Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

John Cena 11 time world champion, why the och did they have to give Rey a 1 night WWE championship run
I popped more for the great song that CMPunk now has than anything, that is one of my all-time favorite songs, hell it's probably #1.
I am soooo sick of wasn't hard to figure out he would win the belt tonite when the match was announced. The possibility of him against Punk is more desirable than Rey...ka ching! That's why he won. Same reason he always wins. I am not a fan but alot are...
DallasGirl50;4004226 said:
I am soooo sick of wasn't hard to figure out he would win the belt tonite when the match was announced. The possibility of him against Punk is more desirable than Rey...ka ching! That's why he won. Same reason he always wins. I am not a fan but alot are...

I just thank the stars that Del Joke didn't win and that it seems they will run with a gimmick that he can't cash in, which will be nerve wrecking since once day he actually will and when that day comes I will no longer be able to watch the WWE product.
zrinkill;4004273 said:
Hilarious how people have changed their tune.


Ofcourse a reference to me, and yes, when someone does something right you acknowledge it.
Romo 2 Austin;3977860 said:
Well everyone else should be preparing some crow to eat, especially the WWE mark who still believes its a work.

WWE has packaged this story beautifully...perfect stuff by Punk. They pushed Rey tonite & he had 2 good matches...Cena gets to still do his every man super man crap...& they bring out Punk who is so over as a heel it's insane. And JR coming show.
DallasGirl50;4004303 said:
WWE has packaged this story beautifully...perfect stuff by Punk. They pushed Rey tonite & he had 2 good matches...Cena gets to still do his every man super man crap...& they bring out Punk who is so over as a heel it's insane. And JR coming show.

Punks over huge as a babyface, not a heel. No ones booing him anymore.
zrinkill;4004284 said:

Ouch! I remember the argument well...and yep that tune has changed. Sometimes one's words come back to bite one in the backside.
DallasGirl50;4004360 said:
Ouch! I remember the argument well...and yep that tune has changed. Sometimes one's words come back to bite one in the backside.

Especially when you call people liars and pretend that people who have been watching wrestling over twice the amount of time you are alive do not know what they are talking about.
And conviently has yet to ever really acknowledge that they were wrong, simply clinging to this or that to pretend like "hey I wasn't wrong. I just suspended disbelief for a bit."

It's cool to make a prediction, and be willing to stand by it. I'm all for it. But when it plays out to be wrong then you should really say "Yep I got hooked. I was completely wrong."

Of course to do that would be to admit that PWI was wrong and everyone knows that simply can't be done cause they're 'never' wrong.
BraveHeartFan;4005842 said:
And conviently has yet to ever really acknowledge that they were wrong, simply clinging to this or that to pretend like "hey I wasn't wrong. I just suspended disbelief for a bit."

It's cool to make a prediction, and be willing to stand by it. I'm all for it. But when it plays out to be wrong then you should really say "Yep I got hooked. I was completely wrong."

Of course to do that would be to admit that PWI was wrong and everyone knows that simply can't be done cause they're 'never' wrong.

It's not over yet, he could've very easily signed an extension to SummerSlam & be done after it. The 2nd raw after summerslam we will see, and I will make a thread one way or the other at that point.
BraveHeartFan;4005842 said:
And conveniently has yet to ever really acknowledge that they were wrong, simply clinging to this or that to pretend like "hey I wasn't wrong. I just suspended disbelief for a bit."

It's cool to make a prediction, and be willing to stand by it. I'm all for it. But when it plays out to be wrong then you should really say "Yep I got hooked. I was completely wrong."

Of course to do that would be to admit that PWI was wrong and everyone knows that simply can't be done cause they're 'never' wrong.

Did you expect any thing different?
I've been wrong plenty of times about wrestling storylines...but the stuff they were throwing out about him being so unhappy made no sense. He is always on tv...even when his arm was hurt he was on...he has been the head guy in several factions...wrestled big time WM matches. And he played it perfectly.

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