Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

zrinkill;3998665 said:
How “worked” was CM Punk’s “shoot” promo now?

I think it’s safe to say that now, looking back at it, the promo may have been all from the mouth of CM Punk but there were definitely some bullet points the creative team wanted him to hit.

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar
CM Punk vs Stone Cold
ROH and Colt Cabana
John Laurinaitis and HHH

Great Read and a welcome break from the ignorance of the "mark".

That's exactly what I said weeks ago and people said no it was all scripted? How is that a break from the ignorance of "the mark" yet I was right all along? Doubt creative wanted him to hit ROH and Cabana, that was added by him. Cabana has said he didn't even know it was going to happen, if it was scripted Punk would've told him. Going to another promotion and hitting Japan was probably the bullet point.

lil jelly though, huh?
Romo 2 Austin;3998633 said:
No, I don't listen to everything PWI says, I read it all. The ratings are the ratings, not exclusive to PWinsider.

& when TNA started it drew 100 people into an "asylum", it started off nowhere, smaller than regular indys and grew, how the **** did it start 2/2? when I know of 3 local indys on long island that drew bigger crowds than TNA when TNA started off?

Your wrong, and won't admit it. It's the same freakin' thing as the cola comparison as TNA rose up through the ranks from nothing but a company started by Jeff Jarrett taking a half mortgage out on his house & is now worth tens of millions, if not a hundred million dollar company that employees hundreds of people, with many of them making a great living. It's a amazing accomplishment that people laugh at for a reason I will never understand since it's illogical.

Kid you're a fool. Period. I'm completely done with you after this because you're beyond annoying at this point with how ignorant you are.

And your precious ratings for the UK have already had so many holes blown in them, by a guy who actually lives there and knows what he's talking about through actual experience, that they're laughable at best.

They're #2 of 2 because they're the only OTHER big time promotion around here. Period. I don't give two ounces of crap if you want to try and toot their horn because they grew above some mom and pop promotions.

The fact is there was 1, count that again so that you don't get confused here again, 1big company when TNA started to get big.





TNA moved into being the 2nd big company.

Get that now? Is that clear enough for you? Or should we break out the crayons and draw you a picture?

If TNA had come in, and started getting big, when WCW and ECW were also around then hey I'd be right there with you about them working their way to #2.

But I'm not going to bend to your TNA fanboy BS and give you're favorite joint credit simply because they managed to beat out a bunch of Indy, mom and pop, BS organizations that no one in the world, outside the 200 fans in those areas, care about. Those places like that are not, were not, and never will be actual competition for big companies.

There is absolutely ZERO comparison between what TNA has 'gone through' to step into a #2 spot with a company that actually had to earn theirs.

The only thing I'm wrong about, in any of this conversation, is taking you off block and wasting my time with you.

Thankfully that is something I can rectify and not have to deal with anymore.
BraveHeartFan;3998695 said:
Kid you're a fool. Period. I'm completely done with you after this because you're beyond annoying at this point with how ignorant you are.

And your precious ratings for the UK have already had so many holes blown in them, by a guy who actually lives there and knows what he's talking about through actual experience, that they're laughable at best.

They're #2 of 2 because they're the only OTHER big time promotion around here. Period. I don't give two ounces of crap if you want to try and toot their horn because they grew above some mom and pop promotions.

The fact is there was 1, count that again so that you don't get confused here again, 1big company when TNA started to get big.





TNA moved into being the 2nd big company.

Get that now? Is that clear enough for you? Or should we break out the crayons and draw you a picture?

If TNA had come in, and started getting big, when WCW and ECW were also around then hey I'd be right there with you about them working their way to #2.

But I'm not going to bend to your TNA fanboy BS and give you're favorite joint credit simply because they managed to beat out a bunch of Indy, mom and pop, BS organizations that no one in the world, outside the 200 fans in those areas, care about. Those places like that are not, were not, and never will be actual competition for big companies.

There is absolutely ZERO comparison between what TNA has 'gone through' to step into a #2 spot with a company that actually had to earn theirs.

The only thing I'm wrong about, in any of this conversation, is taking you off block and wasting my time with you.

Thankfully that is something I can rectify and not have to deal with anymore.

Yet again, you are the ignorent one. Why didn't those "Mom & Pop" organizations grow? TNA was just another one, what about the dozens of promotions that opened after ECW and WCW closed? Around 5 of them had PPV, a few TV in certain markets, yet TNA that was about to close after 3 months and 5 shows run rose to prominence? They accomplished something, you, I or barely anyone else could. Thousands have tried, TNA excelled.

You just seem bitter about something, whatever it is I have no clue. PWG, DGUSA, ROH, EVOLVE etc; have all accomplished stuff in my books aswell. Its not #1 or your nothing, #2, #3, #4, #5, they are all profitable companies in most cases employeeing dozens of people. TNA is very successful and is not #2 out of #2, its #2 out of hundreds upon hundreds.

If your only counting global companies? Yes its #2 out of #2.

If your counting every wrestling promotion? It's #2 out of upwards of 300.

