daschoo;3998095 said:
Sorry bud but I'm highly dubious about your numbers there. WWE is on the biggest sports channel in the country and is broadcast live, whereas TNA is shown on a channel that a hell of a lot of folk don't even know they have with impact going out 5 days after in the U.S. and ppv's 3 days after. I've never looked into the numbers because quite frankly I don't care but from speaking to the casual fan or folk who don't particularly watch it they're a LOT more aware of the WWE and whats happening in their programming.
I'd maybe be more inclined to give you the benefit of the doubt if the second half of that paragraph wasn't so wrong. TNA wasn't in the UK before Hogan and Bischoff? I don't know where you read that but frankly its bollocks. As much as I wish Scotland wasn't a part of the UK I'm fairly certain we are and I can tell you that I was watching impact and TNA ppvs on my television long before that pair showed up (and being a lot more entertained). I went to a TNA house show shortly after they'd signed Angle, hell I remember watching Daniels v Joe v AJ for the X division title being broadcast here. The only thing I can think of is that the channel carrying TNA went bust and it took a few weeks for someone else to pick up the rights which happened shortly before Hogan was announced. To say TNA is number 1 here is a push but to say its number 1 due to Hogan is laughable.
edit: just noticed you said number 1 out of much more than 2. what other promotions? I'm assuming you mean local promotions but since none of them are televised in any way shape or form and generally perform in clubs and small sports halls in front of a couple of hundred people I don't think you can really include them in any comparisons.
Great post. But you're wasting your time. He read it at PWI insider, who never gets anything wrong according to him (Despite the fact that they've been proven to get things wrong numerous times) so it's a fact.
daschoo;3998125 said:
do your numbers take account for the fact that the first airings for raw and smackdown are at 2am? thats going to hurt raws particularly as theres not a lot of people are going to sit up until 4am if they have to be up for work at 7am. tna by comparison finishes at midnight which is a lot more manageable for people with work the following morning.
Dont waste your time with the kid. He believes anything, and everything, that PWI insider or the people on his favorite forum tell him to believe.
He's quite fond of going way over the top with his comments and trying to pass them off as facts as well. Like the comments about how "the majority of ROH fans prefer this over that".
I highly doubt, in fact I'd bet money, that you haven't talked to the majority of ROH fans you haven't got a single clue how many ROH there out there, let alone actually spoken to them to get any accurate 'majority' of anything.
And yes they're the #2 out of 2. I'm not going to count little local promotions or smaller parts of the industry that are only big in one place or another.
WWE and TNA are shown in multiple places, as you mentioned, but those other promotions in Japan and Mexico and stuff are not shown in loads of places and, for example, around here the only Mexico wrestling you get is if you special order the channel on satelite that carries it.
There are 2 huge companies. 2.
WWE and TNA.
One is on top. The other is the one losing. Period.
Being 2nd out of 2 means you're last. Period.
So, forgive me, if I don't find TNA being the 2nd best big time promotion, world wide, as being an accomplishment.
I'm still hopeful, however, that one day the TNA owners, management, whoever will get their heads out, put the right people in charge, and they'll grow and become bigger and better than WWE. If they do that it's great because it forces WWE to be bigger and better.
Wrestling fans win.