Introducing the Worked-Shoot Era of WWE

I don't care if every tv in the US is tuned in when Sting is on...mine won't be. I don't mind the Crow stuff..I actually like the edgy nature of that but not this.
DallasGirl50;4038084 said:
I don't care if every tv in the US is tuned in when Sting is on...mine won't be. I don't mind the Crow stuff..I actually like the edgy nature of that but not this.

I understand that. For sure.

I tried watching it I like The Joker and I think it would be a very good gimmick IF put on the right person.

I just don't think Sting works for it. He just doesn't seem to...I don't even know how to explain it really I just don't care for it much.
Love guys tell me when he is back! I love watching Angle too. As I have said many times he's the best working now in all of wrestling. I would never put Styles over Angle but I get all that...
zrinkill;4038184 said:
The kid was laughing at WWE's ratings a few weeks ago ...... was just returning the favor.


That so what is really more for all of it. The TNA fans the WWE fans the ROH fans the whatever fans. Wasn't really meant to be just your post. Sorry about that.
I don't know who DH Smith is...the others I heard about several days ago. I have always heard Melina is a unliked diva but who knows? Last time I watched IMPACT they had a ton of diva action on there..she will probably end up there.
Is anyone tired of Johns promos they are so whiny lately I guess they just want cm punk to sound even cooler
Steve Austin appeared on tonight's episode of G4's Attack of the Show

Austin was asked about the rumors of him wrestling CM Punk at next year's WrestleMania 28 pay-per-view from Miami, Florida.

Pat adds that Austin said he is a huge fan of Punk and if he did come back for another match, he would want it to be against the Straight Edge Superstar.

Austin would not say if the match will or won't happen next year.
dargonking999;4040878 said:
Is anyone tired of Johns promos they are so whiny lately I guess they just want cm punk to sound even cooler

He has always been lame to me..he can't compete in any type of promo with Punk who has excellent mic skills. Rock looks great...
I caught the tail end of Raw and have a question. Was the John Laurenitis person that was in the ring for the contract signing the same guy that was Hawk in LOD?
Yeagermeister;4041087 said:
I caught the tail end of Raw and have a question. Was the John Laurenitis person that was in the ring for the contract signing the same guy that was Hawk in LOD?

No .... he was a jobber named johnny ace.
DallasGirl50;4040921 said:
He has always been lame to me..he can't compete in any type of promo with Punk who has excellent mic skills. Rock looks great...

Oh I agree with that but since the return of the rock his promos have been getting more and more banish espically once cm punk took his precious title.
dargonking999;4041162 said:
Oh I agree with that but since the return of the rock his promos have been getting more and more banish especially once cm punk took his precious title.

he is about to turn back into his "thuganomics" character.

Every shoot is about him being a yes man or a company shrill.

he is gonna "lose it" and declare war on the wwe ...... probably as head of a "thug" group.

This will make him the heel in his match vs the rock. (though people will like him better as a heel)
You are probably right Z...Cena went on last nite about staying true to his real fans. Probably a giveaway that a change is coming. I can't be fair about him because I don't like his gimmick..he annoys me. He always has.

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