Yet that's nothing? Lol. How was Pepsi earned it yet TNA hasn't? They earned the spot. When Pepsi opened what was the #2, huh? There was Coke and "indy" colas, yet Pepsi earned it? No, its a very similar scenario. There were dozens of promotions that opened after WCW and ECW, nearly all of them with better funding than TNA. **** on it all you want, ignorant one, but your wrong. Very wrong
Romo 2 Austin;3998675 said:
That's exactly what I said weeks ago and people said no it was all scripted? How is that a break from the ignorance of "the mark" yet I was right all along? Doubt creative wanted him to hit ROH and Cabana, that was added by him. Cabana has said he didn't even know it was going to happen, if it was scripted Punk would've told him. Going to another promotion and hitting Japan was probably the bullet point.

lil jelly though, huh?

Z wasn't the one that said Punk's stuff was scripted...that was me, myself & I that posted that. I put down what I believed...others argued against that..& I dropped it. I think the thread continued but anyway I was the one that posted that. I have never believed he was leaving. I am sure he disagreed with me...I can't fathom that because I am never ever wrong! :)
DallasGirl50;3998843 said:
Z wasn't the one that said Punk's stuff was scripted...that was me, myself & I that posted that. I put down what I believed...others argued against that..& I dropped it. I think the thread continued but anyway I was the one that posted that. I have never believed he was leaving. I am sure he disagreed with me...I can't fathom that because I am never ever wrong! :)
Pretty sure he said it was scripted aswell.
As hinted earlier by the reports that WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon was keeping everybody out of the loop of the CM Punk-John Cena angle at Money in the Bank, McMahon himself has been booking the angle. He was also responsible for the angle this past Monday night on RAW where Triple H told him that he was “relieved of his duties”. The WWE Creative team were unaware of where McMahon was taking the angle and were focusing on other storylines in order to keep minimum spoilers from the Cena-Punk angle leaking online.

Vince is a genius.
zrinkill;3998943 said:
As hinted earlier by the reports that WWE Chairman & CEO Vince McMahon was keeping everybody out of the loop of the CM Punk-John Cena angle at Money in the Bank, McMahon himself has been booking the angle. He was also responsible for the angle this past Monday night on RAW where Triple H told him that he was “relieved of his duties”. The WWE Creative team were unaware of where McMahon was taking the angle and were focusing on other storylines in order to keep minimum spoilers from the Cena-Punk angle leaking online.

Vince is a genius.

It's a job well done by Vince. It's easily, there is nothing even close really, the best thing wrestling has had going on, in any company, in several years.

Just had to post this.
I was flipping the channels earlier & SYFY was doing a live remote from there...they were hawking tshirts so I didn't watch. Besides a "Captain America" marathon doesn't do much for me.
Yeah seems like that.

What I'd actually LOVE to see is this.

Miz wins the new WWE belt over Rey. Then Cena goes out and takes the belt away from Miz. That same night Punk attacks Cena and proclaims himself still the only real WWE champion.

Next (and I don't know how you'd set this up or whatever) you come to some way that Punk agrees to face Cena again to find out who the real champion is.

They face (maybe Summerslam, maybe after that) and Punk, through shady means, is about to win the match and walk away for the second time with the WWE belt.

Only this time HHH has a plan. Something he set in motion in case Punk tried to cheat (as he would here) to leave with the belt.

Punk is doing whatever, celebrating that he's about to win, then.....


The crowd goes nuts cause the most popular superstar of all time returns and gives Punk a stunner. Cena covers for the W and the WWE title is now safe.

Now, in all this, if Punk hasn't already been resigned, in storyline, you can do something where he agrees to resign a deal with the HHH run WWE on the one condition being that he faces Stone Cold Steve Austin. That match could be a Wrestlemania match that they build on for the months leading to that big show.

That would give you potentially 3 HUGE matches that night.

The Rock vs. Cena

Stone Cold vs. Punk

Taker vs. whoever for 20-0

That's a HUGE card for the biggest show of the year.

I'd absolutely love it if they played this all out just like this.
Oh and as a side note...I've decided who I'd LOVE for the WWE to get to come in, even if just for that match, to face Taker for the 20-0.

Mick Foley

He and Taker have had so many memorable match ups (Boiler Room brawl, Buried Alive, Hell in A Cell) that this would be a great way to completely close away their brilliant rivalary and with two people that you know would let it all hang out for a match of that magnitude.
Well Cena is never without a belt for I expect that AGAIN soon. Ugh. I hadn't thought about Mick returning. That would certainly be fun for the fans. As unorthodox as he is he is almost always entertaining. And I guess Austin is always there in the background...he stays in reasonable shape it appears but what about that neck? Always fun when Steve is on.
My plan out there is based off the idea that I was hearing not long ago that Austin had been telling people that his neck was in good enough shape that he could wrestle an occassional match, for purposes like this, but simply couldn't do a full time schedule ever again.

If that's really the case, and given the shape he got himself into for TE and such, I think it's possible.
Have you ever heard Steve talk about when he hurt his neck in a match & he was actually paralyzed for a short time? It was a come to ***** moment for him....he would need to work with with somebody that doesn't wrestle stiff...somebody like Mark Henry would kill him. Punk would be an excellent opponent...they could put on a great match.

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