like pissing in a neighbors mailbox. People crap on TNA for using veterans, WWE just re-debuted a 52 year old man in their WWE title scene, and not one that still can work and looks young like Sting does.

Worst PPV ever, worst ending ever, worst booking ever. I am absolutely amazed by this ignorance by the WWE booking team, honestly having Stephanie McMahon as WWE champion would be a better move, atleast shes entertaining.

Ignorance at its best, Vince has shoved this mental down our throats for over a year and just couldn't stop. Too bad come 2 weeks from now no one will give a **** about him and it will be a worse title reign than Swaggers, hell it'll be worse than Zigglers 1 hour reign.

Good luck rebuilding WWE, this isn't a "realityEra", this is worse than the PG era, this is the "G" era, and that G does not stand for general. You have now lost a customer who has consistently bought PPV's for decade and was one of those "lifer" fans you try so hard to attain. I will never again by a WWE ppv, buy WWE merchandise, or go to a WWE live event period, baring a HBK title reign.
Romo 2 Austin;4050195 said:
Never watching the WWE product until the worst professional "entertainer" in history is no longer champion.

Every drop of interest gained by this angle is now such waste its like pissing in a neighbors mailbox. People crap on TNA for using veterans, WWE just re-debuted a 52 year old man in their WWE title scene, and not one that still can work and looks young like Sting does.

Worst PPV ever, worst ending ever, worst booking ever. I am absolutely amazed by this ignorance by the WWE booking team, honestly having Stephanie McMahon as WWE champion would be a better move, atleast shes entertaining.

Ignorance at its best, Vince has shoved this mental down our throats for over a year and just couldn't stop. Too bad come 2 weeks from now no one will give a **** about him and it will be a worse title reign than Swaggers, hell it'll be worse than Zigglers 1 hour reign.

Good luck rebuilding WWE, this isn't a "realityEra", this is worse than the PG era, this is the "G" era, and that G does not stand for general. You have now lost a customer who has consistently bought PPV's for decade and was one of those "lifer" fans you try so hard to attain. I will never again by a WWE ppv, buy WWE merchandise, or go to a WWE live event period, baring a HBK title reign.


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